This article is a continuation on a conversation we had a few weeks ago.
Where I talked about ‘Daring to Suck‘ and told you of my escapades on our (mini) Asian farm, and my efforts as a stool maker.
My efforts were pretty shabby – to say the least.
Especially when the other day we were watching a17-year-old, Asian single mother, build a pretty kick-arse kitchen from scratch, with stuff she foraged in the land around her (bamboo, rocks, clay, palm fronds for the roof, etc.). There are some epic builders out there, and I am not one of them.
So today the farm adventures continue, and the learning that goes with it, in the form of on-going conversation around the whole ‘sucking’ theme.
Even though I suggest it is okay to ‘dare to suck‘ I realised there is more to the story that needs articulation.
After all, my deeper desire for you, is to not only teach how to make much better decisions when it comes to ‘getting sh#t done‘, but also how to ENJOY yourself along the way.
Life is definitely not just about getting stuff done.
We want to enjoy the heck out of it too.
So here goes.