Gratitude Happiness Tips Life Coaching Optimum Health

How I Got Myself Out of a Bad Funk Last Week

out of funkYou will be happy to know I am just like you and sometimes I get myself into a wicked emotional tail spin I can’t seem to shake. 😉 Last week I got myself in a total tizz. I was totally agitated and stuck in a ‘not-so-happy’ spot. So let me share with you exactly how I got out of it.


Changing your biochemistry

When we are in a funk as I call it, what is happening is we are thinking a certain way, which is causing us to feel a certain way, we is causing us to think a certain way, and then … you get the point. This was my ‘tail spin’ or ’emotional sink hole’.

The thing with thinking is what we focus our attention on grows. Which leads to feeling. So if we want to change our results, we need to change what we are giving our attention too. It turns out I was paying too much attention to what was not working – which caused me to feel stressed. Which meant I became stupider. I also could not find a solution in that state of mind.

I needed to change my state and my biochemistry.


Gratitude Money

How to Reset Your Money Mindset

moneyWe all have them at times. Them being ‘money issues’.

Whether it is a homeless person or a billionaire. We have all experienced stress when it comes to money and the thinking that does with it. So I am just going to give you a list of some of the most effective Tips I know and have used (sometimes more diligently than others) when it comes to MONEY$$$$$$.


1. What are you telling yourself?

What are your beliefs on money? What is the loop recording you play in your mind when it comes to money? Below are a few of my favourites from clients I have coached over the years:

Gratitude Happiness Tips

3 Ways to Invest In Yourself to Create An Abundant Life

abundantInvesting in yourself is the best investment you will ever make. it will not only improve your life, it will improve the lives of all those around you.’ – Robin Sharma (Executive Coach & Author)

This is just one of many quotes I was able to find on the importance of investing in yourself. In fact here is another quote from bygone days, that still remains valid.

Take a coin from your purse and invest it in your mind. It will come pouring out of your mind and overflow your purse. – Benjamin Franklin.

Investing in yourself not only leads to a financial increase (like when you learn new skills that are more valuable to your employer or enable you to create your own business), but it leads to an increase in the quality of your relationships, the level of your health, and the joy you get to experience in life. So where investing in the share market may increase your financial worth it does not directly impact the quality of your relationships, your health or your daily happiness. That is the realm of ‘self investment’.

Goal Setting Tips Gratitude Happiness Tips Life Coaching Relationship

The Happiness Class with Damo and Carl is going to be AWESOME!!

Damo & Carl have teamed up to take The Happiness Class (& YOUR Happiness) to a whole new level!!

Keep an eye out for details of when they will be coming near you.

THC D&Clogo

In Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast and Byron Bay (Australia) in September 2013. Looking forward to seeing you there. For more details check out The Happiness Class!!

For more details on Damien (Damo) Meldrum and Carl Massy just click on their names.



Gratitude Happiness Tips

Gratitude Presentation (Webinar): Gratitude is the Path to Abundance by Carl Massy

Blog-33Have you ever stopped to think just WHY being grateful has such a powerful effect on you and others?

In this presentation by Carl Massy he shows you some very practical demonstrations about why being grateful in life will actually cause you to have more of everything in your life.