Choice Joy Life Lessons Time

3 Life Tips That I Know Will Serve You Today

tipsHello again.

Did you know that I have been writing a newsletter and ‘Tips’ since 2005? That is a LOT of Tips and sometimes I get myself into a wee tail-spin trying to figure out the best way to serve you. I generally ask myself “What is the most relevant and impactful thing I can share with you today?” and then trust that the most useful stuff will bubble to the surface.

This is what bubbled up today…

Goal Setting Tips Growth Joy Success

Why This (To Be Revealed) Might be One of Your Best Goals for 2017

goalsHello 2017!!

Now I am going to get straight to the point.

Let’s have a show of hands please for those of you that want to have more FUN in your days, weeks, months and life.
(And yes virtual hands will work for this exercise ;-))

Please do not read on if:

a. You already have more than enough fun than you can handle for one person.
b. You think having fun will stop you building your empire.
c. You like being a grumpy old so-and-so.

DO read on if you think there is more room, and a NECESSITY for more FUN in your life.


Choice Growth Problem

Discover the Words that Are Subconsciously Sabotaging Your Success (& Affecting Your Emotions)

word“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”
“The pen is mightier than the sword.”It seems like these two sayings are a little bit opposed to each other. The first one is a rhyme that children might say in a schoolyard to downplay the impact of unkind words said to them by any kid. Maybe they realise on some level that taking the sting out of unkind words, is essential for their future happiness.The second statement is a realisation that words can have an enormous impact that can do more damage than your typical sword wielding maniac. This is what I have come to learn and know with absolute certainty. The language we use impacts our emotions and behaviour; and therefore impacts our lives.

So here are some of the words I work with my clients on being more conscious of, in order to propel their success, and to let go of the stuff that is not swerving them.

Acceptance Growth Joy Perspective

3+ Practical Ways to Make Your Life More Easeful And Less Complicated

runningI love life.
I also love a challenge.
But I also don’t like making life unnecessarily hard for myself. I want to enjoy life.

So here are 3+ simple tips to make your like more easeful and less stressful / difficult / complicated.


Choice Life Lessons Relationship

A Communication Strategy for Reducing Relationship Stress

communicateJust to make sure I am talking to the right person.

Hands up if you have received any form of communication from a friend, colleague, intimate partner, or boss in the last few weeks that made you feel like you had been sucker punched in the stomach?

One of those messages, where you feel this sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach.
It might come up as a feeling of fear, disappointment, rage, indignation, frustration, disbelief, or seething anger. Ouch!

Has that happened to you recently or in the near past?
If so, then read on. If not, then read on (as it will ;-))


3 Tips to Improve Your Day, Week and Life (If You Apply Them)

improveYou are lucky today.

I have a few things on, so I will be writing just punchy, powerful and very relevant Tips, based on the most recent Coaching conversations I have had with my clients.Let’s get started. 😉


Tip Number 1: Pay more attention to what you are creating

This is reminder and the most common thing I work on with all my clients – regardless of what specialist type of Coaching I am doing with them.

It’s called ‘don’t shoot yourself in the foot’.

The words we use are either creating what we want, creating what we don’t want, or causing us to be stuck on a hamster wheel, where we repeat the same patterns day in an day out.

Feeling Joy Life Purpose Perspective

How Darwin’s Little Mishap Makes Joy More Elusive (And What The Antidote Is)

joyHands up high if you have heard the statement ‘survival of the fittest’ attributed to Charles Darwin (many moons ago)?

Do you believe it?
Do you believe that the person standing solo at the top of the heap is the one that is going to survive for the longest?

Unfortunately for the health and happiness of the planet, somewhere along the line, societies as a whole have bought into the myth that the fittest, strongest, most powerful, will not only survive, but will win the race. The myth has perpetuated a collective sense (for many) that the attainment of personal glory is more important than the success of the tribe, team, family, group, company, country, etc. It has even lead many people to make unethical decisions to get to the elusive ‘top’. To lie, to cheat, to turn a blind eye, to manipulate, to compromise their values, and to neglect the impact of their actions on others.

Maybe this works for surviving (for a while); but if you would prefer to THRIVE and experience JOY, the ‘survival of the fittest game’ is a lonely one and will often mean that joy remains elusive.
consciousness Perspective

Stress, Tunnel Vision, Separateness, Quantum Physics and Flying Helicopters

heliIf you can guess what the link is between all of the things in the title you get a special big congratulations by me. Well done! And if you don’t quite get the link, and think I am smoking the good stuff, then read on as I unpack my thinking for you. 😉

I actually had a colleague of mine ask if I could write an article on this phenomenon that he has learned over the last few months and which he brings into practice now with considerable positive effects. So what you will be reminded of, is very practical and impactful.

As a result of the Dr Joe Dispenza workshop I did recently, I also have a greater perspective on the ‘stress thing’ from a physiological and quantum physics perspective. Though I am still trying to get my head fully around the inter-dimensional time-space part of the conversation. 😉

Now let’s get started…


Belief Choice consciousness Growth Success

If You Don’t Do This Your Future Will Look Very Similar to Your Past

futureAs I said I have been on the personal growth journey since Easter 1999. That is when I woke up (and no it was not when I joined a cult and got forgiven for my sins if I did X, Y, and Z … and gave them $10,000 to show my level of commitment ;-)).

Though I did have the right teacher for me, saying the right things, in the right way, at the right time for me to wake up.

I used to tell myself that I was ‘unlucky’. I would always be the one caught with their hand in the cookie jar, or throwing that rock at something I shouldn’t, or saying the wrong thing to someone and making them cry.

I was BLAMING circumstances and people OUTSIDE of myself for the problems I had in my life.

Growth Problem Success

The 3 Reasons Why Discomfort Is Not Only Good For You But Necessary For An Abundant Life

opportunityI had a powerful Coaching session with a client on Monday night and it made it even clearer to me about the relationship between DISCOMFORT and SUCCESS. It also plays a huge part in this thing called EVOLUTION.

It turns out the path to abundant success, deeper relationships, stronger bodies and minds, resilience, more wealth, higher levels of consciousness, and any other juicy stuff you desire requires your path to GO THROUGH (I did not say around ;-)) this thing called discomfort.

Now before I go further I want to clear up a key distinction. There is a difference between pain and discomfort. To explain, let’s step into the yoga studio. When we are sitting down with our legs in front of us and stretching forward to touch our toes (or in their vicinity ;-)); the more me stretch, the greater the discomfort. BUT if we go too far, the discomfort may turn into a sharp or stabbing pain, or grating, or a tearing sensation. That is pain. And when we feel pain, we need to ease back a bit. We don’t stop. We just come back from pain. We want to push our boundaries and get edgy, but we don’t want to tumble over the edge into injury or damage or the abyss.