Firstly, the ESP is not (exactly) extra sensory perception, though perhaps there is some of that still going on.
Secondly, it is thanks to a client conversation the other day for the creation of this tool.
Or more, the synthesizing of a few different tools into one.
The idea came after seeing the usual pattern when we have a PROBLEM show up in our lives.
The usual flow looks like this:
Problem > Trigger > REACTION > Emotional Explosion (big or small) > Trying to solve problem > OUTCOME
One of the major downsides of this is the OUTCOME.
Which is actually the most important bit.
Usually the outcome – using this pathway – is that it “might” be okay in the short-term, but is very unlikely to be useful or appropriate over the long-term.
The reason is that when we are in a survival emotional state (which this sets up), we have limited access to the frontal cortex of our brain, which is where we ENVISION (realistic) future consequences of our choices.
We are in short-term survival mode.
Not ‘making-choices-to-shape-your-greatest-destiny’ mode.
So we need to INTERRUPT the pattern.
This is where our ESP Tool comes in.