Acceptance Choice Emotional Feeling Negative Emotions Personality Perspective Relationship

The Relationship Tip of All Relationship Tips

As we head into the Xmas season (as I am writing this), you are bound to bump up against people that “rub you up the wrong way”.

Would I be correct in saying?

Chances are; the more people you interact with, the higher likelihood you have of bumping into those special people in life who challenge you in every interaction.

There are some people that just trigger you.

With Xmas festivities coming, there is a high likelihood you will bump into them.

Or need to spend several days in their presence!!

(Moaning sound)

They might even be people who you truly love…

…but they frustrate the living beegeezus out of you!!

Want to know a secret?

9 times out of 10, the reason they trigger you is due to what I am about to share…

So get ready to get the antidote to this triggering event.

Choice Feeling Goal Setting Tips Growth Life Lessons Negative Emotions Pain Perspective Relationship Success

5 Ways We (can) Sabotage Our Potential

Often in a workshop or presentation I ask people to put their hands up in the air.

And then I tell them to leave their hand in the air, IF they are using 100% of their potential.

I have only ever had one person leave their hand up and I am not sure they understood the directions. 😉

This means almost everyone I have ever asked the question of, knows they have more potential inside.

Fact 1: We all (very very likely) have more potential in us than we are expressing.

Is it 10 times or 100 times?

Who really knows, until we really step into it.

Take Wim Hof for example; who has been setting Guinness World Records for years (about 26).

One of them (2007) was climbing 22,000ft up Mount Everest in only shorts and shoes!!

He not only performs these ‘extreme’ practices, but he teaches other people to do them too.

He trains them to express more of their potential (physically and mentally).

So yes we all have more potential, and no we are not sure where the actual ceiling to our potential is.

But what I really want to talk about now, is how do we sabotage this expression of our higher potential?

Let’s see…

Acceptance Choice consciousness Growth Life Lessons Negative Emotions Problem Relationship

How to Turn Negative Events (& People) into a Positive


Lately I have been going even deeper into the practical work of Dr Joe Dispenza (teacher, neuroscientist, author and he who is challenging what is ‘normal’).

I am watching testimonials, listening to Q&A sessions, doing more meditations, and re-reading his books (e.g. Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself).

One of his testimonials is of a woman healing herself from the multiple sclerosis (MS). Pretty epic. Plus a guy got feeling back into his fingers after 48 years. The list goes on, and on…(there are over 600 testimonials).

One of Dr Joe’s quotes is:

“The past without the emotion is (potential) wisdom.”

I added the ‘potential’ word as I feel that having wisdom is different from the right application of wisdom. It takes consciousness to make potential wisdom into REAL WORLD wisdom that leads to a positive outcome.

So with Dr Joe as our inspiration and frame of reference, I want to look at how we can change our past NEGATIVE stuff (and the emotions that come with it), into WISDOM. Plus fuel for our EVOLUTION.

Choice Negative Emotions Optimum Health Rest

The 6 Best Immune System Boosters

immuneIn my last newsletter post I said I was surprised that at this particular moment in time, with the whole corona virus thing going on, there has been very little (maybe none) directives coming from our government health departments about how to boost our immune systems.

Due to a lack of top down information, let me have a shot at sharing my top pick on how to tap into your body’s intelligence and healing abilities.

I know I am talking to an educated audience who already know that doing physical activity is essential for the immune system and in particular the lymphatic system, which cleans our blood and depends on movement of muscles (aka: physical activity) to function optimally.

Now let us move on to my other Top 6 immune system boosters and triggers to optimal health and vitality.
Here goes!

Choice Emotional Negative Emotions Physical Activity

3 Effective & Simple Ways to Change Your Emotional State

emotionsI actually tell my clients that when you are in a low emotional state (fearful, anxious, nervous, stuck, angry, etc.) you are most likely operating from the mid part of the brain, sometimes referred to as the mammalian brain, and therefore have the brain power of a dog.

Hands up if you are at your most effective, innovative and creative when you are in a funky (negative) emotional state? Same thing before. Repetition is the mother of learning after all.

I am tipping that your hand is not up. 🙂

So…this means that to be most effective in life, to make the best decisions and therefore get the best results, we want to be in ‘elevated’ emotional states and accessing the cortex part of the brain. Ideally, for the most creative ideas and work, we might even want to go beyond that and get into a more alpha brainwave state. However, first we need to get out of the reactive emotional part of our brain.

Therefore let’s look at the best ways to shift your emotional state from funk, to FRIGGIN AWESOME!!! (or at least feeling a lot more chipper)


Choice Feeling Negative Emotions Stress

These Words Might Be Harming You More Than You Realise

They are pretty damn powerful.They start wars. They end wars. They create connection. They create separation. They cause joy. They cause pain. They make you laugh. They make you cry.Powerful stuff.
So let’s talk words and phases that I encourage you to be more mindful of, and to refrain from having them leave the confines of your mouth, and the corridors of your inner mind.The words I want you to be mindful can be very impacting on your happiness and joy, so pay close attention. 😉

EFT Emotional Feeling Growth Life Lessons Negative Emotions

3 Hard Won Lessons

running heartNow you will note in the title that I did not write 3 hard experiences that left me feeling a little bit crappy and deflated and somewhat out of sorts.

Not just because that title would be too long, but because I have a strong belief – which is lesson 1 – that EVERYTHING that happens to us (or that we make happen) in life, is a LESSON and an opportunity for GROWTH and WISDOM.

Ok. Another lesson I have learned is we are all (often) a little short of time, so I will get straight into the lessons, which are less often about rocket science and more often just great reminders.

Feeling Negative Emotions Pain

Top 10 Tips for Processing Negative Emotions

emoticonNow did you notice I used the word ‘processing’? Not fighting. Not suppressing. Not avoiding. Not ignoring. But processing.

It is ok to have so-called ‘negative’ emotions. They are a sign to us that something needs to be done. The aim is to get the message and then have the nervous energy of emotions (with their cortisol and adrenaline) dissipate or be processed as I am suggesting here.

All of the techniques to follow are essentially turning off the stress response, and activating the relaxation response. In that state you are more aware, creative, powerful, resilient and less reactive. So that is always what we are aiming for.

The Tips are sort of listed from the most basic (for the small stuff) to the techniques for the bigger stuff. Choose one, if it is not potent enough then work your way down the list. Enjoy!