Who likes easy?
I know hard is where we build up our muscles.
BUT I do like the idea of a mix of easy, hard, and very little harder-than-it-NEEDS-to-be.
Life doesn’t have to be all about hard, sweaty, and grunts and groans for us to be succeeding.
Let’s sprinkle in a bit of easy with today’s tip on boosting our mood.
You know I am a fan of the idea that we can actually (self) create an elevated emotion state in our bodies, which causes a specific set of neuro-chemicals and hormones to be released throughout the body.
Re-enforcing the created feeling and supporting our overall health and well-being.
I want to take that concept, and a concept I read recently in a book by a Stanford behavioural scientist – BJ Fogg – called Tiny Habits (which I will review for you in a couple of weeks when I finish it).