
11 Things Most People Don’t Know, But Which Affect Them Directly

One of the key components of Wisdom-in-Action is “knowledge“. 

KNOWLEDGE + Experience + Consciousness = WISDOM in Action

Today, I thought I would share 8 interesting, insightful, and sometimes controversial things, which have an impact on us all – especially if we don’t know about them.

Some you might know, but it is unlikely you are aware of them all.

So, without further ado, let’s jump straight into Number 1 (and no, these are not in a priority order of impact).

Number 1: It wasn’t until 1905

I was listening to Dr Andrew Kaufman the other day, who is a deep researcher, and he said that in the medical literature in the USA, the first reported case of a heart attack was in 1905! This means that heart attacks are not a “normal” human condition, but are most influenced by lifestyle choices, and changes since the early 1900’s. Our bodies are not designed to have heart issues as the primary cause of our demise. Now there are a lot of ‘modern’ influences that are likely to have contributed to heart disease being the No 1 cause of death these days, but knowing it is not a naturally occurring (aging) phenomenon, means we have the power in our hands, to reduce the risk. That’s a good thing. 

Number 2: This isn’t a ‘condiment’ you want to use

Most people – by now – have probably heard of glyphosate. It is a herbicide, sprayed on GMO crops, that kills all micro-organisms and insects (and probably animals that eat insects too). It is very very good at killing everything. Most people are also more aware now of the microbiome (microorganisms) in the gut and its importance for our physical and even mental health. Most people don’t know that glyphosate is also sprayed on crops (especially GMO wheat, corn and soy) just before they are harvested, to dry out the husk. Which means the last thing before harvesting is exposing the grain to high doses of glyphosate. What this means for us – the consumer – is that any grain, cereal, cookie, or processed grain product is LOADED with glyphosate. So if you are not buying organic cereals, cookies, breads, etc., one of your main condiments is glyphosate. Eeeeeek!! Glyphosate is also a potential cause of ‘leaky gut’, and its associated negative symptoms. 

Number 3: Don’t look to these critters for advice on what to eat

I have learned over the last few years (in particular) that Doctors trained in medical school have near none, or only a few hours of formal training, about nutrition and the role of nutrition in relationship to health and disease. The message is this: 90% plus of Dr’s have little to no clue about the role of nutrition when it comes to health and disease, so they may be missing key nutritional aspects, when it comes to solutions for our health challenges and instead just provide a pharmaceutical solution for symptom suppression (which does not address the possible root cause). 

Number 4: No one has an aspirin deficiency

This follows on from above. The role of pharmaceuticals is to treat or suppress ‘symptoms’. Not to deal with root cause. You don’t have a headache because you have an aspirin deficiency. You might have a headache because you are: dehydrated, or stressed out, or sleep deprived, or addicted to caffeine and need a shot, or ingested too much MSG, or a number of other things. If we automatically suppress symptoms, we are likely to miss the bigger picture and the ACTUAL root cause of why your body is sending you a signal in the form of a headache. 

Number 5: This is not the most important way to start the day

The idea that breakfast is the most important meal of the day is not a ‘fact’, it is a ‘marketing slogan’, introduced by cereal companies about 100 years ago. Eat when you are hungry. In fact, the concept of breakfastlunch and dinner, is only a 200 year ‘practice’. For 1000’s of years before that we ate when we were hungry; went without (fasted) during lean times, plus didn’t have non-stop digestion from sun-up to sun-down. Don’t fall for the hype of the need to constantly be eating. Listen to your body.

Number 6: The food thing in general

Having done 3 x 5-day water-only fasts now, and having listened to numerous other intelligent and capable people talk about their extended fasts – up to 30-days and beyond – please understand that the idea that we will starve to death if we don’t eat for a week or two is just not true. Yes, there is a possibility of starvation, if and only if, the body has burned off all of its fat stores (which as you know we all generally have plenty of, and the energy output from burning fat is twice as high as burning carbs). Most movies and fictional books that have the characters ‘starving’ after a handful of days is not reality. We humans are so much more capable than that. 

Number 7: It’s a great lubricant

More people are becoming aware of the harmful effects of seed oils, due to the super-heating production process, which makes the oils toxic for the body. Did you know that canola oil was principally used as a lubricant for Naval vessels in WWII, and took numerous years to ‘convert’ it into a product that was (apparently) safe for human consumption? Do yourself and your body a favour by ditching all seed oils, and switching to olive oilavocado oil or coconut oil.

Number 8: This warranty sucks

Okay, we are now at the controversial end of town. Did you know that most vaccines on the market have safety studies where the person injected was observed for less than 1-week (Hep B – 4 days, DTaP – 4 days, Influenza B – 48hrs)? That is like a car manufacturer, having a 1-week warranty on their new cars, and after that time period assuming that any electrical or engine issues are not their fault or responsibility. It must have been an owner issue. There is a good reason why a lot of people are suspicious of these pharmaceutical products, and it is not because those people are stupid or quacks. I personally would like a car manufacturer to observe the workings of the car for at least several months, and more likely for a year or two. 

Number 9: The thing with ‘carbs’

I heard an interesting observation the other day. If food and water are our primary source of the building blocks of the body, then the need for carbohydrates is significantly low. The body is mainly composed of fat, proteins (bone, tissues, muscles, etc.) and water, and only about 600g of glucose, stored as glycogen, is in the liver, muscles and blood. What this means for me is that the idea that 50% of our diet is best coming from carbohydrates is not actually what the body needs, or is composed of. And fat is a more efficient source of fuel for the body. Yes the brain prefers glucose, but this can be made from fats as well. So yes to some carbs (maybe), but nowhere near the amount of carbohydrates that most people consume as grains. And yeah, the ‘Food Pyramid’ is totally bogus and created by the food industry – influenced by lobbyists.  

Number 10: The good old placebo effect 

In all my workshops, when I am talking about beliefs, and their impact on the outcomes in our life, I like to show the video of Dr Mosely, who ran a placebo experiment, on whether the placebo effect extended to common knee surgery. In the experiment he had one group who had a fake knee operation (he made a couple of incisions on the skin, but did no internal work), and they got the same positive results as everyone else who had the standard knee operation surgery. If you haven’t seen it, check it out on YouTube here. For me it makes me realise the true power of the placebo effect, and the power of our minds and beliefs (for good or bad).

Number 11: Theory or Fact?  

I thought I would leave the best to last. Over the last 10 years I have done deeper research into Terrain Theory and Germ Theory. On that journey I started coming across the idea that the theory of contagion, was just that. A “theory” or more accurately, a “hypothesis”. One of the most impressive research studies to prove the theory of contagion (i.e. sick people will make healthy people sick) were the Rosenau Spanish Flu Experiments (1918). They had patients with Spanish Flu repeatedly breath into the faces of, cough into the faces of, and even insert mucus samples into the nasal passages of healthy recipients. I also believe they took blood and transferred it from sick people to healthy people. The outcome – the healthy people did not get sick (with the highly contagious Spanish Flu). They didn’t contract the illness, even after extreme measures. Now there is a whole heap more information about the potential root causes of the Spanish Flu, but that is not the point here. The point is that ‘contagion’ is not a fact chiseled in stone. For a much deeper dive, read ‘Can You Catch A Cold?‘ by Daniel Roytas, which is packed with references to 100’s of research studies (where they were unable to conclusively prove the hypothesis of contagion). 

In Summary

There is a lot of knowledge, which is not common knowledge, and is often suppressed or downplayed due to financial interests, which should not come as a surprise to anyone. 

Our job is to continue to seek knowledge, to question ideologies and dogma, to turn up the dial on our discernment and then to see if the new information we are left with makes sense or not, and then apply it to your own life accordingly.

We need to acknowledge the reality that “knowledge” and “truth” are often stretched, distorted or misrepresented, in the name of corporate profits, and shareholder dividends. It is naïve  to imagine this is not happening.

My Parting Words
I will keep this short. 

My passion is understanding the influences on optimum physical and mental health, and so I have spent 1000’s of hours reading, researching, writing about and practicing principles around it for the last 25 years (17 years fulltime). 

I am also crazy curious. 

And not attached to ideas that no longer make sense. 

I am okay to learn that something I thought I knew is actually total bollocks. 

I don’t take it personally. 

I just integrate the new knowledge, make better decisions, and then get on with my life. 

That is what I wanted to do here. To see if there were any things I have uncovered and discovered, that might allow you to make more informed decisions and choices in the future. 

I hope so. 

And let’s leave it at that. 

Have a superb day, and a week filled with delightful and playful curiosity.

Take care. 


Quotable QUOTE: 

Our job is to seek knowledge, question ideologies and dogma, turn up the dial on discernment and then to see if the new information we are left with makes sense or not. Finally we apply it to our own life. Carl Massy

(Author of 18 Ways We Make Life WAY Harder Than It Needs To Be)

PS: Have you read or listened to this book yet? 18 Ways We Make Life WAY Harder Than It Needs To Be

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