I had a powerful Coaching session with a client on Monday night and it made it even clearer to me about the relationship between DISCOMFORT and SUCCESS. It also plays a huge part in this thing called EVOLUTION.
It turns out the path to abundant success, deeper relationships, stronger bodies and minds, resilience, more wealth, higher levels of consciousness, and any other juicy stuff you desire requires your path to GO THROUGH (I did not say around ;-)) this thing called discomfort.
Now before I go further I want to clear up a key distinction. There is a difference between pain and discomfort. To explain, let’s step into the yoga studio. When we are sitting down with our legs in front of us and stretching forward to touch our toes (or in their vicinity ;-)); the more me stretch, the greater the discomfort. BUT if we go too far, the discomfort may turn into a sharp or stabbing pain, or grating, or a tearing sensation. That is pain. And when we feel pain, we need to ease back a bit. We don’t stop. We just come back from pain. We want to push our boundaries and get edgy, but we don’t want to tumble over the edge into injury or damage or the abyss.