Acceptance Choice consciousness Growth Life Lessons Negative Emotions Problem Relationship

How to Turn Negative Events (& People) into a Positive


Lately I have been going even deeper into the practical work of Dr Joe Dispenza (teacher, neuroscientist, author and he who is challenging what is ‘normal’).

I am watching testimonials, listening to Q&A sessions, doing more meditations, and re-reading his books (e.g. Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself).

One of his testimonials is of a woman healing herself from the multiple sclerosis (MS). Pretty epic. Plus a guy got feeling back into his fingers after 48 years. The list goes on, and on…(there are over 600 testimonials).

One of Dr Joe’s quotes is:

“The past without the emotion is (potential) wisdom.”

I added the ‘potential’ word as I feel that having wisdom is different from the right application of wisdom. It takes consciousness to make potential wisdom into REAL WORLD wisdom that leads to a positive outcome.

So with Dr Joe as our inspiration and frame of reference, I want to look at how we can change our past NEGATIVE stuff (and the emotions that come with it), into WISDOM. Plus fuel for our EVOLUTION.

Choice consciousness Life Lessons Perspective Relationship

It is Time for Some Relationship Tips

I suspect you are unlikely to guess what my #1 Relationship Tip is.

A bit of back ground first, so we have some ‘context’.

(Side Tip: The context – also known as the bigger picture – is so important when it comes to communication, and even making high quality decisions. Getting clear of the context first, is a great habit to have)


I was hanging out with a colleague the other day, who is high-vibe, and also a fan of Dr Joe Dispenza’s work (which helps be a high-vibe person), and they mentioned something about me and the books I have written (5 and counting). They also mentioned it would be great if I created a program on how to write and publish a book – so keep an eye out for that, as I LOVE to teach what I have learned along the way.

Now a bit over 10 years ago I set one of those big hairy audacious goals. I committed to writing 5 books in 10 years.

And ticked it off in 2020.

I had also decided to write The Guidebook Series, with a book on each of the following subjects: happiness, health, success, relationships and spirituality.

I actually wrote the first 3 books and then took a detour when I got to a ‘guidebook’ on how to create amazing relationships.

Do you want to know WHY … and what it confirmed for me?

Book Emotional Relationship

The BEST Relationship Strategy

The author of this book and strategy (Gary Chapman) is a relationship councellor, who discovered that there are five principle ways we express our LOVE in a relationship, and alternatively there are PRIMARY ways we wish to receive the expression of love (back to us) in our relationships.

I recorded a video 5 years ago (complete with whiteboard) to explain to you the full strategy and how to use it.

I would also encourage you to read the book – The 5 Love Languages – or check out Gary Chapman’s website to determine what your Primary Love Language is.

Choice Confidence Decision Making Growth Life Lessons Personality Perspective Relationship

It is Okay (and Normal) to Not Be Liked by Everyone

This feels like a relevant topic now.

And I like to write about things that are relevant or uncomfortable, even if it means a bunch of people unsubscribe to my newsletter. However, I will try and lighten this subject up as much as possible. 

I have worked with 100’s of clients over the 14+ years doing the ‘coaching’ thing. In that time a very common ‘limiting belief’ that comes up, way too often, is a belief along the general lines of:

If I am not LIKED it means I am a bad person (or not worthy of love).

Acceptance Choice Feeling Honesty Joy Relationship

My Bestest 4 Relationship Tips

carl ferry apple photoTIP 1: Probably not what you were expecting (sorry)

I may have mentioned to some of you in the past that I intended to write 5 books in 10 years, centred around the Guidebook Series. The planned number 4 book was going to be The Guidebook to Outstanding Relationships.

As with my other books, I spend time on the outline and principle teachings I want to infuse in the book. What I found in this process was that 75% of the book would actually be about working on yourself! Which I had already written about in my first three books.

It confirmed for me that if you want to be in a high-vibe, deep and meaningful relationship, the first and on-going part was to work on yourself – constantly.

Choice consciousness Emotional Growth Nutrition Optimum Health Relationship Success

A Holistic Investment Strategy


How about I just come straight out and say it.
If your investment strategy does not include ALL parts of your life, you might want to go back to the drawing board.

What good is an investment strategy that is one-dimensional, when life is a multi-dimensional experience? In The Guidebook to Authentic Success, I talk about the importance to consider all facets of your life, so you don’t become hyper-fixated on one area of your life, while other parts of your life turn to poop.

For those who want a reminder of the 8 Pillars when it comes to AUTHENTIC Success, they are:

  1. Daily Joy
  2. High Quality Relationships
  3. Feeling Connected
  4. Growing / Evolving
  5. Meaningful Life Goals
  6. Financial Flow
  7. Being Aligned with Authentic Self
  8. Optimum Health & Vitality
Choice Growth Life Lessons Perspective Relationship

The Big 5-0. 5 Things I Am More Clear About as A Result of Turning 50

50I recently had the joy of turning 50. For those of you that have not yet made it, you might find something of value in my musings and for those that have already stepped beyond their 50th birthday, maybe you will find something to reflect on here – or have the chance the relive that magical moment.

Do I feel different?
Nope.Do I think it is funny that I am now a 50 year old?
Absolutely!Do I think people will think I am wiser now I am 50?
I hope so (he he he).

Now enough of me asking and answering my silly questions, let’s get on with the 5 lessons that might actually be useful for YOU. Here goes!!

Choice Feeling Relationship

My Top 5 Relationship Tips

relationshipI remember hearing Tony Robbins one time say that ‘the quality of your life is directly proportional to the quality of relationships you have in your life’. I think there may be something in that.In my book The Guidebook to Authentic Success, I also say teach that one of the keys to feeling truly successful is ensuring that you take time to develop and work on high quality relationships. So in the recent Life Masterclass, I decided to add a section on Relationships – and in particular intimate relationships. Having said that, much of the same rules apply across all relationships.

So let’s jump straight into my Top 5 Relationship Tips, which are not in any priority order. And most of them are really simple – but don’t mistake simple or little for ‘unimportant’ if you want a high quality relationship.

Choice Growth Relationship Success

The First 4 Pillars to Experiencing Authentic Success

authentic sucessMy typing fingers are a little tired this morning, so I thought I would share a number of short videos I have recently recorded, talking about the subject of SUCCESS, and what I think are 8 of the essential ‘pillars’ to feeling a deep sense of success and happiness.
The first 4 Pillars of Authentic Success are:
  1. Feeling Daily Joy
  2. Having High Quality Relationships
  3. Feeling Connected (to yourself, others and something bigger than you)
  4. Feeling like you are Growing and Evolving

If you were to rate yourself in each of these four categories, what would you give yourself out of a potential highest score of 10?Maybe you decide to watch all 4 videos (which I would recommend) or you just decide to watch the video that relates to your lowest score/s. Regardless, I know that you will learn something or be reminded of something you already know but are not practicing. As always I am all about sharing practical strategies for you to implement today.

And as I know you know, there is a big difference (about the size of the gap called The Grand Canyon) between common knowledge and common practice.

I want you to learn and then APPLY the strategies you learn (or are reminded of).

Have a super fabulous day and drop me a line if you have any questions or comments.
Take care.PS: Will I be seeing you in Bali at my 3-Day Life Masterclass seminar?
As always, please ask questions of me, or share your thoughts in a response email or by putting a post on Facebook or on my Blog.
Choice Life Lessons Relationship

A Communication Strategy for Reducing Relationship Stress

communicateJust to make sure I am talking to the right person.

Hands up if you have received any form of communication from a friend, colleague, intimate partner, or boss in the last few weeks that made you feel like you had been sucker punched in the stomach?

One of those messages, where you feel this sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach.
It might come up as a feeling of fear, disappointment, rage, indignation, frustration, disbelief, or seething anger. Ouch!

Has that happened to you recently or in the near past?
If so, then read on. If not, then read on (as it will ;-))