Choice consciousness Emotional Growth Nutrition Optimum Health Relationship Success

A Holistic Investment Strategy


How about I just come straight out and say it.
If your investment strategy does not include ALL parts of your life, you might want to go back to the drawing board.

What good is an investment strategy that is one-dimensional, when life is a multi-dimensional experience? In The Guidebook to Authentic Success, I talk about the importance to consider all facets of your life, so you don’t become hyper-fixated on one area of your life, while other parts of your life turn to poop.

For those who want a reminder of the 8 Pillars when it comes to AUTHENTIC Success, they are:

  1. Daily Joy
  2. High Quality Relationships
  3. Feeling Connected
  4. Growing / Evolving
  5. Meaningful Life Goals
  6. Financial Flow
  7. Being Aligned with Authentic Self
  8. Optimum Health & Vitality
Choice consciousness Life Lessons Perspective Stress

It’s Time to CLEAN HOUSE

cleaningWho loves cleaning?
I imagine there are some of you out there joyfully waving your arms around in the air, and others of you who are thinking what a stupid question to ask. “Of course I don’t like cleaning!”

Me personally? I LOVE a good session of cleaning.
The joy of seeing something transformed from messy to organized, or from dirty to clean. It is a rather satisfying sensation if I do say so myself.

Do you know who else loves cleanliness and orderliness and simplicity?

Especially when the external environment (outside your house) is a bit of a train wreck.

Choice Goal Setting Tips Growth

The 7-Steps to a Mid-2020 RESET

stableI thought with this post I would share with you a simple 7-step plan I whipped up last week, as part of the Life Audit program I facilitated.  One thing I am very clear on, is the idea that it is better to have a plan, even if it is not 100% ‘perfect’ rather than no plan at all.

When we have no plan, we tend to get blown around in the wind. We are rudderless.
We are more likely to experience uncertainty, we are more likely to be second guessing ourselves and we are more likely to be marking time on the spot.

A PLAN gets us moving. And it is through movement, that we get a better perspective of what is working and what is not working. Movement, through a plan, also stops us from stagnating. The added benefit is also that as we start moving, we notice new things we were not aware when we were standing still.

So if you are after a PLAN about how to reset things for the second half of 2020, then I encourage you to check out my hand written plan below.

Choice Feeling Growth Success

The Number 1 Thing Necessary to Making Great Decision

time outFor those that don’t know; I am in the middle of writing Book 5 (I just passed the 25,000 word mark on the weekend).
A long time ago I had set this goal of completing 5 books in 10 years. The end of 2020 will be the end of the 10 years, and I am still on track to make my goal. Woohoo!!

The book I am writing at the moment is on decision-making mastery.
And lucky for me (as part of my research in 2020) there are lots of public cases of what not to do, and fortunately there are also great examples of great decision making. I have a clear idea of the DO’s and DON’Ts.

So in this article I will share with you what I think is the most impactful element of high quality decision-making.

I will also be encouraging you to get very good at the ‘time out‘ signal – like they use in a basketball game when the team needs to centre and reorganise themselves. You make the letter ‘T’ with both hands.


Choice Negative Emotions Optimum Health Rest

The 6 Best Immune System Boosters

immuneIn my last newsletter post I said I was surprised that at this particular moment in time, with the whole corona virus thing going on, there has been very little (maybe none) directives coming from our government health departments about how to boost our immune systems.

Due to a lack of top down information, let me have a shot at sharing my top pick on how to tap into your body’s intelligence and healing abilities.

I know I am talking to an educated audience who already know that doing physical activity is essential for the immune system and in particular the lymphatic system, which cleans our blood and depends on movement of muscles (aka: physical activity) to function optimally.

Now let us move on to my other Top 6 immune system boosters and triggers to optimal health and vitality.
Here goes!

Choice consciousness Growth Nutrition Optimum Health Rest Self Love Stress Success

The Message I Most Want to Share

humanI was very excited about 2020.
I was thinking that it would be an amazing year of possibility and potential. It had the potential to be something truly unique, memorable and great.

Now of the list of things I thought might unfold in 2020, the idea that one of the trillions and trillions of viruses on the planet would be the main player and the world economy would be rattled significantly was not even in my Top 100. If I had a list of Top 500, it probably would not have featured there either. Maybe I am not watching enough world ending catastrophe movies!

So what has this experience taught me, and what do I most want to share, in order to be best serve people?

My role for the last 15 years – since I wrote my first Newsletter in 2005 – has been to learn as much as I could about HEALTH (physical, mental, emotional, psychological, and spiritual) in order for me to digest and trial the best of the best and then pass what I have learned to others. In 2008 this joyfully became my full-time job.

I have always believed as individuals we have an incredible amount of power and untapped power to become truly remarkable human beings, who can make remarkable contributions to the people around us and the world itself (and even beyond our planet).

I have one principle message I want to speak on today, so there is a potential this Newsletter might be my shortest ever (but I have been wrong before!).

Belief Choice consciousness Growth Nutrition Optimum Health

Making Great Health Choices Requires Knowing What the Choices Are

yinyangI have written books about a number of subjects over the last 9 years, and all of them are in alignment with my favourite passion and principle value – HEALTH and VITALITY. I have ALWAYS been fascinated with the subject of how to create a healthy body and mind.

And the deeper I go, the more I get into the associated aspects of our health like our emotional health, our psychological health and even our spiritual health (feeling connected to something bigger than us). A physicist might call it the unified quantum field and someone else might call it Earth, source, or God or the collective consciousness.

So while this corona virus experience is happening (I choose not to use the word ‘pandemic’ as it is a word that triggers an unconscious emotive response activating the stress response and even WHO have chosen to no longer officially use that terminology), I have not only being paying attention to the things that relate to our immediate health – like boosting our very intelligent immune systems and working on deactiviating the sympathetic nervous system – but the health impacts of things in the intermediate and long term.

One of the things I feel I can’t ignore are the conversations around vaccines. So I set out to do even more research on this and hear conversations from both sides.

Belief Choice consciousness Doubt Growth

How to Remain Consciously Aware When You are Really Really Confused!

confusedI have written a LOT over the years about the importance of having the upper brain (cortex) running the show; instead of the mammalian part of the brain when things are more complex. Human thinking versus dog thinking (where the solution is to bite it, pee on it, or hump it!).

Now is definitely a time to keep our sh#t together when there is so much craziness going on around us. Staying calm, centered and consciously applying wisdom in this period of uncertainty, is essential.

Full disclosure: I have been back and forth on writing this Newsletter for almost a week now. Normally I sit down to write my newsletter every 2 weeks and it takes me about 1.5 hrs to collect my thoughts and then type them out. It does not take a week!

So to remedy this I decided to take a step back and ask myself why I am here, now, in this body (as a human) in this specific period of time in the 4.5 billion year history of planet earth.

Here is why I think I am here: To help people wake up to a deeper level of intelligence, a deeper level of wisdom, and a deeper level of conscious awareness, so they can make high quality choices that support themselves (their bodies, minds and spirit), that supports other people on the planet and supports the planet itself. 

Doubt Fear Feeling Perspective Problem

The Two Most Powerful Practices That Contribute to Calmness in a Crisis

factsI consider myself to be a pretty calm person, especially in a crisis situation or when my best thought-out plans turn to complete and utter sh#t.

And the reason for my calmness is definitely a nurture over a nature thing. In other words, my ability to stay calm, centred and grounded in a challenging situation is not a genetic trait I inherited from my parents, but a result of habits I have learned (some from my parents) and a number of daily practices I am committed to.

Essentially you can enhance your ability to remain calm, grounded, centred and unflappable by replicating these two practices.

I won’t go in-depth about the physical health practices I do (aka: exercise and nutrition), because I am going to assume you have a good enough idea about that and if not, then read The Guidebook to Optimum Health. The thing to note is our physical practices contribute to the amount of energy we have available to get stuff done plus the quality of our mental health. So my health practices are essential, but not the primary focus of this conversation.

Belief consciousness Fear Growth Life Lessons

My Approach to Adversity, Disruption and Change

lightI am writing this newsletter (and blog post) on 19 March 2020.
And the state of affairs near and far has changed a radical amount since my last newsletter one month ago due to the corona virus (pandemic).
So my first acknowledgment is the insanely quick rate at which major change can occur. And often with rapid change, there is a whole lot of uncertainty left in it’s wake. Where I imagine many people are right now.

Therefore in this article I thought I would just share some of my thoughts and suggestions around how we can best navigate our way through this experience and beyond.

I am actually finding it a little hard to write now, without coming across as an insensitive so-and-so. You see, I know I am going to die at some point. And I am actually ok with that. I also acknowledge we will all die at some time, and I am at peace with the thought of that as well. So with that inevitability, I am more interested in how I am living now, and how am I contributing to the well-being of the other people on this planet, plus how am I contributing to the planet and all its inhabitants as well.

So I am for LIFE and that is what I will be writing about today. How to experience more life in these times of uncertainty.