Choice Confidence Emotional Growth

5 Ways to Increase Your Confidence (and Accelerate Your Success Momentum)

powerConfidence is fast becoming the topic that most of my private clients, and people attending my workshops are most interested in.

How do I increase my confidence…in business, in relationships, in public speaking, in doing what I want to do with my life?

How can I be confident that things will work out in life?
Great question!!

I have a hypothesis (or few) on why I think people’s confidence might be an issue. Perhaps it is because of the following:

Choice Emotional Negative Emotions Physical Activity

3 Effective & Simple Ways to Change Your Emotional State

emotionsI actually tell my clients that when you are in a low emotional state (fearful, anxious, nervous, stuck, angry, etc.) you are most likely operating from the mid part of the brain, sometimes referred to as the mammalian brain, and therefore have the brain power of a dog.

Hands up if you are at your most effective, innovative and creative when you are in a funky (negative) emotional state? Same thing before. Repetition is the mother of learning after all.

I am tipping that your hand is not up. 🙂

So…this means that to be most effective in life, to make the best decisions and therefore get the best results, we want to be in ‘elevated’ emotional states and accessing the cortex part of the brain. Ideally, for the most creative ideas and work, we might even want to go beyond that and get into a more alpha brainwave state. However, first we need to get out of the reactive emotional part of our brain.

Therefore let’s look at the best ways to shift your emotional state from funk, to FRIGGIN AWESOME!!! (or at least feeling a lot more chipper)


Nutrition Optimum Health Physical Activity Yoga

5 of The Best Health Tips For Increased Vitality and Longevity

longevityI guess the first tip could be something like this…do a trek in Nepal or join me next year for a trek in Tibet. 😉

Since the Tibet trip is several months off, I will offer you 5 other great tips to keep you going for now.Let’s get straight into them.


Tip #1 for increased Vitality & Longevity: Based on Einstein’s definition of insanity

Are you familiar with Einsteins quote about INSANITY.
Essentially it was about doing what you have always done and ‘hoping’ for a different result. It’s like putting the same (wrong) ingredients into a cake mix and expecting the end result to be a great cake. NUP! Insanity. 😉

Acceptance Feeling Life Lessons Perspective

The Lessons I Learned While Trekking in Amazing Nepal

nepalHave you ever trekked in Nepal?

If not, add it to your bucket list. It is amazing.This is the sort of stuff you are likely to see (Annapurna South). You will be humbled by its majesty and lit up with its feast of beauty. It also doubles as a great backdrop for a yoga class. ;-)Our trekking adventure consisted of a group of 8. Ranging in age from 37 to 66, and hailing from New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia and Luxembourg. A mixed bag of individuals that became the perfect fit for an adventure internally and externally.

It was an amazing experience and adventure and this is what I learned and would like to share with you…

Choice Feeling Negative Emotions Stress

These Words Might Be Harming You More Than You Realise

They are pretty damn powerful.They start wars. They end wars. They create connection. They create separation. They cause joy. They cause pain. They make you laugh. They make you cry.Powerful stuff.
So let’s talk words and phases that I encourage you to be more mindful of, and to refrain from having them leave the confines of your mouth, and the corridors of your inner mind.The words I want you to be mindful can be very impacting on your happiness and joy, so pay close attention. 😉

Choice Emotional Feeling Growth

Why Wait? What Is It Costing You?

waitI think you know where this is likely to go.

Over the last week I was stewing and stomping and grumbling and growling and building things up in my mind to be a lot bigger than in reality they were. I was triggered by something on a Monday related to another person and my business, then stewed about it all week. It put me in a less than optimum mood when I had a couple of conversations through the week, that related to this unresolved thing.

I was telling myself, that I would take care of it when we had a formal meeting in several days time. Though in the meantime I was allowing my frustration (and STORIES & MEANING I was giving the situation) to take on a life of its own. It was making me less than my joyful, pleasurable self. 🙂

Choice consciousness Growth Success

Just 2 Things To Change the Course of Your Life

good badIf you have read any of my writing you know that I am fascinated by what it takes to get more of what we really want, with the least amount of energy, time and resources.

I want to know what it takes to experience life to its fullest. To fully evolve. To have a life experience that is something to write about. And not just in theory. I want to know HOW to change the change the course of my life and the lives of others.

I also realise now that if we make what may seem like a small change now, in 12-months time we are living a completely different life experience.

Plus I realise that the CHOICES we make are the building blocks of our DESTINY. You have the power to change the course of your life. From moment to moment, by the quality of your choices.

And finally I realise that we have been given the gift of ‘free will’ by life. We always have a choice; even if the choice is on how we choose to respond to life’s events. In the end, we always have a choice in shaping our destiny.

So here are two things which will change the course of your life.


AUTHENTIC SUCCESS. Beyond The Measure of Money.

CM-the-guidebook-to-authentic-successSo this is what I have been up to for the last year plus plus.

I have been playing around with what is means to be successful. And I figured I wanted to go beyond just the looking successful on paper. As both you and I know, there are people (which might be the person in the mirror), who have a very healthy bank account and solid list of assets but don’t necessarily feel happy or fulfilled or joyful or in love with life.

I wanted to understand how to feel more successful in my whole body. And I figured if I put the word AUTHENTIC out the front of SUCCESS the conversation might take a more empowered and revealing direction.

So this is some of what I found as I wrote The Guidebook to Authentic Success.


Choice Joy Life Lessons Time

3 Life Tips That I Know Will Serve You Today

tipsHello again.

Did you know that I have been writing a newsletter and ‘Tips’ since 2005? That is a LOT of Tips and sometimes I get myself into a wee tail-spin trying to figure out the best way to serve you. I generally ask myself “What is the most relevant and impactful thing I can share with you today?” and then trust that the most useful stuff will bubble to the surface.

This is what bubbled up today…

Goal Setting Tips Growth Joy Success

Why This (To Be Revealed) Might be One of Your Best Goals for 2017

goalsHello 2017!!

Now I am going to get straight to the point.

Let’s have a show of hands please for those of you that want to have more FUN in your days, weeks, months and life.
(And yes virtual hands will work for this exercise ;-))

Please do not read on if:

a. You already have more than enough fun than you can handle for one person.
b. You think having fun will stop you building your empire.
c. You like being a grumpy old so-and-so.

DO read on if you think there is more room, and a NECESSITY for more FUN in your life.