Today we are going to talk about fuel.
Fuel for you, so you get stuff done; the stuff which is best for you in the short and long term, and that contributes to the quality and enjoyment of your life.
We are going to talk about the fuel source called WILLPOWER.
We make life a lot harder when we don’t understand the limitations of willpower.
And what might be a better (less HARD inducing) choice.
Here is the thing.
And where it gets a bit paradoxical.
We may need to use willpower in order to get to the place where we can use another more effective and efficient fuel source.
That fuel source is HABIT.
Well habit isn’t actually a source of fuel, it is more a system which is more efficient in its energy consumption.
Willpower burns fuel (energy) quickly.
Habit burns fuel (energy) more efficiently.
So if you utilize HABIT more, and WILLPOWER less, you will have MORE ENERGY available to direct into your life desires, or have more redundancy for life’s inevitable curve balls.
Essentially life is WAY harder if we don’t have any energy left over for the unplanned, unforeseen and unexpected