Most of my last 20+ years has been trying to figure out how I can make stuff happen (in my favour and with the least amount of energy) and how I can teach others what I have learned.
What works a little, a lot, or not at all.
Last week I talked about building up the Leader within us, and how being a greater leader is ESSENTIAL when it comes to optimizing our experience in life.
The other part of the optimizing-life-and-results-game is not only coming up with the great ideas and insights, but actually acting on them.
You, like me, probably know a lot of ‘great ideas’ people, who spend a lot of time marching on the spot and getting not much actually done.
Ideas are great, but it’s the execution of those ideas that brings them into being.
How do we make sh#t happen, when it takes effort and energy (and sometimes we just don’t feel like doing it)?
Enter left of stage our inner WARRIOR.
Or to be more precise; enter from the very core of our gut, the part of us that gets stuff done…even when we don’t feel like it.
I believe all of us have a Warrior spirit within us.
Unfortunately, sometimes the Warrior needs more prodding and poking to ‘wake it up’.
It’s like our inner Warrior is still working off the after effects of an all-nighter and 3 bottles of red.