Choice consciousness Life Lessons Perspective Stress

It’s Time to CLEAN HOUSE

cleaningWho loves cleaning?
I imagine there are some of you out there joyfully waving your arms around in the air, and others of you who are thinking what a stupid question to ask. “Of course I don’t like cleaning!”

Me personally? I LOVE a good session of cleaning.
The joy of seeing something transformed from messy to organized, or from dirty to clean. It is a rather satisfying sensation if I do say so myself.

Do you know who else loves cleanliness and orderliness and simplicity?

Especially when the external environment (outside your house) is a bit of a train wreck.

Choice consciousness Growth Nutrition Optimum Health Rest Self Love Stress Success

The Message I Most Want to Share

humanI was very excited about 2020.
I was thinking that it would be an amazing year of possibility and potential. It had the potential to be something truly unique, memorable and great.

Now of the list of things I thought might unfold in 2020, the idea that one of the trillions and trillions of viruses on the planet would be the main player and the world economy would be rattled significantly was not even in my Top 100. If I had a list of Top 500, it probably would not have featured there either. Maybe I am not watching enough world ending catastrophe movies!

So what has this experience taught me, and what do I most want to share, in order to be best serve people?

My role for the last 15 years – since I wrote my first Newsletter in 2005 – has been to learn as much as I could about HEALTH (physical, mental, emotional, psychological, and spiritual) in order for me to digest and trial the best of the best and then pass what I have learned to others. In 2008 this joyfully became my full-time job.

I have always believed as individuals we have an incredible amount of power and untapped power to become truly remarkable human beings, who can make remarkable contributions to the people around us and the world itself (and even beyond our planet).

I have one principle message I want to speak on today, so there is a potential this Newsletter might be my shortest ever (but I have been wrong before!).

Choice consciousness Meditation Stress

How to Increase Your Peace of Mind

peaceHow about we get started with a question.

Hands up if you would like more peace of mind?
A little?
Or a LOT!!!!!!?????!!!?????

My hand is up for A LOT and this has been a work in progress for me for a long time. I have been curious to figure out the best ways how and I will be sharing one way with you shortly.

Choice Perspective Stress

Procrastination…The 3 Principle Causes and The Respective Antidotes

ProcrastinationWhenever I am getting ready to coach a new client I sent them a questionnaire to complete with a bazillion questions on it, and one of the questions is asking them their ‘worst habits’.

Invariably (from every 2nd or 3rd person) I will get this…”I procrastinate”, or even worse…”I AM a procrastinator”.
If you have followed any of my work in my books and workshops you know I am much more a fan of the not-kind-to-self statements that don’t have an “I AM” out the front.So this post is definitely for the people who DO procrastination; and for that those have bought into the mistaken belief that they ARE a procrastinator, don’t worry because the insights and tools to untangle that story are relevant for you too.

And so we begin.

Choice Feeling Negative Emotions Stress

These Words Might Be Harming You More Than You Realise

They are pretty damn powerful.They start wars. They end wars. They create connection. They create separation. They cause joy. They cause pain. They make you laugh. They make you cry.Powerful stuff.
So let’s talk words and phases that I encourage you to be more mindful of, and to refrain from having them leave the confines of your mouth, and the corridors of your inner mind.The words I want you to be mindful can be very impacting on your happiness and joy, so pay close attention. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Stress Success Time

The Myth and Solution to ‘Time Management’

time managementMost of the clients I work with come in with issues or problems with balance in their life and their frustration with this thing called ‘time management’

How did you go with ‘managing’ time through 2014? I know I did poorly on numerous occasions.

The Myth

I cannot remember who I first heard this from. Maybe Bob Proctor, or some other personal development teacher. But this is what they said:

Acceptance Stress

Big Gap = Big Stress

stressRoll the sleeves up and let’s get started on addressing your stress management tools.


What gap?

On one side there is: the observed reality
On the other side there is: what you think the reality ‘should’ be or you ‘want’ it to be

Here is a personal example:

My WANTS: I want to ride on my motorbike from home to my morning yoga class. I want it to be peaceful and free of any stress or near death experiences (perhaps a little melodramatic).

Belief Self Love Stress Success

Change Your Story. Change Your Life.

story girlThis is a need to know. It is what I mostly work on with clients. It is what shapes the results we get in life. It determines where we are, and where we are going. Whether we are winning or whether we are losing. Whether we are in pain or full of energy. Whether we uncover the best of us or whether we take it to the grave.

I am talking about our ‘stories’.

Also known as: beliefs, statements of ‘fact’, the ‘reality’, home truths, sayings, etc.

What they all have in common is this: they are not 100% true, 100% of the time (or anywhere near it). They are ‘true’ because we make them ‘true’. But they are not universal laws like gravity for instance. Which works in 100% of cases, 100% of the time, if you are heavier than air.

Our stories become our self-fulfilling prophecies.

Stress Success

This Really is A Difference Maker

sleepI have been doing a number of presentations and workshops of late and asking people how much sleep they get a night.

The current research suggests that 7.5hrs to 9hrs is ideal for about 80% of the population. Some can get a way with less, and some need more.Far too many people put their hands up for less than 7hrs sleep and many of these have less than 6hrs sleep a night โ€“ consistently. You just cannot sustain optimal living on limited sleep.

The real cost

Many people โ€˜thinkโ€™ they can function on less sleep, but may be unaware of the real consequences. For instance many may have less positive health, reduced resilience to illness, and slow recovery from sickness.

But one of the worst consequences, I suspect, is they are achieving less than they are capable of. I think if they had more sleep of a night-time they would be able to perform more effectively, efficiently and creatively. One of the many results of getting more shut-eye of a night-time.

Self Love Stress Success

How to Deal with Doubt

doubtAs I already said. The first thing to realise is we all have doubts. We are not broken, or a loser, or a failure, or damaged goods because we have doubts. We are human. We all have doubts sometimes. It is when we have too much doubt, for too long, which paralyses or stresses us, that it is time to do something about it.

My recent experience with doubt was before I delivered the presentation the other day. It is normal to feel some nerves before a talk. I always do. But those I can breathe through. This was doubt with a capital D. I started second guessing my ability to make an impact, to connect with the audience, to keep the energy going in the room, to teach and to entertain. And this doubt followed me for 30 mins into the presentation. The doubt I experienced left me when I did some of the following: