Yes, I said 3!
And no, I have not lost the plot or been smoking weed (as a new hobby).
All will be revealed very shortly.
And then you will get to reap the benefits.
If you have heard me talk about this before, my apologies, but I am going to hazard a guess that you could benefit from a wee reminder.
For those new to your powerful, potent and task-specific 3 brains, let’s journey on.
Remember; the better we optimize our brains, the better decisions we make, and the greater Destiny we co-create.
Brain #1: The Grey One
No surprises here.
This is the one in your head.
And for me, the best descriptor of the different ‘parts’ of the brain is the Triune Brain model, with the lower brain (reptilian), middle brain or limbic brain (mammalian) and upper brain (neocortex).
When it comes to quality decision-making, with potential consequences, and a bit of complexity, it is best not to rely on your inner lizard or dog, for optimum effectiveness.
Best to go straight to the Executive suite of the neocortex, and do your imagineering and strategizing there.
It is important to note that one of the biggest disruptor’s to the quality of the executive function of your brain (i.e. our higher mind), is this thing called fear.
That includes any emotions which represent the ‘survival’ emotional states, like: lust, jealousy, apathy, anger, frustration, rage, anxiety, etc..
Our grey brain works best when we are in an elevated emotional state (e.g. enthusiasm, excitement, joy) or a calm emotional state.
The grey brain is also best for coming up with strategies, priorities, resources allocation, calculating, and the likes.
Figuring the nitty-gritty out.
So in summary, the brain in your head is most effective when you are in the right emotional state, and is best for figuring out specific details of the Decision, and resultant Plan.
Brain #2: The Heart-Centred One
Did you know there are actual neurons in the heart?
The most referenced number is about 40,000 neurons or sensory neurites.
Added to that is the concept of cellular memory; where a heart transplant patient may take on the habits or even dietary preferences of their donor.
Then there are 1000’s of years of metaphysical observation, exploration, and practices focused on better understand the function of the heart (beyond the physical), and its relationship to the energetic body as a whole.
Quantum physics also fits this category of exploration beyond the physical (matter).
Without dependence on (biological) scientific reductionism; for each of us, and echoed throughout time, is the theme of a ‘depth of wisdom‘ residing in the heart.
For me the heart is definitely WAY MORE than a fancy muscle pumping blood around the body.
And then there is the electromagnetic field of energy resonating from the heart.
The coherence of our heart, also influences the function of our grey brain. Greater heart coherence = greater cognitive function at the brain in our heads.
Again the optimum function of the heart, as one of our brains, is dependent on, or affected by, our emotional state.
The most effective role I see of this 2nd brain, relates to the ages-old adage of: “The wisdom of the heart.“
The heart is not there to make complex plans.
It is not there to tell you whether there is a threat pending, or likely to occur, down the track.
The heart is there to say very WISELY (when asked the right question and in the right state): “YES” or “NO“.
It is not about the HOW, or even likely to reveal its WHY.
As a deep pool of wisdom, and with a connection to something beyond the seen, felt or even known; when we are truly attuned with our hearts, it is a powerful resource in effective Decision-Making.
Brain #3: The Gut
This is probably the brain, aside from the grey one, that most people are aware of.
There is a realisation now that the gut sends signals to the grey brain (and not just from the brain to gut as was once thought).
If you listen to Dr Zack Bush talk about the microbiome of the gut, and the trillions of microorganisms (more than cells in the body) that populate it, which were on the planet millions and perhaps billions of years before us, you start to appreciate the size, diversity and creative potential, of the gut community.
The gut is definitely not ‘brainless’ or unintelligent.
In fact there are about 100,000,000 neurons in your gut.
And science is understanding that the microorganisms in the gut are collectively communicating with the grey brain (through neurotransmitters and hormones), and have the ability to influence, not only thoughts, but moods and emotions.
It turns out that 95% of our serotonin, the key neurotransmitter responsible for regulating mood, is made in your gut!
The gut is so much more than that thing we try and suck in when we are trying to attract some favourable attention.
Sorry, I went off course.
In summary, the gut is WAY MORE intelligent and influential than it is credited for, and in the Decision-Making game, I feel its best role – because of its long biological history dating back millions of years – is to inform us whether something is pro-life or anti-life. Will this choice help us, or will it harm us?
Do we need to run towards or away from the thing we are trying to decide on?
Putting it all together (in summary)
If you want to make the BEST DECISIONS EVER, make sure you use all 3 brains.
They are best used for this (and in this order):
- Heart-Brain: Deep Wisdom. To answer “YES” or “NO”. But the “Truth” of that response is highly influenced by how deeply you are in a state of calm. Wisdom speaks softly.
- Grey-Brain: The strategizer. To figure out all the nuisances and creative ways to make something happen. Imagineering. Again it is more effective when in a calm emotional state, or an elevated emotional state. It is pretty one-dimensional when it a survival emotional state and only provides 3/10 solutions.Gut-Brain: The Intuitor. Letting you know if your plans or ideas are likely to end in tears. Will they lead to pleasure or pain?
- The gut response is more likely to be a felt response, as opposed to the thought response, and often it will take the grey-brain a bit of time to catch up (understand) the messages from the gut. The downside is it is most focused on short-term (or instant gratification) influences.
The 3-Brains are BEST USED TOGETHER. That is where their power is at.
And where your power is at.
My parting words
I have seen lots of people make sub-optimal decisions (i.e. crappy decisions) because they only used 1 brain, or were bias to 1 brain.
Use them all.
Especially for the Decisions that matter most.
These are 3 amazing and unique gifts, so I encourage you to use them all.
Practice makes perfect, much more better! 🙂
So go practice.
Have a highly coherent day, and a mindfully guided week.
Take care,