I notice I generally get less bothered than others, and for less periods of time, when things go to poop.
When life throws us a proverbial (and inevitable) “curve ball”.
Or crash tackles us, pulls the rug out from under us, clubs us over the head, kicks us between the legs, etc..
Feel free to choose the descriptor which works best for you.
Unfortunately, none of us get a free pass on having “challenges” in our lives.
But here is the thing.
I experience less disruption or discomfort when things f#ck up, BUT is not by chance, or some “lucky” gene I was granted.
There are certain actions I take, habits I have learned, and strategies I enact, which allow me to stay calmer when stuff in my life doesn’t go my way.
Today, I want to share one of the things I have in my ‘bag of tricks’.