Let’s continue with this wonderful subject of how to make your life more AWESOME.
But first it is question time…
Would you like to be an effective CO-CREATOR in your Destiny (as opposed to being at the whim of ‘fate’ or other peoples personal agenda’s)?
I am guessing you said “Yes”.
Next question…
How important do you think the quality of your decision-making would be when it comes to being this potent and powerful co-creator of your destiny?
I am also guessing you said “VERY (or #%@#&) Important!”, or words to that effect.
Cool. We are on the same sheet of music.
And just so you understand my background when it comes to this decision-making thing (so I have some street cred): I have a combination of 14-years as an officer in the army; 5 years security consulting to Olympic Games and mega events; 14 years coaching; training in NLP and hypnotherapy; and wrote a book last year called ‘Decision Making Mastery’.
So, are you with me?