Choice Growth Relationship Success

The First 4 Pillars to Experiencing Authentic Success

authentic sucessMy typing fingers are a little tired this morning, so I thought I would share a number of short videos I have recently recorded, talking about the subject of SUCCESS, and what I think are 8 of the essential ‘pillars’ to feeling a deep sense of success and happiness.
The first 4 Pillars of Authentic Success are:
  1. Feeling Daily Joy
  2. Having High Quality Relationships
  3. Feeling Connected (to yourself, others and something bigger than you)
  4. Feeling like you are Growing and Evolving

If you were to rate yourself in each of these four categories, what would you give yourself out of a potential highest score of 10?Maybe you decide to watch all 4 videos (which I would recommend) or you just decide to watch the video that relates to your lowest score/s. Regardless, I know that you will learn something or be reminded of something you already know but are not practicing. As always I am all about sharing practical strategies for you to implement today.

And as I know you know, there is a big difference (about the size of the gap called The Grand Canyon) between common knowledge and common practice.

I want you to learn and then APPLY the strategies you learn (or are reminded of).

Have a super fabulous day and drop me a line if you have any questions or comments.
Take care.PS: Will I be seeing you in Bali at my 3-Day Life Masterclass seminar?
As always, please ask questions of me, or share your thoughts in a response email or by putting a post on Facebook or on my Blog.
Choice Growth Perspective Success

A Really Common Self Sabotaging Habit Which is (Relatively) Easy to Fix

sabotageI coach a lot of different people. 

And most of them experience overload, overwhelm or basic stress to varying levels in their life.

I have also found that people have quite a varied capacity to handle stress in their lives. Some can handle more, for longer, and some for less.

But this what I have found to be common. Most people overestimate what they can achieve in the short term (less than 1 year), and under estimate what they can do in the long term (3+ years).

It seems that most of us have a pretty ineffective crystal ball.


Choice Confidence Goal Setting Tips Growth Success

One Important Key to an Extraordinary Life: Creating an ‘Impossible’ Goal

goalDoes this sound counter-intuitive to you?
Does setting an impossible goal actually lead to failure and misery and unhappiness?I going to suggest just the opposite.
Your impossible goal will create a life that is not only truly worth living, but is rich in excitement, brings out the best in you, raises your self esteem and makes your life one that is truly worth living.And here is the other BIG SECRET…

Your impossible goal is only labelled as impossible (by you) because you have never breathed life into it. In fact it is much closer to you then you could ever imagine.

The main reasons being that the obstacles between this goal and where you are now are mostly constructs of your mind. So it is time for you to bend your reality like Leonardo DiCaprio in the movie Inception.

consciousness Growth Meditation Success

5 Reasons Why Meditation Needs To Be a Part of Your ‘Success, Serenity, and Sanity’ Game Plan


Whenever I get in front of a coaching client or step on the stage to present to a group of people, one of the things I really want them to walk away with is the idea that a daily practice of meditation (or dedicated mindfulness) is not only a success multiplier, and sanity tonic, but it is absolutely essential in 2017.

Especially if you own a smart phone of some description.

Would that be you?

Teeth brushed. Check. Food eaten. Check. Fluids drank. Check. Moved body. Check. Showered. Check. Stilled the mind.


I am telling you. These are all ESSENTIALS for a healthy body and mind.

Choice Growth Life Purpose Perspective Problem

5 Ways to Make The Impossible Possible

impossibleThis is pretty much my job description as a Coach: “Help people to make their impossible goals possible.”

A recent client of mine was saying, “There is no way I am going to get the job I want in this foreign country that is so different from where I come from.”

I am happy to say they are now happily employed in their chosen profession after months of doubt.

I also just helped my second client prepare mentally to win the world titles in water skiing just the other week.

Do you have an impossible goal that you would love to bring to the light of day?
Are you ready for some important Tips on how to seriously increase your odds of making it a reality?

Then let’s get this party started!!

Choice Confidence Growth

5 Effective Ways to Increase Your Willpower (Minimise Distraction. Maximise Results)

willpowerWould you like to have more willpower?!?!

If so, please keep reading…It is willpower that allows us to overcome the inevitable obstacles (real or perceived) as we move forward towards the things we want or desire in life. Willpower also is the key ingredient in holding us back from doing the stupid stuff that does not serve us, or causes us pain, or takes us off the path.The willpower to say ‘no’ (and follow through on it) is one of the most powerful things we can master.

So how do we build up our willpower to allow us to move towards what serves us, and hold back from that which does not?

You are about to find out…

Choice Confidence Emotional Growth

5 Ways to Increase Your Confidence (and Accelerate Your Success Momentum)

powerConfidence is fast becoming the topic that most of my private clients, and people attending my workshops are most interested in.

How do I increase my confidence…in business, in relationships, in public speaking, in doing what I want to do with my life?

How can I be confident that things will work out in life?
Great question!!

I have a hypothesis (or few) on why I think people’s confidence might be an issue. Perhaps it is because of the following:

Choice Emotional Feeling Growth

Why Wait? What Is It Costing You?

waitI think you know where this is likely to go.

Over the last week I was stewing and stomping and grumbling and growling and building things up in my mind to be a lot bigger than in reality they were. I was triggered by something on a Monday related to another person and my business, then stewed about it all week. It put me in a less than optimum mood when I had a couple of conversations through the week, that related to this unresolved thing.

I was telling myself, that I would take care of it when we had a formal meeting in several days time. Though in the meantime I was allowing my frustration (and STORIES & MEANING I was giving the situation) to take on a life of its own. It was making me less than my joyful, pleasurable self. 🙂

Choice consciousness Growth Success

Just 2 Things To Change the Course of Your Life

good badIf you have read any of my writing you know that I am fascinated by what it takes to get more of what we really want, with the least amount of energy, time and resources.

I want to know what it takes to experience life to its fullest. To fully evolve. To have a life experience that is something to write about. And not just in theory. I want to know HOW to change the change the course of my life and the lives of others.

I also realise now that if we make what may seem like a small change now, in 12-months time we are living a completely different life experience.

Plus I realise that the CHOICES we make are the building blocks of our DESTINY. You have the power to change the course of your life. From moment to moment, by the quality of your choices.

And finally I realise that we have been given the gift of ‘free will’ by life. We always have a choice; even if the choice is on how we choose to respond to life’s events. In the end, we always have a choice in shaping our destiny.

So here are two things which will change the course of your life.

Goal Setting Tips Growth Joy Success

Why This (To Be Revealed) Might be One of Your Best Goals for 2017

goalsHello 2017!!

Now I am going to get straight to the point.

Let’s have a show of hands please for those of you that want to have more FUN in your days, weeks, months and life.
(And yes virtual hands will work for this exercise ;-))

Please do not read on if:

a. You already have more than enough fun than you can handle for one person.
b. You think having fun will stop you building your empire.
c. You like being a grumpy old so-and-so.

DO read on if you think there is more room, and a NECESSITY for more FUN in your life.