Choice Decision Making Meditation Nutrition Optimum Health Perspective Physical Activity Success

Want More Energy? Then Target These 2 Things

I believe one of my principle ‘reasons for being’ on the planet is to help others.

And the thing I think most helps others is them having more ENERGY.

If we have more energy, then we have more capacity to do awesome stuff.

And to create awesome stuff.

And to be awesome human beings.

So I am fascinated with, and seriously committed to figuring out: HOW CAN WE HAVE (EVEN) MORE ENERGY?

Plus how can we best use it once we have powered up.

Today I will focus on the generation of energy, and then in another article I will talk about the (best) utilization of our energy.

There are 2 principle ways to have the most energy, as I see it.

  1. Generate more.
  2. Waste less.

Let’s start with the first.

Nutrition Optimum Health Perspective Physical Activity Self Love

An Essential Tip to Increasing Health & Vitality


I suspect you know this already (to an extent).

But the reality is that the majority of people on the planet are really bad at doing this thing.

So I am here to remind you.

And to remind you that there are significant downsides – health wise – when you skip this.


And no I am not talking about coffee, tea, soda’s, fruit drinks, or the likes.

It might come as a surprise to you, but your blood is not made of coffee, beer or Coca-cola.

I decided to send this important reminder to you today, as I was recently reading a book called ‘Your Bodies Many Cries For Water‘ by Dr. F. Batmanghelidj.

Choice Fear Feeling Perspective Physical Activity

6 Pieces of Wisdom to Take Into 2019

wisdomBefore I step over the line and move into a new year or a new chapter, I thought I would look back over the last 49 years and see what are the 6 best things pieces of wisdom I would take with me into 2019.

This was a powerful question I asked myself:”If I could only take 6 pieces of wisdom (or strategies) with me into 2019 what would they be?”

Tough question! But I will give it a shot.
Here goes…

Choice Emotional Negative Emotions Physical Activity

3 Effective & Simple Ways to Change Your Emotional State

emotionsI actually tell my clients that when you are in a low emotional state (fearful, anxious, nervous, stuck, angry, etc.) you are most likely operating from the mid part of the brain, sometimes referred to as the mammalian brain, and therefore have the brain power of a dog.

Hands up if you are at your most effective, innovative and creative when you are in a funky (negative) emotional state? Same thing before. Repetition is the mother of learning after all.

I am tipping that your hand is not up. 🙂

So…this means that to be most effective in life, to make the best decisions and therefore get the best results, we want to be in ‘elevated’ emotional states and accessing the cortex part of the brain. Ideally, for the most creative ideas and work, we might even want to go beyond that and get into a more alpha brainwave state. However, first we need to get out of the reactive emotional part of our brain.

Therefore let’s look at the best ways to shift your emotional state from funk, to FRIGGIN AWESOME!!! (or at least feeling a lot more chipper)


Nutrition Optimum Health Physical Activity Yoga

5 of The Best Health Tips For Increased Vitality and Longevity

longevityI guess the first tip could be something like this…do a trek in Nepal or join me next year for a trek in Tibet. 😉

Since the Tibet trip is several months off, I will offer you 5 other great tips to keep you going for now.Let’s get straight into them.


Tip #1 for increased Vitality & Longevity: Based on Einstein’s definition of insanity

Are you familiar with Einsteins quote about INSANITY.
Essentially it was about doing what you have always done and ‘hoping’ for a different result. It’s like putting the same (wrong) ingredients into a cake mix and expecting the end result to be a great cake. NUP! Insanity. 😉

Physical Activity Self Love

5 Practical Ways to Increase Your Level of Self Love

self loveWhen I am working with new clients I often send them documents to fill in so I can get a measure of who they are, where they come from and how they rate themselves in relation to key criteria.

For example their level of daily joy, or happiness, or optimism. Plus I ask them about their perceived level of Self Love. Invariably, something like 90%+ of my clients (who also include high performers) rate their level of self love below 7/10. So it is definitely an area that we all have a little challenge with.

But here is the thing. Our brain is malleable. We have this thing called neuroplasticity going on. Which means we can rewire our brain (regardless of our age). We can also build up anything that is weak. Whether it is the muscles in our body, our mental faculties, our memory, and even our emotional resilience. We just need to find and commit to the right workout.

So for me, our level of Self Love can actually be increased if we do certain things. Here are 5 practical ways to get you started and then let them be the catalyst for coming up with other ideas. Here’s to more Self Love and all the joy, happiness, success and abundance that it unleashes.

Optimum Health Physical Activity

You Need to See and Hear This

see hearI have just been reading an interesting book called ‘Move Your DNA: Restore Your Health Through Natural Movement’ by Katy Bowman, which talks about the physical loads we place on our bodies and different parts of our bodies, thus affecting the expression of our genes. Another reminder that WE can influence our genetic expression.

In the book there were some great reminders and insights into maintaining our vision and hearing, which I needed to share. Especially after being in Singapore, where so many people walk around the streets and metro stations with their faces in their smart phones, and headphones pumping artificial sound into their ears.

Our hearing and vision is SO important for our lives, that we need to make sure we don’t take them for granted. Imagine if you lost even 50% of your vision or hearing. How would that impact everything in your life?

Important things (like your hearing and vision) need important and focused attention; so here are my Tips for maintaining and improving them.

Optimum Health Physical Activity

Low Energy? What to Do About It…

energyHere’s the scenario:

I met with a client of mine who had just finished a month long yoga training course. It is pretty full on. Lots of physical stuff, lots of emotional stuff, lots of stuff to learn. Long days and only one day off a week. Pretty grueling by anyone’s standards.

When I met them them were slumped in their chair, and telling me they were so exhausted and could hardly function. Let alone, pay attention or get excited about the coaching I was about to do with them.

But then it changed…

Optimum Health Physical Activity

Why Yoga is SO Powerful When It Comes to Health

yogaReason 1. It has lasted over 3,000 years. I think that definitely rules it out of the ‘fad’ category. How can something survive 3,000 years? My guess is because it is a ‘difference maker’. It works – on so many levels.

When I talk Optimum Health (physical and mental) I talk about the 6 essential pillars: physical activity, nutrition, detoxification, rest, mindfulness and wholeheartedness. I also talk about choosing activities or habits which have the biggest ROI (return on investment). It turns out that a single yoga session ticks 5 out of 6 optimum health boxes – which makes it a SUPERFOOD for the mind and body.

In 1999 I started doing yoga. It was an important part of the biggest course correction in my life. It was – LIFE CHANGING.

Book Optimum Health Physical Activity

Pillar 1 for Optimum Health: Physical Activity (from The Guidebook to Optimum Health)

activityNo surprises

The first Pillar (or key) to Optimum Health is – no surprises – physical activity. I can just imagine you reading this thinking, yeah, yeah, yeah. Tell me something I don’t know. Did you know that physical activity actually helps with your memory, your cognitive functioning and neurogenesis (development of new neurons)? Physical activity is just as important for the brain as it for the body and internal systems. Sometimes we forget that. You are also likely to score better on tests or be more creative after you exercise. Now have I got your attention? 😉   Tal Ben-Sharar, a leader in the positive psychology field, said ‘Not exercising is like taking a depressant’. Oops. It turns out that exercise is one of the best stress management and stress resilience strategies we have. In many research situations exercise performs just as well as anti-depressants (without the side-effects).    Â