Choice consciousness Forgiveness Growth Life Lessons Personality Perspective Self Esteem Self Love

Why Trying to Prove Yourself May be Costing You!

Have you ever been guilty of doing something to PROVE something to someone else; as opposed to doing it because you really wanted to?

I have no doubts we have all been down that path.

Today I want to take you on an exploratory journey down this proving path to see what it might be costing you in your life, and in relationship to your FULFILLMENT, HAPPINESS, and EVOLUTION.

Are you ready for this wee inner journey?

Then, let the lesson begin.

Choice consciousness Life Lessons Perspective Relationship

It is Time for Some Relationship Tips

I suspect you are unlikely to guess what my #1 Relationship Tip is.

A bit of back ground first, so we have some ‘context’.

(Side Tip: The context – also known as the bigger picture – is so important when it comes to communication, and even making high quality decisions. Getting clear of the context first, is a great habit to have)


I was hanging out with a colleague the other day, who is high-vibe, and also a fan of Dr Joe Dispenza’s work (which helps be a high-vibe person), and they mentioned something about me and the books I have written (5 and counting). They also mentioned it would be great if I created a program on how to write and publish a book – so keep an eye out for that, as I LOVE to teach what I have learned along the way.

Now a bit over 10 years ago I set one of those big hairy audacious goals. I committed to writing 5 books in 10 years.

And ticked it off in 2020.

I had also decided to write The Guidebook Series, with a book on each of the following subjects: happiness, health, success, relationships and spirituality.

I actually wrote the first 3 books and then took a detour when I got to a ‘guidebook’ on how to create amazing relationships.

Do you want to know WHY … and what it confirmed for me?

Belief Choice consciousness Perspective Success

How to Improve Your Manifesting Powers

Would you like to be better at manifesting what you ACTUALLY want?

If so, then read on.

Have you ever heard the theory of how many thoughts we have, each day? Since it is not easy to count thoughts, the number ranges from about 6,000 to 60,000. Regardless of the exact number of zero’s it is still A LOT.

In addition to this, researchers suggest most of our thoughts are recurring, and the vast majority of them are NEGATIVE. Eeeeeek!!

This is the foundation for the manifesting strategy I want to share.


If you are sending out, or percolating, or reacting to, 6,000-60,000 thoughts a day, many of which are not in your best interests (negative); do you want this to be your principle communication source to the Universe?

How does the Universe, or even the people around you, know what you REALLY want, if you have so many thoughts firing off in multiple different directions, like a firecracker?

This is why we need a better strategy.

Choice consciousness Growth Life Lessons Success

An Essential Practice for Thriving

Today, instead of a question, let’s start with a quote.

The cave you fear to enter is where your treasure lies.” Joseph Campbell (developed the framework of The Hero’s Journey)

I will do a deeper dive, in a future post, on The Hero’s Journey, but for now let’s look at the essence of his work.

And here is my challenge for the warrior in you…

Don’t bugger off, or tell yourself you are too busy to read this, or any other excuse if I say something that you don’t necessarily want to hear.

Things like … to STRUGGLE (at times) is pretty essential to meaningful thriving.

You may not want to hear that.

Belief consciousness Emotional Growth Optimum Health

Discover The Missing Part in Most Health Strategies

The missing part in health strategies.


I know you know – especially if you actually read my blogs – that the universe is made up of the seen and the unseen. The physical and non-physical. Energy and matter.

Therefore, it stands to reason that if we want to ‘solve’ something, we might need to work on both the seen, and the unseen.

It has been my experience over the last 52 years, and particularly in the last 23-years that I have been immersed in the personal development and optimum health field, that if you just focus on solving things in the ‘outer’ world (the seen or physical), you will get a 50% effective (or less) outcome.

So essentially my 2-part health solving strategy, is about doing the OUTER work as well as doing the INNER work.

Here is what I do when I am feeling crook, off, ill, in pain or unwell.

Choice consciousness Decision Making Growth Perspective

2 Common Mistakes when Manifesting Desires

2 mistakes people make when manifesting

In a recent Life Masterclass podcast, I had a conversation with a coaching colleague of mine – Sharon Cavanaugh – about meditation and different modalities we have found to be most effective for ourselves and out clients. Do check it out.

We both agree one of our favourite meditators and educators is author and neuroscientist Dr Joe Dispenza, and recently Sharon and a mutual friend had the opportunity to attend an advanced retreat in Denver with Dr Joe. By the way if you ever get a chance to attend one of his events I HIGHLY recommend it. Life changing!!

After the event our mutual friend told me that I would love an insight and distinction Dr Joe shared.

He was talking about finding the balance between ‘intent’ and ‘surrender’. He suggested:

“Over-intent becomes trying (which is a form of separation) and over-surrender becomes giving up”.

consciousness Feeling Growth Perspective

How Your Inner SAGE Helps to Navigate Challenging Times

I actually recorded a Podcast on this topic yesterday, so if you prefer to watch my talking head, you can watch it on YouTube here, or if you just prefer the audio, head over to my website here.

I have worked with lots of clients over the last 18+ months who have been struggling. I have also had friends and family struggling with different things, at different times, over this same period. So I am always trying to ‘figure out’ how I can best serve people – in a VERY PRACTICAL way – so they can navigate their way through life’s challenges.

And the challenges most people have faced in the past 18 months have been nothing like they have faced before. This means they need to show up as something even more, or maybe even something new, in order to adapt and overcome obstacles or challenges a ‘new’ environment.

Belief Choice consciousness Growth Life Lessons Perspective

Why ‘Power Versus Force’ is Such an AWESOME Book

In my last blog, I said of the 500+ books I have read on all manner of personal development topics – neuroscience, metaphysics, quantum physics, numerous psychology teachings, epigenetics, spirituality, cosmology, etc. – one of my all times favourites is ‘Power Versus Force‘ by Dr David Hawkins. 

One of the reasons is because it is very aligned with one of my long-term teachings which is essentially:

Confidence is skin deep and cannot weather real obstacles. It is COURAGE that is the difference maker in all aspects of our life.

I think most people have been sold a dud when they have been convinced that if only they had more confidence they could achieve their greatest dreams.

Belief Book consciousness

6 of My Favourite Life Changing Books

The best life changing books to read

I often tell the story that my journey down the personal development path (which for me is also about the quest to experience self actualisation) began around Easter 1999. One of the things I chose to do at that point, as a result of the right shove (it was definitely a shove and not a nudge I was given) was to start reading non-fiction books.

I had been an avid reader of fiction as a kid, and in early adulthood I would occasionally read a fiction book, but my life change significantly when I started reading and digesting good quality non-fiction books in my 30’s and beyond.

I have since read hundred’s of books, and now I have set myself the not-so-easy task of deciding which 6 of them I think are the ‘best’ or have had the most profound impact on my personal growth and understanding.

So let me have a shot at this and see how I go.

Acceptance Choice consciousness Growth Life Lessons Perspective

Leadership and the Most Difficult First Step on the Path to Self-Actualization

queenIf you have read my work before you might well have read my definition of what leadership is all about. It goes something like this: ‘A leader creates the environment that is conducive to the success of the team.

This applies to whether we are being a leader of ourselves or of others. And for the purposes of this conversation I am most interested in personal leadership. Leadership of self, and as it relates to the path to self-actualization, which according to maslow’s model is at the top if the pyramid.

My personal experience, observation and hypothesis is the singular hardest step to take on the self-actualization path, or what I also call the personal development or personal growth path, is…

Acceptance of personal responsibility.

When I was in my 20’s I used to believe I was ‘unlucky’ and that is why bad things happened to me. I used to think it was because of bad bosses, that I didn’t have a higher level of professional success. I used to blame my girlfriends personality on the relationships not working. I blamed people’s lack of attention to my needs for me having a skiing accident that required a knee reconstruction. Blame. Blame. Blame.