Choice Feeling Growth Happiness Tips Life Purpose Perspective

Is Being Certain (all the time) What We REALLY Want?

I was listening to someone complain the other day.

It made me think of another person I had heard complaining recently.

Unfortunately, that some one was ME.


But it generated a great train of thought, as it lead me to this insight.

Something I sort of knew but glossed over in the whole living life thing.

The other person (who kicked off my thinking) was complaining about how something didn’t work out exactly as they planned.

And had the hump on because of that.

Something they ‘expected’ to happen, did not happen.

And their response was to get narky.

Fair enough.

But consider this…

If everything comes to pass that you expect to come to pass, HOW FRIGGIN BORING would your life be?

Choice Feeling Goal Setting Tips Happiness Tips Life Purpose Perspective

Without Doing this, Happiness is Elusive

This might be a shorter newsletter, as the point I want to make is pretty easy to explain, and pretty easy to understand.

I am pretty sure all of us can relate to it.

But as always…

It is not just about UNDERSTANDING something; it is about DOING something with that something you are now aware of.

So here it is.

A key to happiness.

A key to making it through a tough or shitty day.

A key to making it though a batch, or bunch, of shitty days.

Choice Decision Making Growth Life Purpose Success

When Would Now Be A Great Time To Check In On What ‘Is’ Working And What ‘Is Not’


It is check-in time.

And what a great time of the year to be doing it.

When you make a course correction at the start of the year, it can mean you are in an entirely new place, space and version of yourself, by the end of the year.

High ROI!!

Apparently prior preparation and planning prevents piss-poor performance, so let’s see if we can take some relatively easy steps NOW, to create an even better experience over the course of this year.

The area we are going to target is “HABITS“.

And what better way to start off this inner reflection, than with a quote by James Clear, the author of Atomic Habits.

“New goals don’t deliver new results. New lifestyles do. And a lifestyle is a process, not an outcome. For this reason, all of your energy should go into building better HABITS, not chasing better results.”

He’s talking my lingo.

The importance of creating a ‘lifestyle’, and that lifestyle being created, and greatly influenced by, the HABITS we adopt in our lives.

Choice consciousness Feeling Life Purpose Perspective

A Common Cause of LOW Energy (not What You Think)

Hands up if you have low energy a lot.

How about sometimes?

We all have times and days where our energy is low.

Which might relate to very practical things like hydration, nutrition, and sleep.

But if we have an on-going experience with low energy, the cause might not be what you think.

Here is what I have discovered through coaching over the last 15 years (and gazing at my belly button often.


When a new client reaches out to work with me; I send them a couple of questionnaires.

One takes about 2hrs plus to complete and is a deep dive.

The other one takes about 5 mins, but is SOOO revealing.

I essentially ask people to rate their ‘Levels’, on a scale of 1-10, when it comes to 12 categories relevant to their lives.

One of them is their ENERGY Level.

Here is what I have witnessed

Decision Making Growth Life Lessons Life Purpose Perspective Success

Does Your (Life) Playbook Need an Upgrade?

The answer to the question in the title, as it relates to me, is a big YES!

And I don’t just need a touch-up or a solid rewrite.

I actually threw my old Playbook out and decided to write a new one from scratch.

Sort of like a post 2021 version, and it is an evolving document, because I am always learning and the world and its systems are going through major changes.

Take this last last week for example…

I was in a pretty high level of pain (9/10) for the first 3.5 days of the week; in my lower middle back, side of hips and top of my glutes (butt cheeks). I was getting around like a 90-year old grandpa, well before my time.

Since I have a pretty solid playbook on how to deal with body pain, I got to work.

It consisted of Dr Joe Dispenza’s 75-min guided meditations (Blessings of the Energy Centres) at least 2 times a day. Supplements. Clean, clean eating. Less food in general, so not too much energy was used for digestion, instead of healing. Plenty of sleep. Relaxation. Rest. Rescheduling coaching sessions until next week.

This worked pretty well.

Choice consciousness Growth Life Purpose Meditation Perspective

One Thing That Makes Everything in Life Better

I have been threatening to talk about this subject for awhile now.

It is a topic I am passionate about, very familiar with, and I see the greatest results from (for me and 100’s of clients over the years).

In ALL parts of someone’s life.

It is this thing called…


It is like the best fertilizer, ever made, which makes anything it lands on in your garden grow like it had a mind of its own.

Seriously. It is like rocket fuel.

The smooth, powerful, clean and highly responsive kind.

So I am going to talk about why I believe adding consciousness to anything in your life enhances it exponentially, and then how to increase our consciousness, plus I might have to start with explaining what it is.

Choice Goal Setting Tips Life Purpose Perspective Success Time



On the back-end of 2020, I decided that when I sat down and gave my full attention to what I wanted out of this new year, I would take an even deeper approach to that question.

And as I like to teach: great answers come from great questions.

‘What do I want in 2021?’ is a pretty lame question; so it did not get any attention. And to merely ask what I wanted to do in 2021 was still not cutting the grade. It was not taking the conversation deep enough.

After a very whacky 2020 and the fallout still washing over into 2021, it was time to go a lot deeper. So I headed to my favourite bungalow in Candi Dasa (at Pondok Pisang), and while sitting on a sun bed, looking out over nothing but the ocean and the skyline, I got out my diary and worked on answering a number of questions to the best of my ability.

Choice consciousness Growth Life Purpose

Target These 3 Areas if You Want Radical and Lasting Transformation

transformationI call myself an expert ‘strategist’.

I spent 14 years as an officer in the army and then 5 years consulting to Olympic Games and mega events. I am not saying this to toot my trumpet, but to let you know that I like to be really strategic about stacking things in my favour so I get the BEST and BIGGEST results.

When it comes to TRANSFORMATION (becoming someone even greater, so you create something you have not created before) I want to consider all of the areas that are going to have the greatest return on investment (ROI).

I am not naive to think I can remove the ‘work’, but if I am going to do the work, I want to make sure I am working on the stuff that really matters. The things that have a bigger ROI compared to the effort you put in.

Thus I look to see exactly what can I do, to positively influence these three main areas:

  1. Past
  2. Future
  3. Present

Let’s have a look at each of them separately shall we.


Choice Confidence Growth Life Purpose Success

Are You Living Into Your Values or Feeling the Pain of Not?

ValuesI guess the question that might precede the question in the title of today’s musings and Happiness Tips is this:

Do you know what your primary VALUES are?

Do you REALLY know? (beyond the 23 second guess you might be inclined to do)

You might also be reflecting back to me, “Why is this an important question to commit my precious time and brain power to?”

Let me answer you question about why it is vitally important to understand what our primary and most important values are.

It’s actually simple.

Choice Doubt Life Purpose Perspective Success

5 Common Obstacles to Finding and Living Your Life Purpose

obstacleThese days I spend a lot of time working with people to help them figure out what they ought to be doing with their precious life and time, in a way that fulfills them and adds a healthy dose of meaningfulness (to help them jump out of bed in the morning).

Today I will share with you what I have seen to be the biggest obstacles for people who are a bit lost in the jungle of life. Plus some ideas to overcome them. Given I used to be an engineer in the army once upon a time, there is nothing I like more than dealing with obstacles. Going around them, over them, under them, or for even more fun, blowing them up!!