Belief Choice Decision Making Growth Perspective

3 Simple Choices that Changed My Life

Becoming a butterfly

When I am hosting workshops or seminars, I like to share parts of my origin story, for the groups benefit. I also like to think of myself as a ‘crash test dummy’.

I try things out on myself first (like a 5-day water-only fast) and then share with someone like you, what the outcomes were – good, bad and otherwise.

Starting during Easter 1999, I decided to undertake a 30-day challenge, which came in the form of a number CD’s and was presented by Tony Robbins. As a result of that activity, I decided to make (an action) three significant life choices, which steered my life in a (completely) different direction.

This is what I learned back then, coupled with insights from the last couple of decades.

Belief Decision Making Growth Life Lessons Perspective

Beliefs, Flexibility and Increasing Happiness

Level up happiness

You may or may not know that working with beliefs is one of my favourite subjects. One of my books called – The Successful Mind – is all about our beliefs, our thinking, our ‘thoughting’ and how they influence not only our emotional state, but what results we ultimately get in life.

(If you want to listen to a free version of that audiobook, check out the Life Masterclass Podcast channel)

The hypothesis I want to put forward today is that your flexibility when it comes to your beliefs, has a significant impact on how gracefully and easefully you navigate your way through life.

Hands up if – as a small person – you believed in Santa Clause?

Do you still believe in Santa Clause?

I am guess that if you did and you are over the age of 20 (and not living with mum and dad) you might be pretty disappointed when you Xmas tree is still bereft of presents on the 26th of December.

Belief Growth Life Lessons Perspective

Charles Darwin, Evolution and 747’s

Charles Darwin and Evolution

This conversation is inspired after reading Gregg Braden’s called ‘The Science of Self-Empowerment’, and also reflecting on my trying to labour through Charles Darwin’s book called ‘The Origin of species’. I never really got into it, or fully bought into the completeness of a statement about evolution being a result of ‘survival of the fittest.’

Actually Darwin originally called it ‘survival of the strongest’.

The idea of promoting competition as being the most important things when it comes to evolution does not resonate with what I have learned over the last couple of decades when studying yoga or Eastern philosophies, and looking into the ‘raising of consciousness’ or the journey towards self-actualization.

In very simple terms competition is more likely to elevate and increase the ego, as opposed to reducing the ego and lifting consciousness and self-awareness and having loving kindness come to the fore.

Before I dive into a little expose in relation to competition and cooperation (and which creates a more harmonious world experience), I want to share with you a few things that Braden raised in his book. Which might also blow your mind.

Choice Feeling Growth Life Lessons Overwhelm Perspective

3 Easy Ways to Simplify Your Life

How to simplify your life

Let’s start this conversation with a (simple) question for you.

Do you want more simplicity in your life, or more complexity?

If you want more simplicity please continue. If you want more complexity, then ‘good luck’ and I hope you have a great daily meditation practice in place and a therapist on speed dial.

Maybe some people do like complex lives. Though, unfortunately for some of those people, it might be a subconscious program telling them that, in order for them to be respected, revered or even loved, they need to look like they are special by showing of how ‘complex’ their lives are (and how capable they are in giving the appearance of being able to handle it).

For me complexity generally takes more time, energy and life force and therefore has a lower Life Fulfillment ROI (return on investment).


Discover How to Upgrade Your Intuition


The last book I wrote, called Decision Making Mastery, is obviously about how we can get better at the decision-making process. I suggest that the quality of the decisions we make shapes the course of our destiny (and also how bumpy a ride we experience).

One of the key teachings in the book is about the quality of the information (or intelligence) that we feed into the decision making process.

A common saying is: Crap in, Crap out.

Meaning that if I have poor information, or incorrect information, and I put that into my decision-making process, I am likely to get a poor, or ineffective decision out the other end.

One of the other topics I talk about in the book (at great length) is ‘discernment’. Our ability to discern what is Truth with a capital ‘T’ and what is rubbish or half-truths.

So I decided to reach out to a colleague of mine called Kate Williams, who is a spiritual teacher and psychic channel, to talk to her about the subject of truth finding, and in particular a closer look at this thing called INTUITION, which she specialises in.

I recorded a Podcast with Kate, to go much deeper (which I highly recommend you check out), but below is a bit of a summary in the interim.

Choice Optimum Health Perspective

EMF, Air Pods and Optimum Health

EMF pollution

I am 52 as I write this. I have been passionate about the health and wellness thing all my life, and full-time in the biz for close to two decades. Here is one unsurprising observation.

People make many choices based on ‘convenience’ rather than ‘I wonder whether (XYZ) might be bad for me in the medium to long term?’. And no this is not an article about the last 2 years, or anything covid related, though there is definitely some relevance.

Just before writing this article, I recorded a podcast talking about “Why, when and how we need to be our own doctor” (and scientist). I believe that one of the first stepping stones on the path to self-evolution or self-actualisation as Maslow called it; is personal responsibility. Unfortunately it is not sexy. Does not sell well. Frustrates my clients. And a lot of times it is damn pain in the butt.

But we all know it. Deep in our hearts. Sometimes what is actually good for us is not necessarily yummy, easy to do, or easy to maintain.

When was the last time you stepped up to the chin-up bar and got excited and giddy about the idea of busting out 10 chin-ups (or even 1 for that matter?

Choice Decision Making Growth Problem Stress Success

A Common Way People Drain Themselves of Energy (Unnecessarily)

A lot of the articles I write are as a result of direct observation or intervention with my clients, both recently and in the past. So again, I thank one of my wonderful clients who reminded me of this energy draining phenomenon.

Not surprisingly, one of the reasons they wanted to work with me is because they felt so ‘low energy’ on a regular basis. We focused on all of the physical things that can drain us of energy (e.g. poor diet, low levels or low quality sleep, limited physical activity, excessive exposure to non-natural EMF’s, bad habits, etc.), and then started looking into the more likely psychological causes of low energy.

It was a fabulous journey back through their life to get a better sense about what might have contributed to, or be the root cause, of the experience they were having in their day-to-day life.

Choice Growth Life Lessons Perspective Success

Why Discomfort is a Poor (Life) Navigation Tool

Navigating Life

As you may or may not know, I have been doing this coaching thing for well over a decade, so I have heard LOTS of excuses in my day (even from the bloke who looks at me in the mirror.

My favourite excuse is: “But it is so hard.” (Often said in a whiny voice)

And my favourite response is to yawn. And then I tell them that they are telling the wrong person. Of course it is hard! That’s how a lot of this GROWTH thing works. And I am sorry, but I did not make the rules of the universe.

If you go to the gym and lift weights that are comfortable, and easy, and not challenging, I am sure you know what the end result will be. You won’t become stronger and your muscle fibers will not grow in size or density. It is resistance, which is generally uncomfortable, which is necessary for physical growth.

Belief Doubt Fear Life Lessons Perspective

Discover the Right Way to use Fear

Dealing with Fear

I often have clients tell me it is ‘fear’ which is stopping them from having a greater life experience, or it is the thing that is ‘holding them back from (insert the thing they desire)’. Fear is something I have come to understand a lot better within my clients, and within myself as well.

And like all things in this game of life, I often see a fork in the road. One way leads to learning and growth and the other leads to a downward spiral or something like ‘Ground Hog’ day. This fear thing can take us down the path of learning, growing and ultimately EVOLUTION, or it can leaves us marking time on the spot, or even going backwards.

The first thing I have come to notice when working with people, is often they have used the ‘fear’ line of response so often or unconsciously, that the fear thing is WAY bigger and way less tangible than is useful. It becomes a generic thing, rather than a specific thing. In it’s generic and undefined form it is of limited usefulness and can seem somewhat scary.

Choice Growth Meditation Success

The Secrets to Getting Off to A Good Start

I hope this finds you well and in good spirits.

I also hope that you have had a chance to comfortably reconcile 2021 (and milk the goodness out of it), by getting clear about 2 things:

  1. What were my greatest lessons learned in 2021?
  2. What am I most grateful for, from 2021?

I find it is much easier to move forward – without unnecessary baggage and regrets – if I have unpacked the stuff that happened in my past. Especially the stuff in the not-too-distant past. It lightens the load, and allows us more space to co-create our future.

If you haven’t watched or listened to my personal perspectives on the possibilities for 2022 (when we align with our deeper purpose) do check it out.

And to best serve you now I thought I would briefly touch on one of the most impactful ways to create a stable platform under you, in order to build something profound and lasting. Of course I am talking about our daily rituals.