You know I am a fan of wisdom.
I am also a fan of discernment, critical-thinking and sensing what is ‘self-evident’.
Having read a book recently that was a deep-dive into the differences between the right and left hemispheres, it is pretty clear that our education systems and societal systems in general favour a left-brain bias (and worldview).
This means being taught what to think (by people supposedly smarter than us) and not being taught ‘how to think.’
Wisdom is about knowing how to think and then applying that knowledge in a conscious way.
And it turns out that the right brain is best for discerning BS, so stretching our minds a little more is definitely in our favour.
Mindfulness practices like meditation help develop the right hemisphere, by expanding our consciousness, and dropping into the interconnection of everything.
Everything is connected (as quantum physics agrees with).
Whereas the left hemisphere is about reductionism, fixation, inflexibility, judgement and making stuff up.
So, having said that, and having created some context for what I want to support you with (becoming wiser) let me get back the topic of “What’s for breakfast?”