Here is what I know to be True.
With a capital “T”.
Which I will share with you shortly.
And here is what I am also here for (as in, this is my primary job on this planet):
To help you experience the greatest possible lived experience, by being that voice on your shoulder (do choose your preferred side) that reminds you of things you sort of know but may have forgotten.
I already know you have all that you need within you to thrive.
Sometimes I am just here to coax it out of you.
So back to my capital “T” Truth.
I know for a FACT that if we make ‘better’ decisions, we are more likely to get the outcomes we most desire, requiring less energy to do so, and to have less (unnecessary) scrapes and bruises along the way.
(Sometimes it is good to get a few cuts and bruises along the way to remind us that we really are showing up and playing the game all in).
So again – yes, we have explored this topic before – but I am going to remind you of one of my favourite tools when it comes to making (much) BETTER decisions.
A most potent tool (which is easy to use)
The reason I am bringing this memory back for you, is it was triggered in a recent conversation with a client.
And today let’s drop any theatrical build up and just jump straight into it.
I call it ‘values-based’ decision making.
It is SO simple to use…however…(and this is a BIG however)…
If you skip Step 1 you are f#cked.
Ha ha ha.
Step 1 is about really taking the time, energy, brain power, discernment, consciousness, curiosity and anything else I have forgotten to mention, to figure out WTF your most important VALUES are.
This is like actually knowing EXACTLY where you want to go before you book a flight.
If you don’t know where you want to go, you will be stumped, and your decision-making process will grind to a hold.
Or blow a gasket.
If you cannot – right this second – real off your Top 3 Values, and do it with ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY, then I am sorry, but it is back to the drawing board for you.
You don’t want to come up with what your mum, dad, favourite hero, or idol, have as their primary values.
You need to know at a SOUL level what it is that you most truly value in life.
What do you most want to represent?
What do you want chiseled on your tombstone?
And don’t give a toss about what anyone else has as their top values.
These values are unique to you.
That are what make you, you.
They are your special signature.
So dig deep enough to get past the layers of conditioning, learned behaviour, unconscious habits, and crappy beliefs to get to the very core essence of what is most important for you, in order to feel in alignment with the sacred fabric of the universe.
Got it?
Step 1, figure our what you most value.
Mine are: 1) Leadership, and 2) Evolution.
Now we get to the EASY bit.
The easy bit
This is SO easy once you have completed Step 1.
Imagine you have to make a decision about something – from moderately important to really, really important.
The process is exactly the same.
You simply ask: “Is doing X in alignment with my highest vales?”
If yes, you say “Yes”.
If no, you say “No”.
How quick and easy is that?
Obviously I am not a buffoon, and I realise life is a little more complicated than that sometimes, but this process gets me to ‘BETTER’ decisions 97 times out of 100!
And by ‘better’ decisions, I mean a decision that is in alignment with the core essence of who I am.
In my world “ALIGNED” = coherent energy = healthy and happy.
Here is an example:
If I am asked to participate in a project or business, which is not in alignment with my values of leadership (perhaps they lack complete integrity and transparency), or evolution (I see no growth opportunity in the work), then it is a clear “No” and I continue on my merry way. I used about 20 brain cells to come up with a great decision. Easy peasy!
Now I could probably waffle on for a bunch longer, with other examples, but I know you have got this.
So let’s wrap things up here.
In Summary
It is MUCH easier to make ‘better’ decisions if we do Step 1 and figure out OUR highest Values.
Don’t choose someone else’s values (consciously or unconsciously).
Making decisions that are out of alignment with your Core Values is not going to end well.
Once you know your values, applying them to decision-making can save you lots of time, energy, discomfort and wasted resources.
My Parting Words
If I can help you make just 1 better decision, it warms my heart.
In my experience (coaching for over 16 years) I see a lot of people make poor decisions, because they missed Step 1, and did not know what they valued most.
They hadn’t taken the time to figure out their own unique values signature.
Often they were using someone else’s values, which is like wearing someone else’s clothes; which just don’t fit.
As much as you may want them to.
If you don’t know the values that have been engraved into your heart, or infused in your soul, then that is your homework.
Take your time to figure them out.
The time will be very well spent.
They will become a tool that is the equivalent of the Bugatti (seriously, 18 million for an f’ing car?!?!), Lamborghini, Louis Vuitton or Chanel in their respective fields.
Even when you are tired, or have low energy, you will be able to make better decisions.
Isn’t that a worthy Tool to have in your bag-of-tricks?
I think so too.
And on that note…
Have a values oriented day day, and a values-aligned (and therefore easeful) week.
Take care
Quotable QUOTE:
“Step 1 (to better decisions) is you need to take the time, energy, brain power, discernment, consciousness, curiosity and anything else I have forgotten, to figure out WTF your most important VALUES are.” Carl Massy
(Author of 18 Ways We Make Life WAY Harder Than It Needs to Be)
PS: Have you read or listened to this book yet? 18 Ways We Make Life WAY Harder Than It Needs To Be