Choice Goal Setting Tips Meditation Perspective Success

You Can’t Build Something Awesome, Until You Do This First

There has been a common necessity with my coaching clients over the last few years.

And obviously, the last few years have been among our most disruptive ever.

Regardless of your beliefs or perspective, life has been a little bit wonky.

As a result there are some personal fundamentals that need some work.

And since I am in the process of building a house and farm in Bali, I am inspired by the building process.

Something every builder knows.

It is essentially this:

If you screw up the foundation, it can extremely costly and with a high level of uncertainty.

You might even need to demolish everything and start from scratch.

How does this analogy relate?

It is SOOOOO important, it ought to be a school subject.

“How to build a solid foundation in your life”.

Let’s see what this practically means.

Belief Choice Emotional Self Esteem Self Love

AI, Self Actualization, Self-Worth and Resilience

Recently I was called (by my muse) to write on the subject of AI.

It is a pretty topical subject at present and there are lots of differing conversations around AI.

A lot of that is speculation on what it will, or won’t, become in the future.

What I wanted to focus on is our relationship with it, in a way that allows for the most magnificent evolution of our human selves, and also what it might mean in day-to-day life.

My role, as always, is to support people (you) and humanity to evolve into their greatest expression.

Plus get the most joy out of life.

And not make life harder than it needs to be.

I am also about long-term growth as opposed to instant gratification.

So with a few of those things in mind, let’s have a look at some of the challenges with the adoption and integration with AI, so we can make the most informed decisions when it comes to how we might best use it.

Belief Choice consciousness Emotional Optimum Health Perspective

The ‘C’ Thing…a Big, but Relevant Topic

This conversation follows on from last week, where I spoke about emotional ‘Junk in the Trunk’.

And it ties in with my full-time health immersion, journey and obsession for the last couple of decades.

One of the things I have learned over time is it is very hard to separate the body, mind, emotions, and even the spiritual element of ourselves into little neat separate boxes.

They are all inter-related.

There is overlap.

You can’t have a toxic relationship for several months or years and not have health issues.

Be they mental or physical – which again are inter-related.

The mind and the body are part of the same whole.

So when it comes to working on symptoms expressed in the physical body, don’t imagine the mind doesn’t play a role in this, and predominant emotional states are not a factor.

Cancer is definitely not a fun subject to talk about.

And I did balk at my own thought to write this article.

But hey, I am here to offer support in any way I can, so let me share with you my perspective on the treatment and healing of cancer.

Emotional Fear Feeling Negative Emotions Overwhelm Stress

The Consequences of (Emotional) Junk in the Trunk

This is probably one of the most important articles I have written for awhile.

It was inspired by another book I recently read (no surprises there) from Dr Sarno.

The book is called ‘The Divided Mind‘.

It delves into the relationship between the mind, body, emotions and their inter-relationship.

There was also a recent session with a client where I was showing on a whiteboard the consequences – in day-to-day living – if we have too much junk in the trunk.

Or what I am collectively calling suppressed and repressed emotions.

I won’t be writing too deeply into the psychological aspects, but we will go deep enough to make this practical for you.

However I feel I ought prefix that this is REALLY important stuff to know.

What you do with this knowing is then up to you.

Choice consciousness Feeling Life Purpose Perspective

A Common Cause of LOW Energy (not What You Think)

Hands up if you have low energy a lot.

How about sometimes?

We all have times and days where our energy is low.

Which might relate to very practical things like hydration, nutrition, and sleep.

But if we have an on-going experience with low energy, the cause might not be what you think.

Here is what I have discovered through coaching over the last 15 years (and gazing at my belly button often.


When a new client reaches out to work with me; I send them a couple of questionnaires.

One takes about 2hrs plus to complete and is a deep dive.

The other one takes about 5 mins, but is SOOO revealing.

I essentially ask people to rate their ‘Levels’, on a scale of 1-10, when it comes to 12 categories relevant to their lives.

One of them is their ENERGY Level.

Here is what I have witnessed


You Have Huge Potential, but Don’t Make This Mistake

About 15 minutes ago, I finished doing a ‘self-healing’ technique developed by Dr Darren Weissman.

I did an abbreviated version of what he calls the LifeLine Technique.

Part of the process is setting an INTENTION (which is very relevant to this conversation).

First, you set an intention.

Starting with “I AM…” (a powerful two-word combination to be used wisely).

My chosen intention was: I am a creative genius, able to create something from nothing.

Part 2 of setting an intention is to connect to the FEELING associated with experiencing the “I AM” statement, in the now.

And as you may or may not know, it is the quality (coherence) and intensity of our feelings that most influences the quantum field around us.

So the feeling I felt, when I truly connected to being a creative genius, was…


It (and I, when I experienced and connected to this emotion) felt AWESOME…and full of pure potential.

I created the feeling by self generating the feeling from the inside out.

That is the potential that exists in all of us.

To create the emotion or emotions we actually wish to feel.

This is easier at some times, harder at others, but is still POSSIBLE for us all.

Now here is what I also want to remind you…

Choice consciousness Growth Perspective Problem Relationship

The 3 Essentials Parts to Setting ‘Effective’ Boundaries

Listen or Download – me reading this from Dropbox

Hands up if you are slightly crap, or totally crap, at setting boundaries.

Want to know a secret?

It might not be that you are bad at setting boundaries.

It might be that you are missing two other essential elements to get the best out of your BOUNDARY setting.

Or then again…

You might never have given enough thought, attention or energy to establishing what a boundary looks like for YOU.

In my experience there are 3 ESSENTIALS when it comes to getting the most out of boundaries.

When I say ‘getting the most’ I really mean…

More PEACE, harmony and space to be and express YOU.

Let’s dive straight into the 3 Essentials, which are presented in the order of their application.

Acceptance Choice Emotional Fear Growth Pain

A “7th” Way We Make Life Harder Than It Needs to Be

You do know I could go all year on this topic.

And I am now committed to writing a short, compact book, on 18 ways we make life harder than it needs to be (and more easeful alternatives), which will be published by the end of the year.

But for now, we will keep the conversation going, which we started 2 weeks ago.

If you didn’t see the first list of 5, check it out here.

This week, we will continue the theme.

Essentially the theme is this:

By the choices we do or don’t make and the actions we do or don’t take, we make life much HARDER than it needs to be in the long-term and for a majority of our waking hours.

And for you, me and everyone on the planet, I think we could all do with less HARD and more PEACE.

Plus if we do hard, it is because we chose to, knowing the highly positive benefits at the back end.

So let the conversation continue…

Acceptance Belief Choice consciousness Feeling Perspective

A 6th Way We Make Life Harder than It Needs to be

Since so many people enjoyed last weeks article, where I spoke out 5 ways we make life harder than it needs to be, I thought I would add to the list, while answering this question…

“How do we unintentionally (or accidentally) make life harder than it needs to be?”

I am a big fan of words like ease and grace.

Also I like a high return on investment, for the lowest expenditure of energy, time and resources.

I am always looking at how to improve things or make them easier and more impactful.

Life is hard enough as it is, so it makes a LOT of sense to not make it harder than it needs to be.

And given my work coaching for the last 15 years, I have had plenty of time to see people doing it tough, when they really don’t need to.

Plus I have seen how they are the ones – knowingly or unknowingly – making their own life hard.

It is most often not something “out there” which is causing pain, discomfort or disturbance in their lives, it is often something they are doing, because they are not aware of it, or don’t know better.

Choice consciousness Decision Making Emotional Fear Life Lessons Perspective

5 Ways We Accidently Make Life Harder Than It Needs to be

Hands up if you want a ‘hard’ life?

I am guessing we had about 0% of hands showing.

I reckon the numbers would swing back to approximately 100% if I asked who wants more PEACE in their lives!

Who wouldn’t?

So let’s imagine at one end of the spectrum there is HARD and the other end is PEACE.

This article is about what we mostly ‘unconsciously’ (or accidentally) do, which sends us closer to the HARD end of the spectrum, and what we can do to move closer to the PEACE end of town.

So let’s dive straight in with the first way we make life harder.