Choice Confidence Decision Making Optimum Health Perspective Problem Success

Why Use Only 1 Brain When You Have 3 Brains?

Yes, I said 3!

And no, I have not lost the plot or been smoking weed (as a new hobby).

All will be revealed very shortly.

And then you will get to reap the benefits.

If you have heard me talk about this before, my apologies, but I am going to hazard a guess that you could benefit from a wee reminder.

For those new to your powerful, potent and task-specific 3 brains, let’s journey on.

Remember; the better we optimize our brains, the better decisions we make, and the greater Destiny we co-create.


Choice Confidence Decision Making Life Lessons Perspective Problem Stress Success

How to Get Sh#t Done and Prepare for Curve Balls

Most of my last 20+ years has been trying to figure out how I can make stuff happen (in my favour and with the least amount of energy) and how I can teach others what I have learned.

What works a little, a lot, or not at all.

Last week I talked about building up the Leader within us, and how being a greater leader is ESSENTIAL when it comes to optimizing our experience in life.

The other part of the optimizing-life-and-results-game is not only coming up with the great ideas and insights, but actually acting on them.

You, like me, probably know a lot of ‘great ideas’ people, who spend a lot of time marching on the spot and getting not much actually done.

Ideas are great, but it’s the execution of those ideas that brings them into being.


How do we make sh#t happen, when it takes effort and energy (and sometimes we just don’t feel like doing it)?

Enter left of stage our inner WARRIOR.

Or to be more precise; enter from the very core of our gut, the part of us that gets stuff done…even when we don’t feel like it.

I believe all of us have a Warrior spirit within us.

Unfortunately, sometimes the Warrior needs more prodding and poking to ‘wake it up’.

It’s like our inner Warrior is still working off the after effects of an all-nighter and 3 bottles of red.

Choice Confidence Decision Making Growth Life Lessons Personality Perspective Relationship

It is Okay (and Normal) to Not Be Liked by Everyone

This feels like a relevant topic now.

And I like to write about things that are relevant or uncomfortable, even if it means a bunch of people unsubscribe to my newsletter. However, I will try and lighten this subject up as much as possible. 

I have worked with 100’s of clients over the 14+ years doing the ‘coaching’ thing. In that time a very common ‘limiting belief’ that comes up, way too often, is a belief along the general lines of:

If I am not LIKED it means I am a bad person (or not worthy of love).

Choice Confidence Growth Success

Confidence is Overrated (and Not Necessary for Success)

courageAt the time of this writing, I have been coaching a wide range of individuals, from all over the world, and from every walk of life for a little over 12 years.

And one of the most common things people tell me they want more of is ‘confidence’.

Somewhere along the line we have bought into the idea that CONFIDENCE = SUCCESS.
And that without ‘confidence’ you won’t succeed, or realise your dreams.

Here is what do I say to that?


Choice Confidence Growth Life Purpose Success

Are You Living Into Your Values or Feeling the Pain of Not?

ValuesI guess the question that might precede the question in the title of today’s musings and Happiness Tips is this:

Do you know what your primary VALUES are?

Do you REALLY know? (beyond the 23 second guess you might be inclined to do)

You might also be reflecting back to me, “Why is this an important question to commit my precious time and brain power to?”

Let me answer you question about why it is vitally important to understand what our primary and most important values are.

It’s actually simple.

Belief Confidence Doubt Growth

A Recent Revelation on How to Increase Your Confidence

confidenceI often think I am going to write a short newsletter, or tell you I am, but it rarely happens. So today might be a first for me, as my revelation was pretty damn simple (it happened in seconds).

Here is the background…

For a lot of clients I work with, a major thing on their shopping list of ‘Things I Want in My Life‘ is CONFIDENCE. “How can I have more confidence?” is a common question I am asked.

Choice Confidence Goal Setting Tips Growth Success

One Important Key to an Extraordinary Life: Creating an ‘Impossible’ Goal

goalDoes this sound counter-intuitive to you?
Does setting an impossible goal actually lead to failure and misery and unhappiness?I going to suggest just the opposite.
Your impossible goal will create a life that is not only truly worth living, but is rich in excitement, brings out the best in you, raises your self esteem and makes your life one that is truly worth living.And here is the other BIG SECRET…

Your impossible goal is only labelled as impossible (by you) because you have never breathed life into it. In fact it is much closer to you then you could ever imagine.

The main reasons being that the obstacles between this goal and where you are now are mostly constructs of your mind. So it is time for you to bend your reality like Leonardo DiCaprio in the movie Inception.

Choice Confidence Growth

5 Effective Ways to Increase Your Willpower (Minimise Distraction. Maximise Results)

willpowerWould you like to have more willpower?!?!

If so, please keep reading…It is willpower that allows us to overcome the inevitable obstacles (real or perceived) as we move forward towards the things we want or desire in life. Willpower also is the key ingredient in holding us back from doing the stupid stuff that does not serve us, or causes us pain, or takes us off the path.The willpower to say ‘no’ (and follow through on it) is one of the most powerful things we can master.

So how do we build up our willpower to allow us to move towards what serves us, and hold back from that which does not?

You are about to find out…

Choice Confidence Emotional Growth

5 Ways to Increase Your Confidence (and Accelerate Your Success Momentum)

powerConfidence is fast becoming the topic that most of my private clients, and people attending my workshops are most interested in.

How do I increase my confidence…in business, in relationships, in public speaking, in doing what I want to do with my life?

How can I be confident that things will work out in life?
Great question!!

I have a hypothesis (or few) on why I think people’s confidence might be an issue. Perhaps it is because of the following: