Is life a sacred journey for you?
If not, would you actually like it to be a more sacred experience, rather than a race on the hamster wheel?
These days in my business I am MUCH more interested in working with awesome humans people who want to focus more on EVOLUTION (as a whole being), rather than having a “6-figure” (plus) salary or business. Boring!
In the bigger picture, isn’t it more fulfilling to have a sacred life experience, as opposed to being part of a mob of mad racers scrambling for the finish line?
Or a race to amass the most impressive pile of possessions.
Now I am not saying we have to live like paupers to have a sacred life, but I am questioning (which is a good thing) the crazy rush to somewhere we are probably are not even sure we know, or even want.
So today, let’s talk about “What the frigging hell is the rush?!?!”
And the idea of a spiritual journey, as opposed to trying to get “there” quickly.