Acceptance Choice Growth

5 Simple & Effective Strategies to Make Your Life Easier & More Enjoyable

letgoLet me just dive straight in with the first strategy…

Strategy 1: Get present

For those who are a big fan of getting gifts, I am sure you are a wee disappointed there is no ‘s’ on the end of ‘present’. The only challenge with that strategy is that it is dependent on others. We are after guaranteed outcomes, so are heading another direction. ;-)Yes. This is about doing the ‘in the now’ thing. It takes an effort, but it is possible to bring your attention fully into the activity in front of you. And the good thing about that is it stops the over-activity in your mind thinking about the past or future (where 90% of discomfort exists). It is SO calming when you become fully present in this moment. Your conversations with others are so much better. Your results are so much better. You can relax so much more.

Choice Growth Self Love

Are You Being Selfish Enough?

hug heartWho is already uncomfortable? Or thinking where the heck am I going with this?

Are you comfortable enough to say ‘I am selfish’? Or ‘I need to be more selfish in my life’?

As a result of writing The Guidebook to Authentic Success, and a couple of pretty painful life experiences over the last few weeks, I needed to revisit my relationship with the ‘selfish’ word and I thought I would share with you what came up.

So let’s get this selfish party started.

Belief Book Choice Growth

The Only Time You Have No Choice is When You ‘Believe’ You Have No Choice

choose the life you wantDo you agree with the statement I made in the title? That there is never a time where you have no choice.

Viktor Frankl believed that. He wrote Man’s Search For Meaning and talked about how in Nazi concentration camps in WWII, regardless of what was done to them, they always had a choice as to what meaning they gave an experience. And it was the meaning people attributed to the situation which had a bigger impact on their survival than any physical attribute.

Now let’s lighten things up before I go any further, as most of us are not in, nor are likely to be in that kind of situation. But it is a great reminder that we always have some choice. It gives us some perspective.

Choice Emotional Feeling Happiness Tips

The Greatest Thing Being Sick Teaches Us

sickThere is no such thing as failure (or being ill), only FEEDBACK.

What is the feedback telling you?

The biggest opportunity we are given when we are sick is pretty clear communication from our body. And since our brain is hard-wired into the body, you can assume when the body speaks, it is our subconscious mind communicating with us. Dr Darren Weissman – one of the leaders in mind-body field – tells us, if we did not consciously choose something, then it is coming compliments of the subconscious mind. What might your subconscious mind be telling us when we get sick?

Could it be saying to slow down? Or ease up on the Oreo’s. Or get more sleep? Or let go of the worrying about things you don’t control? Or accept that change is inevitable. It is time to sit up and pay close attention especially before the symptoms get really serious. This is the greatest opportunity we have whenever we are sick. The best thing we can do is to listen to it when it is just a tap on our shoulder, rather than ignoring the tap, and setting ourselves up for something a whole lot worse.

Choice Doubt Happiness Tips

5 Tips to Creating Powerful Momentum (when you are feeling stuck)

momentumTo keep the momentum going I am going to just jump straight in. How is that for momentum!!

Momentum Tip 1: Don’t make it about yourself

This is first and I think most important. It is what got me moving to write this newsletter when the other option was to kick back and read a book on this wet Bali morning (which for the record was VERY appealing). When I stop thinking about myself and start thinking about how I can help others, or serve others, or support others, it makes me dip into a source of creative energy much bigger than me. Quite often we will do more because of another person or for another person than we will do for ourselves. So focus on how you can help others. When you focus on serving others, you are also likely to be liberating some healthy brain chemicals to turn up your emotional energy.

Momentum Tip 2: Connect to the bigger picture

This is for two reasons really:

1. When you put things into perspective and given you are going to live for about another 50 years or so, is the two weeks where you worked at 40% productivity instead of 80% really going to matter? As much as I would like to think I make that much difference, the reality is my 2 weeks at half pace will mean nothing to me in 6-months time. So stop beating yourself up and just consider how you can change things from today forward. Which takes me to the next point.