Category: consciousness
How about we get started with a question.
Hands up if you would like more peace of mind?
A little?
Or a LOT!!!!!!?????!!!?????
My hand is up for A LOT and this has been a work in progress for me for a long time. I have been curious to figure out the best ways how and I will be sharing one way with you shortly.
Before you is a foundational pillar of knowledge, experience and wisdom I have come to understand and constantly apply to support myself, and my coaching clients, in creating the greatest possible life experience. My greatest desire is to help you create a joyful, rich living experience that provides you with all of the wonderful relationships and achievements that define a vibrant life. When you come to truly understand what I am about to share with you over the next few hours, and step into the direction that is right for you, your life will take on a whole new meaning and your journey into joy, health, vitality, success, and abundance will be underway in earnest.
I am excited to be able to share with you what I have joyfully, and also painstakingly, learned over the last 20 years. I also aim to fast-track your journey of coming to learn and understand this knowledge, because I know it to be a necessary and powerful stepping-stone on the path to evolution.
Transitioning from the known to the unknown is one of my favourite fascinations (and activities).I want to know how we can transition with more ease and grace. How we can remove some of the inevitable pain – or at least reduce it. And what are the things we can do that make transitioning something that inspires us, rather than frightens us, and causes us to pull back.
As I write this I am in the middle of a significant transition from being a Co-owner at The Practice (yoga centre), where I have been involved for the last 5 years, into setting up my own coaching and event management business in Bali. What I like to say is: “Bring on the adventure!” Because adventures happen when we step into the unknown.
The reality is, that everything in this universe is in a state of change. Some faster than others. So step one is to accept that change is a constant in life. In nature if something is not growing (changing) it is dying.
Theatrics aside. The more we can embrace change and the unknown, the easier life in general will become. Now let’s get practical.
Have you heard me say before that ‘motivation is the fuel that you need to keep on feeding’? I tell my clients that with motivation it is like needing to keep kicking your own arse. It can get stuff done, but it is not the most effective source of fuel in my opinion.
So when I hear people say they lack motivation, or want more motivation, or they are looking for the way to increase their motivation, I like to suggest a different approach.
One that I will share with you very shortly.
But first we will need to talk about six basic human needs, plus what my favourite neuroscientist has to say, and then we will dip into 1000’s of years of ancient wisdom.
Are you ready?!?!
I call myself an expert ‘strategist’.
I spent 14 years as an officer in the army and then 5 years consulting to Olympic Games and mega events. I am not saying this to toot my trumpet, but to let you know that I like to be really strategic about stacking things in my favour so I get the BEST and BIGGEST results.
When it comes to TRANSFORMATION (becoming someone even greater, so you create something you have not created before) I want to consider all of the areas that are going to have the greatest return on investment (ROI).
I am not naive to think I can remove the ‘work’, but if I am going to do the work, I want to make sure I am working on the stuff that really matters. The things that have a bigger ROI compared to the effort you put in.
Thus I look to see exactly what can I do, to positively influence these three main areas:
- Past
- Future
- Present
Let’s have a look at each of them separately shall we.

The theme that has been most common is how to have a work / life balance, but more importantly, how they can sustain a joyful life over the long term.
It seems that everyone is in a rush. Sound familiar?
And it seems that the rushing thing is not sustainable if you actually want to enjoy your life at the same time as creating something great, or doing great or becoming great; and not fall over in a heap of fatigue, illness or burn out.
Hands up if you would actually like to enjoy this life thing more?
If you are in a rush, I am guessing that the enJOYment factor is not even close to the 10 out of 10 possibility. You are probably barely even getting a pass at 5 out of 10 on a daily basis. That sort of sucks a bit.
How 3 Small Things…
I have been busy of late doing coaching sessions and regardless of how many sessions I do, with how many different people – from completely diverse backgrounds – I am forever reminded about how the little things can have so much impact on how we experience life.
A few little things can make the difference between ease and grace or pain and frustration.
Let me share a profound revelation with one of the amazing people I had the pleasure of working with recently. This person is very successful in their chosen profession, but probably suffers more than they need to (or would like to) in their professional and personal life.
When I started asking questions, listening intently and exploring more deeply some of my suspicions, I saw a combination of three factors that individually are probably not a big deal, but mixed together in the right combination, they become a major pain in the butt and a source of way too much stress.
A little stress is ok. And maybe sometimes a big bit of stress is ok. But it is not ok if we have a high level of stress for an extended period of time. That leads to unhappiness, a sense of powerlessness and inevitably, health issues.

But unfortunately, simple is not easy. Doh!!! Sorry in advance.
But I am here to help make it easier for you. How thoughtful of me (he says as he chuckles to himself).I am told I can’t use emoji’s in the text as it throws out the formatting. That means I am writing as if emoji’s were never birthed into this world….Now back to the topic.This is what I believe to be the key equation to shaping your destiny.CHOICES = DESTINY
Essentially I am interested to know if your beliefs about ‘possibility’ are taking your forward in leaps and bounds in your life, or are your beliefs causing you to drag your butt and get left behind by your future possible self?!?!
Let me explain.
This is what I have witnessed and experienced hundreds of times…
It is not a ‘universal reality’ that determines the experiences someone has in life – in their relationships, their profession, their earning potential or anything else. It is the beliefs they have and the stories they tell that keep them locked into their our own personal reality of the universe. If we change the stories we tell, about what is or is not possible for us, we actually start to change your world.