I hope that this finds you well and off to a good start in 2022. Though, having said that, I did like the advice of Lee Harris (an intuitive) who suggested easing into 2022, and not feeling a (hidden) need to start running before your feet have barely touched the ground.
Let’s breathe deeply, and then with conscious intent, ease into this new year.
I thought I could best serve you today by sharing with you a personal perspective on the possibilities for 2022 IF we align with a deeper purpose (or soul’s calling) this year.
Just click on the image below to listen to my message on my YouTube channel.
Apart from my weekly Life Masterclass Podcasts, the main event I have on offer at the moment to support people become more uniquely AWESOME is my resilience bootcamp called Become a Natural SuperHuman, where I teach you to tap into your inner Leader, Warrior and Sage.
You can undertake this bootcamp as a Self-Paced program (right now), plus I will be guiding a Group through the program starting 12 March 2022.
However if you are ready for the next level stuff, you can also join my 9-month Group Coaching Program (max of 8 people) where we go deep, deep and deeper. We kick off on 1 March 2022. Or if you miss this date, sign up for 2023!!
I think that is enough for now. Have a super fabulous day. 🙂
Take care of yourself and all the very best for this new year and the possibilities I know that are awaiting you.
Kind regards,