Gratitude Happiness Tips Life Coaching Optimum Health

How I Got Myself Out of a Bad Funk Last Week

out of funkYou will be happy to know I am just like you and sometimes I get myself into a wicked emotional tail spin I can’t seem to shake. 😉 Last week I got myself in a total tizz. I was totally agitated and stuck in a ‘not-so-happy’ spot. So let me share with you exactly how I got out of it.


Changing your biochemistry

When we are in a funk as I call it, what is happening is we are thinking a certain way, which is causing us to feel a certain way, we is causing us to think a certain way, and then … you get the point. This was my ‘tail spin’ or ’emotional sink hole’.

The thing with thinking is what we focus our attention on grows. Which leads to feeling. So if we want to change our results, we need to change what we are giving our attention too. It turns out I was paying too much attention to what was not working – which caused me to feel stressed. Which meant I became stupider. I also could not find a solution in that state of mind.

I needed to change my state and my biochemistry.


Happiness Tips Life Coaching Optimum Health

Is that What You Really Want to Know?

brain solutionsYou have an amazing brain. It is a lot more capable than you can imagine. So here is how to tap into a LOT more of your amazing potential to get the results you really want.

The possibility

Your brain works like a super computer. It has immense capability. Untapped potential. It is packed with million dollar ideas. In it are solutions to your every problem. It is truly awesome!

The challenge

But the downside is that your brain can’t guess what you want to know, and it doesn’t do so well at the right, wrong, good or bad stuff. It just delivers.

Special delivery

Here is what your amazing brain delivers: THE ANSWERS TO THE QUESTIONS YOU ASK IT.

Happiness Tips Life Coaching

Discover 5 Ways to Tap into More of Your Potential (If You Are Not Using 100% Already)

potential2So you are like the rest of us and know at some level there is more of you to come? Sometimes realising we are holding back, or playing too safe a hand, or letting fear stop us, is an incredible opportunity for growth. So let’s look at 5 ways to tap into even more of your potential. 

Tip 1: Look in the mirror

This is about accountability. Not beating yourself up. It is having an honest look at yourself and asking if there is more in you. We have already realised there is. When we look at ourselves and acknowledge that we might actually be holding ourselves back (as opposed to something or someone outside of ourselves), it also makes it very clear we have the power to change the situation. This is you seeing what physics calls ‘potential energy’. Know it in every fibre of your being (as scary as it is to acknowledge) you have a LOT more in you, waiting to be liberated and utilised to create an even better life.

Life Coach Training Life Coaching

Bali Life Coach Training Course: One of the Best on the Market

squareI just wanted to share with you some stories and pictures about the Bali Life Coach Training Course we ran last week in Candi Dasa, on the east coast of Bali. It was simply AMAZING!

Firstly congratulations to our four new WorldsBIGGESTGym Coaches: Colin, Adelle, Ashlea and Anika!! They will be amazing coaches in the months and years to come. They bring their own incredible life stories and experiences, which together with the new skills they learned, will make them invaluable support for someone overcoming challenges in their own life, or wanting to take their own life up to a new level.


Before the Course

The Bali Life Coach Training Course started a couple of months before arriving in Bali when I (Carl Massy) coached each person through a personal transformation program called the 30-Day Happiness Challenge. It actually goes for 6-weeks; but 30 days sounded more clean than 6-weeks. So by the time everyone arrived on the course they were at a higher level of understanding and consciousness, so we could go deeper and broader a lot quicker.

Goal Setting Tips Gratitude Happiness Tips Life Coaching Relationship

The Happiness Class with Damo and Carl is going to be AWESOME!!

Damo & Carl have teamed up to take The Happiness Class (& YOUR Happiness) to a whole new level!!

Keep an eye out for details of when they will be coming near you.

THC D&Clogo

In Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast and Byron Bay (Australia) in September 2013. Looking forward to seeing you there. For more details check out The Happiness Class!!

For more details on Damien (Damo) Meldrum and Carl Massy just click on their names.



Life Coaching

25 Reasons Why WorldsBIGGESTGym’s Life Coach Training Course in BALI is so damn Good!


25 Reasons why the WorldsBIGGESTGym Life Coach Training is one of the best in the World

  1. It’s in happening in beautiful BALI (and Majorca from 2014)!!!!
  2. All trainee coaches get professionally coached themselves before the course so they know what it feels like to get professional coaching and follow a coaching program (thus truly understanding the challenges their future clients will have sticking with a coaching program) – this alone is also worth $997!
  3. Because of the above, all trainee coaches arrive at the course at a higher level of consciousness and enhanced knowledge
  4. We teach and provide the coaches with a proven system – the personal transformation system we call the 30-Day Happiness Challenge (which has been done by clients all over the world from CEO’s, to elite athletes, single mothers, retirees, people with serious illnesses and entrepreneurs)
  5. We completely immerse the trainees in the best (science-based) lifestyle practices for optimum happiness, vitality and health for the live-in part of the course in Bali