How is your patience?
If you are anything like me, then at times it is crap.
I was just talking to my partner – Ferry – about ‘having patience’ the other night, as we transit between our farm and our ‘main’ house, waiting for the sale of our ‘main’ house, before we finish building our other ‘main’ house on our farm.
I don’t like mortgages, so I need to exercise the ‘patience’ to wait for the sale of our house, which is dragging on, and on and on…
So I have spent intimate time face-to-face with the thing called patience of late and I – as always – want to figure out how I can do it better.
At first I thought you can’t ‘force’ patience.
As in, you can’t DO stuff to make ‘more’ patience.
Because it is more about surrendering, letting go, and stepping back.
Then I sat with and went deeper to understand patience from all angles and this is what I came up with.