I am writing this in December, as we come towards the end of the year.
Staring down the barrel of 2024.
December is definitely a time to reflect on the year coming to a close.
Plus is a time to curiously contemplate what your Goals for 2024 might be.
I was talking with a client the other day about the degree of global disruption there is currently; economically, politically and with numerous wars/major conflicts (something like 20 worldwide).
All of these things, shocking as they are, pull our attention, energy and emotions towards them.
In metaphysical terms, and even in quantum physics, it is clear that where attention goes, energy flows.
So one of our greatest challenges is where we put our attention.
What are we creating in our life, as a result of where we are placing our attention?
Are we creating the future we wish to experience?
Or are we being pulled towards a system, and systems, that are not for our greater good?
In many cases we cannot directly influence the bigger things at play.
But we can have a significant influence on the world we are creating in our own back yard.
And this is where we are going today.
I am writing this in December, as we come towards the end of the year.
Staring down the barrel of 2024.
December is definitely a time to reflect on the year coming to a close.
Plus is a time to curiously contemplate what your Goals for 2024 might be.
I was talking with a client the other day about the degree of global disruption there is currently; economically, politically and with numerous wars/major conflicts (something like 20 worldwide).
All of these things, shocking as they are, pull our attention, energy and emotions towards them.
In metaphysical terms, and even in quantum physics, it is clear that where attention goes, energy flows.
So one of our greatest challenges is where we put our attention.
What are we creating in our life, as a result of where we are placing our attention?
Are we creating the future we wish to experience?
Or are we being pulled towards a system, and systems, that are not for our greater good?
In many cases we cannot directly influence the bigger things at play.
But we can have a significant influence on the world we are creating in our own back yard.
And this is where we are going today.
Our happiness is not enhanced by a fixation on what is wrong in the world.
Our happiness is created by where we put our attention, intention and ultimately our actions.
But it all starts with where we put our attention.
And this gets us to MEANINGFUL GOALS.
But it all starts with where we put our attention.
And this gets us to MEANINGFUL GOALS.
Being on Target
It is SO important what we focus on.
What our target is.
What our GOALS are.
And for me a Goal goes to the next level, when it is created in a way that produces the greatest amount of MEANING on the journey to its fulfillment, and the arrival at the destination of its final enactment.
There are Goals.
And then there are MEANINGFUL Goals.
Goals that not only create something outwardly, but allow you to step into your fullest creative and divine expression.
Goals that shape you…
…into the greatest expression of you.
While doing the most good for others, and the greater good.
I have often taught that Meaningful Goals are: 1) good for you, 2) good for others, and 3) good for the greater good.
And to create and develop those goals we also need to be discerning, conscious, curious, creative and grounded in the present moment.
The past does not equal the future.
Past goals, even ‘past’ Meaningful Goals, may not cut the grade, now.
We need to choose carefully where we are going to direct our life force, energy and plasma in the New Year.
Because our happiness, fulfilment, and a feeling of alignment are entangled with it.
What are the parts to creating Meaningful Goals?
The fist thing is there are no extra points for finishing your list of Meaningful Goals first.
Take your TIME.
Feel into it.
Ask DEEPER QUESTIONS; maybe like this one.
“If everything that I have experienced over my life was preparing me to do something especially meaningful in 2024, what might it be?”
That is no small question, and will not lead to small meaningless goals.
Ask how you can be of SERVICE.
Create goals that are about serving others, as they concurrently serve your personal evolution.
Create goals that draw on the expression of your greatest GIFTS (aka: skills).
Create goals that CHALLENGE you to grow.
Create goals that add HARMONY and coherence to the world, as opposed to disruption and conflict.
Explore your potential Meaningful Goals from a place of alignment, between your head, heart and gut.
While in this state of alignment (and silence) listen to what your HEART is telling you.
If your heart is not aligned with your goals, it definitely does not fit in the ‘meaningful’ department.
Take your time (and yes, I know I already said it, but it is doubly important).
It is better to have created a Meaningful Goal by 19 February, than an ‘iffy’ Goal by 11:59pm on the 1st of January!
Does your Meaningful Goal RESONATE?
Does it make you giddy, excited, in awe of the possibilities, and nervous all at the same time?
You might be on to something if that is the case.
Make sure you tick off all of these boxes or you will be aiming at the wrong target.
Now, more than ever, in a world trying to pull our attention to the reactive parts of our brains, and away from the love and wisdom of our hearts, we need to be very deliberate and intentional about what target and Meaningful Goals we set for the New Year (and beyond).
What world do you want to create for yourself?
Be a Conscious Co-Creator of your destiny.
And to give you a helping hand, grab a free copy of my audiobook – Decision Making Mastery – and feel free to share it with others.
My Parting word
There are Goals.
And then there are MEANINGFUL Goals.
They are very different.
The later also takes more effort to establish.
But it is well worth it.
It makes you a better person.
It makes others around you better people.
And it makes the world a better place.
Let’s consciously, purposely, deliberately, and intentionally create a life and world that we most desire.
Not in a needy way.
But in a consciously creatively way, with right action.
We change the world from the inside out.
And we are WAY more powerful than we have been lead to believe.
On that note, have a powerful day and play around over the coming weeks about what might be your most MEANINGFUL Goals for next year.
See you next week.
Take care,