Nutrition Physical Activity

The Top 3 Rituals for Happiness and Health

succeeeThe reasons why these are so transformative physically and psychologically is they are also acts of Self Love. And sorry dudes if the ‘L’ word makes you look over your shoulder to make sure no-one see’s you reading sensitive new age stuff, but in my experience, coaching numerous people from CEO’s to athletes and single mums, we could all do with some more self love in our lives. It is healthy on so many levels.

Daily Ritual Number 1: Shake that booty

Also known as ‘physical activity’. We all know it is great for us. But it is not just great. It is ESSENTIAL for our physical and mental health. We will never be our best if we don’t move our body. It impacts our ability to remove toxins from our body, and optimize the immune and circulatory systems. It gives us more energy. We will live longer. It reduces stress and builds up our resilience to stress. We recover more quickly from illness. That is just the body. At a mental level in increases cognitive functioning, the growth of new brain cells, improves our memory, positively affects our moods, and a whole lot more.I know you know a lot of this stuff.

Happiness Tips Physical Activity

How to Do Energization Exercises with Carl Massy

This simple set of exercises – called Energization Exercises – are designed to wake up body and mind at the start of a day or any other time that you need to increase your energy. You are effectively increasing the blood flow throughout your body, getting oxygen to all of the cells in your body, waking up your amazing mind, stimulating your immune system by stimulating the lymphatic system and performing an act of self love because it is wonderful for the whole body and mind.

Below is a video to show you one series of exercises we teach at WorldsBIGGESTGym and is an integral part of the success our clients get when they do the transformational Coaching program, the 30-Day Happiness Challenge.

What do you do to wake your mind and body up in the morning?

Happiness Tips Physical Activity

One of THE BEST happiness strategies

happinessAn essential happiness strategy. Now I haven’t written about one of my favourite topics for a while, so I thought it was about time.

I am going to write about the thing that gives you more energy and vitality, makes your skin glow, slows down the ageing process, detoxifies the body, reduces body odour, makes you body burn more calories at rest, helps you poop (gross but very essential to health and happiness), manages stress by consuming excess adrenalin in your body, increases mental clarity, regulates blood and oxygen flow through the body, makes you more attractive to the opposite sex, improves your sex life, floods your body with endorphins, makes you smarter by increased blood flow to the brain, and I could still go on and on.

Now if I you did not tick off at least one or more ‘desirables’ on the list above then I am going to hang my hat up, and stop calling myself a Life Coach. I am sure that it comes as no surprise to anyone that we are talking about physical activity. It is just SO GOOD for us on so many levels, that I just had to talk about it today. Tal Ben-Sharar who wrote the book Happier actually said, “Not exercising is like taking a depressant”.

Happiness Tips Physical Activity

Strategic Happiness Podcast – Discover the Best Daily Ritual We Know

DAILYRITUALStrategic Happiness Podcast (Happiness Strategies): ENERGISATION EXERCISES.

In the Strategic Happiness Podcast on ‘The Game of Life’ we talked about the best Daily Ritual that we know. If we were to choose just one Daily Ritual (that is easy to do and takes less than 5 mins) for preparing you for the day ahead and leading to your day and ultimately your Life being more successful, then this is it.

The Energisation Exercises are loosely based on the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda who not only has a cool name, but is the author of the classic book ‘Autobiography of a Yogi‘ and one of the main teachers that brought Yoga to the west in a big way. He was all about energising the body and mind to get the very best results in life.

So we strongly encourage you to incorporate this 3-minute exercise into your morning routine – most preferably before you have that first cup of coffee! This un-drug-assisted goodness for your body, mind and soul. 😉

Physical Activity

The easiest, smallest and most flexible exercise prop

activityI do a fair amount of travelling and depending on where I am staying the access to fitness training facilities can be a little limited. My bicycle hardly packs up nicely into my travel bag. Especially these days as you try to get all of your travel kit into a carry-on bag so you can save a few bucks on the flight and get out of the airport asap. So recently I made a more concerted effort to find the best travel prop.

And I think I have found one of the best exercise props around! It is essentially a large rubber band. Who was the genius who came up with that? I want to give them a big hug because it just made my staying in shape when I travel or am short of time, so much easier. And because they are so simple, you can come up with numerous different exercise combinations, which you will see in this very informal video that I recorded between the serious stuff (sort of) in the studio the other day.

Goal Setting Tips Happiness Tips Physical Activity

What are you really capable of?

trophyThis is a story. A real story. A story of trials and triumphs. It is even a story with a happy ending. And there are plenty of lessons in it we can all take away. Myself included. It is about someone – a normal every day someone – that realised that you can continue to aim big regardless of where you are in life. Best of all, it shows we are a winner, the moment we make a definite choice and then step off in the direction of that goal. The result we achieve is much less important than the feeling that we gave it ‘our best shot’.

I met Leanne over a year ago now, through a mutual friend of ours, when she was just at the point of deciding to make her ‘comeback’ and decided to use our 30-Day Happiness Challenge as a springboard. She was 39 years old and on the cusp of turning 40. She had a daughter that was just over one year old, another daughter who was six, two young step-sons, the sometimes inherent challenges of step-family life and ex-spouses and a head full of thoughts. Hardly the stage setting, you would think, for the decision to become the number 1 Water Ski Racing champion in the world. In fact most of us would think that she was about to bite off a lot more than she could fully chew…but it was George Bernard Shaw who said “Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world. Unreasonable people attempt to adapt the world to themselves. All progress, therefore, depends on unreasonable people.”

Goal Setting Tips Physical Activity

How would you like to be smarter?

smartNow this is just a short article on how to make yourself smarter. It is really quite simple, but not many people actually ‘practice’ the simple steps necessary. In fact a lot of people practice exactly the opposite and as a result make themselves dumber. That sucks. 

I have a simple system in life where I say that every choice we make in life puts us closer to the CRAP end of a continuum or closer to the GREAT end. And obviously (I hope ;-)), the aim is to spend over 80% of your time up the GREAT end.

So now back to being smarter. There is obviously a number of things that you can do along the way, but I believe that when it comes time to make that GREAT decision; the aim is to be as relaxed as possible.

Physical Activity

Breath-walking is ‘meditation in action’

powerwalkingI know so many people that are aware that meditation is super great for them in so many ways but are so ‘wired’ that the ability to sit down quietly and empty their mind is just too far of a stretch. So I think that what I am about to share with you might be just the thing to get some of the positive benefits of ’emptying your mind’ without having to still still for 30 mins each day. The little gem I am about to share is called ‘breath walking’ and the video below shows you an actual demonstration of it too.

I actually call breath-walking a form of ‘active’ meditation and if doing still meditation is beyond you for now it is a great place to start. I first heard about breath-walking from Anthony Robbins who said Massachusetts Institute of Technology (the MIT from ‘Good Will Hunting’ for the non-Americans) ran a number of tests and spoke highly of the positive benefits. Which included stimulating the lymphatic system