Money Self Love

What I am Learning as I Unpack the $$$ Thing

storyAs you know I have been working on unpacking the money thing for the last week plus and it is pretty interesting what has been coming up. And the reality is, the money thing is caught up with the self-worth thing, the self-love thing, the picked up some shocking beliefs when I was a wee lass thing, and a whole heap of other ‘stuff’.


This is what I want to share 

Essentially if you are not where you want to be in life, and are not on a clear path where each step is taking you closer to this desired destination, you can be pretty sure there is a story, or belief, that is creating an obstacle in your way. It can be as little as a speed bump or maybe more like the Grand Canyon.

Most personal development and motivation teachers tell you to stay super focused on what you want in life. Get excited about it. See it. Make a vision board of it. Do your mantra’s. And a host of other things.


Belief Happiness Tips Self Love

What are You Attaching to Yourself and How does That Make You Feel?

attachmentLast week on the course we got into a lot of energy work, hypnosis, some funky NLP stuff, language patterns and the understanding that what we identify with, has a HUGE effect on the results we get in all areas of our life.


Two seemingly harmless words 

One of the shortest words in the English language is ‘I’ but it is also one of the most impacting words for each of us. It is essentially the centre of our universe. So ‘I’ is actually pretty big.

The other word that looks pretty small and harmless is ‘am’. Again it is only two letter, but boy it can pack a punch.

But when you put the two little words together – I AM – you are creating one of the most powerful beliefs we have. You actually are creating your identity and the results you are likely to get in life.

Acceptance Feeling Relationship Self Love

So…How Do You Increase Your ‘Self-Love’ Muscles

selflove1What role does the mind play in Self-Love?

When we think of the whole self-love thing we often are focused on the heart and feelings. Which is rightly so. Love is a feeling thing. It is heart-based and felt throughout the body. As opposed to a funny feeling we experience in our heads. Although love and light-headedness do go together on occasions. When we talk about self-love we are talking less about hormones and swooning ourselves, or buying ourselves romantic gifts to be opened by ourselves while we have a candlelight dinner by ourselves. Don’t get me wrong, the gifts and romantic dinner sound like fun, but let’s get back to this question of ‘what role does the mind play in self-love?’