Have you ever thought it would be great to have ‘ZERO’ stress in your life?
I know I have.
There are times I am cranky because I am getting stressed-out over something or other.
Or other times where I am just feeling a mild level of stress in my body.
At these times I wonder what it would be like to have ZERO stress, all the time.
As if that were the ideal target.
And maybe it is.
Maybe that is what ‘enlightenment’ is all about.
Or maybe it isn’t.
I have no doubts that every luminary person we can think of – who we consider as enlightened or self-actualized – also had their fair share of stress, and in most cases (if not all) had high levels of high stress experiences throughout their life.
The first thing I think is relevant to this conversation is that I am not even sure that ZERO stress is attainable, or even the penultimate achievement in life.
No stress might actually be the bit just before we take our last breath.
So today I am going to talk about how ‘zero’ stress may not a worthwhile target.
Let’s now look at the reasons why.