This post might save you an inordinate amount of pain in your butt.
And who wouldn’t want a bit less of that?
You know I am big on decision-making, and how it shapes our reality.
I also have a lot of experience in the decision-making space, having not only written a book on it (Decision Making Mastery), but also having attended one of top leadership academies in the world (Royal Military College, Duntroon), was an Army Officer for 14 years, did consulting on bomb management to a bunch of Olympic Games, and been coaching for over 15 years.
I am not tooting my trumpet.
I just want to let you know I have some experience in the topic of decision-making, and how not to suck at it.
Sucking at it, is something I find is pretty common (unfortunately).
And the consequences are significant and make peoples lives much harder than they need to be.
I have also paid extra attention to a blind-spot playing out in a number (most) of my clients of late.
And because I am super curious, I am now even more clear about what the issue is.
Which is something you will DEFINITELY benefit from.
So let’s walk through the process.