Belief Growth Perspective Success

5 Things That Successful People Don’t Do

5 Things That Successful People Don't DoI imagine that you mostly agree with the statement that what we DO and DON’T do have a huge impact on the results we get in life. I have spent the last 20 years on a search for the DO’s and DON’Ts when it comes to increasing our happiness, health and success.

So today I am going to focus on what the successful people (the happy, healthy and fulfilled people) DON’T make a habit of doing.

Are you ready, because here we go…

Belief Choice consciousness

How 3 Small Things…

small thingsI have been busy of late doing coaching sessions and regardless of how many sessions I do, with how many different people – from completely diverse backgrounds – I am forever reminded about how the little things can have so much impact on how we experience life.

A few little things can make the difference between ease and grace or pain and frustration.

Let me share a profound revelation with one of the amazing people I had the pleasure of working with recently. This person is very successful in their chosen profession, but probably suffers more than they need to (or would like to) in their professional and personal life.
When I started asking questions, listening intently and exploring more deeply some of my suspicions, I saw a combination of three factors that individually are probably not a big deal, but mixed together in the right combination, they become a major pain in the butt and a source of way too much stress.

A little stress is ok. And maybe sometimes a big bit of stress is ok. But it is not ok if we have a high level of stress for an extended period of time. That leads to unhappiness, a sense of powerlessness and inevitably, health issues.

Want to know what the little big three were?!?!
Belief Choice consciousness Growth

The Most Effective Way to Shape Your Destiny

destinyI think believe this concept to be simple.
But unfortunately, simple is not easy. Doh!!! Sorry in advance.
But I am here to help make it easier for you. How thoughtful of me (he says as he chuckles to himself).I am told I can’t use emoji’s in the text as it throws out the formatting. That means I am writing as if emoji’s were never birthed into this world….Now back to the topic.This is what I believe to be the key equation to shaping your destiny.CHOICES = DESTINY

Belief Confidence Doubt Growth

A Recent Revelation on How to Increase Your Confidence

confidenceI often think I am going to write a short newsletter, or tell you I am, but it rarely happens. So today might be a first for me, as my revelation was pretty damn simple (it happened in seconds).

Here is the background…

For a lot of clients I work with, a major thing on their shopping list of ‘Things I Want in My Life‘ is CONFIDENCE. “How can I have more confidence?” is a common question I am asked.

Belief consciousness Growth

Is Your Belief About ‘Possibility’ Causing You to Make Quantum Leaps or Drag Your Arse?

possibilityEssentially I am interested to know if your beliefs about ‘possibility’ are taking your forward in leaps and bounds in your life, or are your beliefs causing you to drag your butt and get left behind by your future possible self?!?! 

Let me explain.

This is what I have witnessed and experienced hundreds of times…

It is not a ‘universal reality’ that determines the experiences someone has in life – in their relationships, their profession, their earning potential or anything else. It is the beliefs they have and the stories they tell that keep them locked into their our own personal reality of the universe. If we change the stories we tell, about what is or is not possible for us, we actually start to change your world.

Belief Choice consciousness Growth Success

Why Are You Rushing? Really. Why?

rushingThis might be a very short article. Might being the operative word. I actually don’t know how long it will be when I sit down at the start writing; because I just write and see what comes out.

So the big question I want to explore (for myself as well as you) is…


What’s the hurry? What is the race you are in?

Maybe someone (back in a Victorian times) set us up for failure by penning the words…the human race.
Perhaps we inadvertently set an intention by using the word not how it was intended. And now we are playing it out. Interesting…or…

SHIT!!! (Sorry dad)

Belief Choice consciousness Doubt Self Esteem

3 Common Things That Hold You Back From Being More Awesome, Powerful, Happy and Successful

hold backToday I will share with you the most common things I have observed over the last couple of weeks (and numerous years) that hold people back from having a more fulfilling, meaningful, abundant, and joyous life. 

These are basics. Simple. Common. But they have an uncanny ability to take you off on a meandering path in the opposite direction of your amazingly talented, capable and incredible self. It does not matter whether all three apply to you or just one. The sooner you get on top of these, the better off you and everyone else will be.

Belief Choice consciousness Growth Success

If You Don’t Do This Your Future Will Look Very Similar to Your Past

futureAs I said I have been on the personal growth journey since Easter 1999. That is when I woke up (and no it was not when I joined a cult and got forgiven for my sins if I did X, Y, and Z … and gave them $10,000 to show my level of commitment ;-)).

Though I did have the right teacher for me, saying the right things, in the right way, at the right time for me to wake up.

I used to tell myself that I was ‘unlucky’. I would always be the one caught with their hand in the cookie jar, or throwing that rock at something I shouldn’t, or saying the wrong thing to someone and making them cry.

I was BLAMING circumstances and people OUTSIDE of myself for the problems I had in my life.

Belief Perspective

3 Very Useful Tips to Help You Move with More Ease and Grace Through Life

perspective black whiteI have had a fabulous couple of weeks, working with some amazing clients, and learning some incredible lessons as I put myself front and centre back into a business environment that includes more people that just me.

The Practice (yoga centre) has 15 staff, so again I get to experience the joys and sometimes challenges of there being 15 different human beings with different needs, beliefs, histories, values (though these are pretty well aligned through conscious selection), family situations, money situations, fears, worries, etc. etc. So I have much to learn, and therefore share with you.

So today I am going to share a handful of lessons that have been very relevant for the clients and staff I have worked with over the last couple of weeks.

Let the learning (and reminders) begin… 😉

Belief Choice Life Lessons Life Purpose

Discover 3 Common Habitual Patterns That Motivate Us, BUT Don’t Make Us Happy

split heart brainMy favourite share with you guys and girls, come as a result of what’s coming up with the clients I am working with at the time.

And as some of you know, I have this belief that the right things, come up at the right time, for the right people. So I know some of what follows will turn on some serious light bulbs in people’s minds. Well I want the lights on, but then I also want you to roll your sleeves up and do the work.

I have always been fascinated by why we do what we do.

I see people achieving great stuff, but I like to look below the surface and see if it is also making them happy. Why are they doing what they are doing? What motivates them, and does what motivates them, lead them on a path of happiness and fulfilment.