Overwhelm Perspective

3 Practical Tips for How to Deal with…OVERWHELM

overwhelmedWhen I am considering what to write, I don’t plan too far in advance. I see what common themes are coming up with my coaching clients each week. That is why it makes these Tips relevant and why I often have people saying ‘that is just what I needed to hear now’. Maybe this universe isn’t so random after all… ๐Ÿ˜‰

So let’s talk overwhelm.

Here is my hypothesis:

Overwhelm is more a ‘state of mind’ or a ‘way of being’ as opposed to a ‘fixed external physical reality’.

Gratitude Growth Life Purpose Yoga

How to Live a Life of Purpose Off the (Yoga) Mat

yogaOne of core philosophies of ‘The Practice’ yoga centre, which we have instigated from the day the architect put pen to paper, is this idea that we need to take the principles that we teach on the mat in the classes of the yoga studio, into everything we do.

Principles like:

  • Create a solid foundation
  • Look inwards to see what is really going on
  • Be Non attached to the posture (and not worrying how you look)
  • Be content with where you are at
  • You have to do the work
  • Discomfort is part of the growth process
  • Breathe into where is tight (to bring energy and awareness to what is really going on)
Choice Success Time

Time Management Super Tips

time goldBefore I run any workshops or seminars I like to ask everyone 3 simple questions. What is their biggest personal challenge, what is their biggest professional challenge and what could I talk about that will make my presentation potentially life changing.

One of the key questions, topics, and challenges in peoples lives is:

How the (beep) can I manage my time better?…so I have less stress, I get more done, I have more fun, and I have more harmony in my life.

Here is what I say…

Choice Growth Money Success

3 Ways to Have More Fun, Joy & Success in 2016

happy peopleHappy New Year!
Now I figure most of us are still in holiday mode, so don’t want too long a newsletter. But we do want to put some (intelligent) thought into the master plan for 2016, so I will keep this short, sweet and RELEVANT. ๐Ÿ˜‰

So get ready for the BIG 3!!!!

New Year Tip 1: Use some eye drops if you need to

After the new year, I thought a few of you might need some eye drops to allow you to see with crystal clarity. Tip 1 is about clarity, but it is from 2 different directions.

Gratitude Growth Rest Time

5 BIG Tips to Close Out Another Amazing Year

new yearDecember? Really?
Who teleported me to the end of 2015? Come on. Who did it? Fess up!

You have got to agree (or not ;-)). This year has flown. Well for me anyway. I have traveled to a bunch of different countries, met some amazing people, worked with some incredible game changers, had some amazingly painful lows (bags not repeating Jul / Aug 2015), and interspersed with incredible highs and growth. Probably not too dissimilar to yourself. Actually I have spoken to numerous people who had a very tough July / August this year – so if that includes you; know you were in great company. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Choice Perspective Success

The 3 Essential Ingredients For Creating Major Breakthroughs

drop bookI was looking through an old notebook and I saw some notes from a Tony Robbins presentation (he is a leading success coach), who has a 3 decade head start on me in the personal transformation space.

  1. So he has great perspective, knowledge, experience and wisdom when it comes to doing the break-though stuff. So I will share his three things and then I will expand on them from a very practical perspective.
  2. Change your Strategy
    Change your Story
    Change your State

Now let’s dive straight in, to see how we can practically integrate each of these and make some major breakthroughs in your life.

Belief Choice Growth Perspective

My 3-Step Secret Strategy for Solving All Problems

brain black whiteOk. I get it. That is a big call. ‘All’ problems. But give it a go. You might surprise yourself. And if it is not working out for you (here comes my big call), send me an email and see how I can help with this ‘unsolvable’ dilemma. I am breathing deeply now and wondering if I need to delete that line. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Fortunately I own this belief that says I can positively impact anything I put my mind power to. And want to know what the real big secret is?

You can too!

This I know.

Acceptance Choice Doubt Perspective

5 Practical Ways to Become (much) Luckier

lucky charmYesterday I had the joy of doing a presentation in Qatar to an amazing business womenโ€™s organisation on authentic success and one of my key teachings is about co-creating your success, your happiness, your health, your destiny and your results in life.

That is, being a (very) conscious player in the results you get in life. Firing up your magnificent mind and living a life by DESIGN and not by default. Sounds like a good idea to me!

So continuing on with that theme, I want to give you 5 practical ways to become a lot luckier in your life.

I actually thought I was unlucky when I was in my late 20โ€™s; but after doing the inner work, I had a remarkable mental shift. I not only believed I was luckier, but I started experiencing freakishly weird luck in my life. Sort of like that manifesting stuff when it came to opportunities, synchronicity and even money.

Physical Activity Self Love

5 Practical Ways to Increase Your Level of Self Love

self loveWhen I am working with new clients I often send them documents to fill in so I can get a measure of who they are, where they come from and how they rate themselves in relation to key criteria.

For example their level of daily joy, or happiness, or optimism. Plus I ask them about their perceived level of Self Love. Invariably, something like 90%+ of my clients (who also include high performers) rate their level of self love below 7/10. So it is definitely an area that we all have a little challenge with.

But here is the thing. Our brain is malleable. We have this thing called neuroplasticity going on. Which means we can rewire our brain (regardless of our age). We can also build up anything that is weak. Whether it is the muscles in our body, our mental faculties, our memory, and even our emotional resilience. We just need to find and commit to the right workout.

So for me, our level of Self Love can actually be increased if we do certain things. Here are 5 practical ways to get you started and then let them be the catalyst for coming up with other ideas. Hereโ€™s to more Self Love and all the joy, happiness, success and abundance that it unleashes.

Feeling Gratitude Self Love

How to Get More Bliss and Love Into Your Life

happy dogOk boys. Dudes. Fella’s. Blokes. Men. Or whatever you prefer to be called. I am sure when I get you one on one, you are just as likely as every other guy I have coached over the year, to want a little more bliss and love in your life. As tough as we like to make out we are, who doesn’t want a little more love in their life? So be courageous and read on. ๐Ÿ˜‰

So…if we want more love and bliss (and I know the girls are smart enough to say outright that they do ;-))…what are some of the ways we can turn the volume up?

Here are what I recommend for turning up the love in your life: