Belief Choice consciousness Feeling Overwhelm Pain Perspective

Truly Understanding Guilt and Its Conscious Uses

First, a shout out to one of my beautiful clients for inspiring this post, as I know it will be SUPER useful.

They were dealing with guilt in the last two coaching sessions we had, so they got to understand it at a much deeper level.

And for me, awareness and understanding, precede a breakthrough to a new level of life potential.

But before we go any further…

How are you with the guilt thing?

Are you guilty of doing the ‘guilt thing’ on a semi-regular basis?

Unless you are a Saint, I am guessing ‘maybe’.

Today I want to talk about the upsides and downsides of GUILT and how best to work with it.

On (Sir) Dr David Hawkins, Map of Consciousness, the consciousness of “Guilt” is the second lowest, only above shame.

Which means the topic of guilt is definitely worth exploring.

So let’s get to it.

consciousness Emotional Feeling Growth Life Lessons

How ‘Pride’ Holds Back (Our) True Potential

You know I am big on the consciousness thing.

You also know I am big on the EVOLUTION thing.


I want us all to evolve into our fullest potential.

Plus to experience the most JOYFUL and BLISSFUL life experience (day-to-day).

I also believe at my core the human potential we have to date witnessed is still WAY short of our possibility.

There are a whole bunch of genes not expressed in our DNA, which are just waiting to be unlocked.

So, let’s help this evolutionary process.

And let’s do it in an super practical way.

That is, with a little help from Dr David Hawkins and his Map of Consciousness work.

And yes, I have talked about this before, but because it is SO important, I want to really zero in on one particular aspect that holds back almost all my clients.

Acceptance Choice consciousness Growth Life Lessons Perspective

How is Your Practice of Non-Attachment?

If you have read any books relating to Eastern philosophies, or yoga, or Buddhism, or even the Greek and Roman stoics; you are likely to have heard of the practice of ‘non-attachment.

Plus if you have followed me for awhile, you would have heard me slip it in – more than once.


Because attachment is such a powerful force.

And because we are operating on autopilot (subconscious programs of the brain and autonomic system) well over 90% of the time, having more awareness of what we are, or are not attached to, is hugely beneficial.

And of course there is a very different outcome based on what you are attached to – i.e. sugar versus daily physical activity.

One is taking you two steps forward, and the other two steps back.

So it is not only the practice of non-attachment, but an awareness of what you might be attached to.

Is an attachment beneficial or detrimental to your physical and mental health?

That’s where we are going today.

consciousness Fear Growth Life Lessons Perspective Stress Success

Why Do We Rush and What’s The Cost?

Is life a sacred journey for you?

If not, would you actually like it to be a more sacred experience, rather than a race on the hamster wheel?

These days in my business I am MUCH more interested in working with awesome humans people who want to focus more on EVOLUTION (as a whole being), rather than having a “6-figure” (plus) salary or business. Boring!

In the bigger picture, isn’t it more fulfilling to have a sacred life experience, as opposed to being part of a mob of mad racers scrambling for the finish line?

Or a race to amass the most impressive pile of possessions.

Now I am not saying we have to live like paupers to have a sacred life, but I am questioning (which is a good thing) the crazy rush to somewhere we are probably are not even sure we know, or even want.

So today, let’s talk about “What the frigging hell is the rush?!?!”

And the idea of a spiritual journey, as opposed to trying to get “there” quickly.

Choice consciousness Growth Meditation Perspective

The Non-Cave Version of Developing Your ‘Spirit’

This is my 3rd post on the subject of how to make us (even) more awesome.

What I call being a NATURAL SUPERHUMAN.

I use the word natural, because I want to reiterate the fact that all we need is within us now. Even when we are butt-naked without props.

I have used the archetypes of LEADER, WARRIOR and SAGE as I believe their virtues are most relevant.

In uncertain times, or rapidly changing times – where certainty is limited – we need to BE, BECOME and SHOW UP AS a superior version of self.

A great Leader, with a Warrior’s fortitude and willpower, is a powerful combination, but it is not complete.

We also need the heart, wisdom and intuition of a Sage.

We need to be able to tap into something bigger than ourselves.

We need to be able to connect to life at a deeper level if we want a enriched experience.

And we need to enhance our ability to FEEL – internally and externally.

So let’s talk about the 3rd and final piece of this masterpiece…

…a masterpiece that is YOU fully illuminated.

And I LOVE the sound of that!!

Choice consciousness Feeling Growth Life Lessons Personality Perspective

Yep. Change is Hard. But..

The first thing with change or transformation is to first acknowledge that to do so, it is very likely, it may be HARD.

But here is the thing.

We don’t want to make it HARDER than it needs to be.

That doesn’t make sense, and who wants to tick that box?

Not me, and probably not you either.

So let’s agree that change, especially of the big kind, is likely to be HARD; but let’s see how to make sure isn’t HARDER than it needs to be.

First, let’s look at why change is pretty damn hard, a lot of the time.

Choice consciousness Growth Life Lessons Money Self Love Success

Pay Yourself First

Do you agree that this seems like a pretty good idea?

Pay yourself first, and then pay others with what is left over.

I first heard the idea about 20 years ago when I read The Richest Man in Babylon. Given that it was 20-years ago, I remember very little specifically about the book, apart from the idea of FIRST taking a percentage of your income for yourself (I think it was 10%) and then you can pay out the remainder to ‘others’.

And just to be clear from the outset.

This is not the article about how to make lots of $$$$$.


I am drawing on that philosophy, and mixing it with a conversation I had down the beach with a great couple who also happen to own a great Korean restaurant in Pererenan, Bali (which makes a yummy Bibimbap), and which I feel deserves a plug (Soogi Roll).

So, we are not going to talk money, but we are going to be talking of a greater currency called: LIFE FORCE.

Choice consciousness Growth Life Purpose Meditation Perspective

One Thing That Makes Everything in Life Better

I have been threatening to talk about this subject for awhile now.

It is a topic I am passionate about, very familiar with, and I see the greatest results from (for me and 100’s of clients over the years).

In ALL parts of someone’s life.

It is this thing called…


It is like the best fertilizer, ever made, which makes anything it lands on in your garden grow like it had a mind of its own.

Seriously. It is like rocket fuel.

The smooth, powerful, clean and highly responsive kind.

So I am going to talk about why I believe adding consciousness to anything in your life enhances it exponentially, and then how to increase our consciousness, plus I might have to start with explaining what it is.

Acceptance Choice consciousness Growth Life Lessons Negative Emotions Problem Relationship

How to Turn Negative Events (& People) into a Positive


Lately I have been going even deeper into the practical work of Dr Joe Dispenza (teacher, neuroscientist, author and he who is challenging what is ‘normal’).

I am watching testimonials, listening to Q&A sessions, doing more meditations, and re-reading his books (e.g. Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself).

One of his testimonials is of a woman healing herself from the multiple sclerosis (MS). Pretty epic. Plus a guy got feeling back into his fingers after 48 years. The list goes on, and on…(there are over 600 testimonials).

One of Dr Joe’s quotes is:

“The past without the emotion is (potential) wisdom.”

I added the ‘potential’ word as I feel that having wisdom is different from the right application of wisdom. It takes consciousness to make potential wisdom into REAL WORLD wisdom that leads to a positive outcome.

So with Dr Joe as our inspiration and frame of reference, I want to look at how we can change our past NEGATIVE stuff (and the emotions that come with it), into WISDOM. Plus fuel for our EVOLUTION.

Choice consciousness Emotional Feeling Growth Honesty Perspective Stress

Is Your Emotional Fuel Healing or Harming You?

Let’s get straight into this conversation, starting with some context.

Do all petrochemical fuels, derived from oil, burn the same? Do they all burn as cleanly as each other? Do some burn faster or slower? Do some produce more heat than others? Do some fuels leave a cloud of black (polluting) smoke in their wake?

Let’s acknowledge that not all fuels burn the same, even if they derive from the same source.

So today, we are going to talk about the FUEL of our emotions.

And this is inspired by a good mate of mine who I have known for decades, and has had recent heart surgery.

He has always been great in the fitness and nutrition department, but as I highlight in the subtitle of The Guidebook to Optimum Health, exercise and nutrition alone are not enough for optimum health.