Happiness Tips

15 Great Strategies to Unfunk Monday-itis (and any other down times) by Carl Massy

mondayI am writing this on a Monday morning, after a wonderful weekend catching up with great friends who visiting Bali, followed by a less than stellar start to the new week.

Do I have a case of Monday-it is? Here I am, the dude who writes about happiness, doing a waltz with Mr Misery Guts, and wondering if perhaps I can give myself an early finish for the day. But given that it is not even 10am, I might be selling myself short and not practicing what I teach.

If you prefer to listen to this Happiness Tip as an MP3 CLICK HERE.

So here I will pause for 10 mins while I go and practice one of my little un-funking strategies…

I am back and yes, I feel much chipper and much more excited about writing. Before I enacted this little strategy, after I decided that a 10am wrap for the day would just not do, I started justifying to myself why I needed to do what didn’t need to be done right now. But fortunately I caught myself out an enacted Un-Funking Strategy Number 6. I had a shower. And by the end of that shower I was refreshed, energized, cleansed and ready to get back to business. It allowed me to change my emotional state (I don’t want to work today) and dig into something a little more potent and powerful.

Happiness Tips Relationship

An Essential Tip for Maintaining Great Relationships by Carl Massy

relationship3Before I started writing this short article, I paused to consider just how much of my personal and even business relationship building I was doing old school, face-to-face, person-to-person.

I was pretty shocked when I realised just how much of my communication is via email, instant messaging, Skype, text messaging and telephone calls on my mobile phone. At a rough guess, I figure at least 80% of my communication is not face-to-face. How does your communication percentage look? My next question is ‘so what?’ It’s a little question but let me assure you there are some pretty big ramifications, which you are about to find out.


The basics of quality communication

Essentially communication is less about what we are communicating, through our various modalities, and more importantly about ‘what is received’ by the person we are communicating with.

Psychologists believe that when we are communicating with other people, their ability to understand us is determined by the following:

  1. Our body language (55%)
  2. The tone, pitch, and pace of our spoken words (38%)
  3. The specific words used (7%)
Happiness Tips

The Top 5 Christmas (2012) Happiness Tips by Carl Massy

xmas1I know time is short, so I will keep this short as well. What follows is my 5 Christmas Happiness Tips and a series of Christmas Happiness Practices that I challenge you to try out from Christmas to New Years Day.

They are simple. Easy to do. And I think you will get a lot of benefit out of them, in subtle and simple ways. Remember that it is not enough to know, the real benefit comes when we do. Quite often it is the simple consistent stuff that makes the biggest difference in our lives. In fact, that is the stuff our lives are made of. The simple stuff does matter (a lot).

Happiness Tip 1: Be a ‘Gratitude Fanatic’

Yes, I know this is no surprise. If you know me, you know that this is one of my number one teachings for abundance. But what I am suggesting is not to just to think this is a good idea. I am suggesting that you actually go a little bit crazy with the gratitude this Christmas period. Spread your “Thank you’s” all around you like a wet dog shaking itself dry, so that no-one is left untouched by you. Therefore your Christmas Happiness Practice, should you choose to accept it, is to:

Book Happiness Tips

The Guidebook to Happiness by Carl Massy: The Book Launch is in 21 Days!!

Blog 34In preparation for the launch of The Guidebook to Happiness (in 21 Days) what we will be doing is posting a little snippet of information about each of the 21 Chapters over the next 21 days. Each of the posts will also have a thought-provoking question. Launching (on Amazon) 1 December 2012.

It is the questions that we ask ourselves that determine the quality of the answers we get in life. The right question causes you to use your most effective mental faculties (that pre frontal lobe of the NeoCortex). The bit that makes us the most evolved species on the planet. So here’s to some good questions.

Chapter 1 of The Guidebook to Happiness is all about the most effective use of the mind…

Book Happiness Tips

The Guidebook to Happiness by Carl Massy

Blog 34The Guidebook to HAPPINESS: Don’t Leave Your Happiness to Chance, by Carl Massy. Digital Version Available at AMAZON in December 2012. Printed version available in Early 2013


21 Chapters. 21 Need-to-know Strategies for Happiness. 

Clear Tips, Tools and Happiness Strategies in each chapter to help you increase your default level of happiness, improve the success you have in life, increase your health, and experience a lot more energy each and every day. I have merged 20 years of expert strategic planning plus over 13 years of study, research and practice in the fields of wellness & wellbeing to make this a very informative, yet highly practical guidebook for increased happiness (plus health, vitality and wisdom).

Gratitude Happiness Tips

Gratitude Presentation (Webinar): Gratitude is the Path to Abundance by Carl Massy

Blog-33Have you ever stopped to think just WHY being grateful has such a powerful effect on you and others?

In this presentation by Carl Massy he shows you some very practical demonstrations about why being grateful in life will actually cause you to have more of everything in your life.

Happiness Tips Relationship

Relationship Presentation in Ubud, Bali by Carl Massy

Blog 32Improve Your Relationships. LOVE Your Life.’ with Carl Massy. Last night I (Carl) had a wonderful opportunity to present at a retreat in Ubud, Bali on one of my favourite subjects…RELATIONSHIPS. It started off with a very applicable quote by one of the leaders in peak performance (and how to have a fulfilling life), Anthony Robbins.

He made the statement that, “The quality of your life is directly proportional to the quality of the relationships in your life.” This is SO true. And why it is so important to understand more about getting the most from the relationships you have, becoming the person you have the potential to become, and understanding some of the simple strategies and tips that will make a profound difference in your life.

In the near future I will be sharing the presentation as a webinar, so that more people can benefit from the very valuable lessons and examples I shared as a result of my own experiences (some appeared like disasters at the time but were beautiful life lessons), my studies and working with a number of coaching clients over the years.

Happiness Tips

Understanding Beliefs: Your Beliefs are Shaping Your Life for Better or Worse

Blog 31Presentation by Carl Massy at the ‘POWER OF THE MIND’ Summit (Bonus Recording). Carl Massy, Founder of WorldsBIGGESTGym and NLP Master Practitioners recently presented a powerful and informative Presentation at the POWER OF THE MIND Summit on 9 Aug 2012. Unfortunately a number of people where unable to make the event so below is a recording of the presentation he delivered with a little bit extra thrown in.


As part of the event, WorldsBIGGESTGym was also offering the eBook you can see at the left for FREE until 17 Aug 2012. To get a copy of it, go to the WorldsBIGGESTGym Facebook Page and you will see a post that gives you a link to access a copy of the eBook. Make sure you go there as soon as you have finished watching the presentation so you do not miss out. Also while you are there, remember to click LIKE, so you can get future access to great information.

Happiness Tips

Learn how to ‘Unfriend’ negative emotions before they take up residence

Blog-305 Simple Steps to stopping Negative Emotions before they get out of control. Obviously the question is not a question, but an obvious – “Of course I would and now tell me HOW!!”

To the right is a simple 5 Step Strategy for how to take an emotion that is starting to rear its ugly head, and put a lid on it before it gets out of control. The reason why we want to stop this, apart from the obvious, is that when our negative emotions take over, they hijack our brain and ability to use it most effectively. They sort of make us a little dumber! Not where we want to be.

So below I explain why the 5-Step Strategy to the right actually works. So get ready to take your knowledge of why we can down out of the trees many thousands of years ago and went on to become the master race.

Understanding The Basics

The way I will explain the 5 – Steps is to look at each one and tell you what happens and why. I will just go over the basics, but if you want to go deeper at the end I will recommend some resources.One point to note is that the brain has evolved over 1000’s of years to be hyper sensitive to danger (or the perception of danger). Great benefit in the savanna, crap benefit in the office.

Happiness Tips Physical Activity

One of THE BEST happiness strategies

happinessAn essential happiness strategy. Now I haven’t written about one of my favourite topics for a while, so I thought it was about time.

I am going to write about the thing that gives you more energy and vitality, makes your skin glow, slows down the ageing process, detoxifies the body, reduces body odour, makes you body burn more calories at rest, helps you poop (gross but very essential to health and happiness), manages stress by consuming excess adrenalin in your body, increases mental clarity, regulates blood and oxygen flow through the body, makes you more attractive to the opposite sex, improves your sex life, floods your body with endorphins, makes you smarter by increased blood flow to the brain, and I could still go on and on.

Now if I you did not tick off at least one or more ‘desirables’ on the list above then I am going to hang my hat up, and stop calling myself a Life Coach. I am sure that it comes as no surprise to anyone that we are talking about physical activity. It is just SO GOOD for us on so many levels, that I just had to talk about it today. Tal Ben-Sharar who wrote the book Happier actually said, “Not exercising is like taking a depressant”.