Acceptance Doubt Fear Feeling Perspective Self Love

Being Superhuman Versus Being Human

super youNow I don’t like to throw any blame around as a general rule, but it is pretty evident that we are bombarded with ‘messages’ from advertising (LOTS of it!!!), peers, colleagues, Hollywood movies, books, magazines, friends, family, and the little voices in the back of heads that have been building up over decades.

Most of them are telling us that we are not enough. That we are not doing enough, being enough, have enough, achieved enough, etc. etc. etc.

Now I am a big fan of tapping into your full potential, as you know, but…not at the expense of the things that are most important to you.

Belief Fear Feeling

How My World Changed on Sunday 15 Mar 2015 When I Resolved A 28 Year Old Trauma

militaryThis is a story about how I carried shame and humiliation with me for 28 years, and how that not only affected me in different situations, but held me back from my potential.

It is also a story about possibility. What is possible when we process limiting beliefs that are related to past trauma. We don’t just feel different, we become different. Different feelings = different results.

Are you ready to know stuff about me that I have barely told a soul? What follows is also a lesson in Vulnerability 101.

Feeling Goal Setting Tips Success

Goal Setting: 4 Things You Need to Know (and Apply!!!!)

goalsettingAre you over the whole ‘goal setting’ thing yet?

As much as the concept and words have a bad wrap, there is great benefit to figuring out what you want in life, so you can point your life in that general direction. The problem is that if the exercise is entirely cognitive (in your head) you might actually be heading in the opposite direction to your true destination.


1. The journey is the destination

I heard the statement above again recently. Actually I have heard it said in many different ways, but this is more clear for the succinct point I want to make.

Acceptance Doubt Perspective

How to Make Peace With the Unknown

questionAs I highlighted above, there are many ways we can uncover in ourselves a fear of the unknown, or a fear of uncertainty. It is ok to have a little bit of ‘real’ fear to help us focus on what needs to be done, but too much fear lessens our joy, affects our health, reduces our potential, closes us to love, and causes us to miss out on the true magic life has to offer.

Tony Robbins talks about two of our basic human needs being our need for ‘certainty’ and also paradoxically a need for ‘uncertainty’. We actually need uncertainty in our lives. I believe we need it for excitement, adventure, growth, creativity, innovation, success, joy, and to tap into the full potential that resides within us, which does not operate by any small-minded rules (unless of course we know everything there is to know in the universe). 😉

So the more we can embrace, find comfort and make peace with leaning into the unknown, the greater our lives will become and the more our fear will dissipate.


Why we need ‘it’


Top 5 Tips On How to Supercharge Your Success

success cableGiven that we are all infinitely unique, I am going to give you a range of different ideas on how you can fuel your motivation, and create the energy and drive to succeed in whatever area it is you want.

And remember, a strategy unused is a nothing more than a minor light show in the inner recesses of your (potentially powerful) brain. Put into play one of these Tips, and then you will see results.


Tip 1: Get emotional

One of the most successful Coaches, business leaders and philanthropist around, is Tony Robbins (he often charges over $1M for one year of coaching). He is also is extremely passionate and emotional in the work that he does. In not unrealistic to see this 6’7” tall dude, in the middle of telling a story, bringing himself (and others) to tears. His emotions fuel his drive to keep on doing what needs to be done.

Optimum Health Physical Activity

You Need to See and Hear This

see hearI have just been reading an interesting book called ‘Move Your DNA: Restore Your Health Through Natural Movement’ by Katy Bowman, which talks about the physical loads we place on our bodies and different parts of our bodies, thus affecting the expression of our genes. Another reminder that WE can influence our genetic expression.

In the book there were some great reminders and insights into maintaining our vision and hearing, which I needed to share. Especially after being in Singapore, where so many people walk around the streets and metro stations with their faces in their smart phones, and headphones pumping artificial sound into their ears.

Our hearing and vision is SO important for our lives, that we need to make sure we don’t take them for granted. Imagine if you lost even 50% of your vision or hearing. How would that impact everything in your life?

Important things (like your hearing and vision) need important and focused attention; so here are my Tips for maintaining and improving them.

Doubt Perspective

5 Effective Ways to Overcome Doubt

doubtAs I have already said. We all have doubts. Maybe I even had a bit of doubt as to whether a Tip on doubt would be most useful for you. 😉 Hmmmm.

So the first step, as with all less empowering emotions, is to ACCEPT you are feeling what you are feeling. Then try out 1 or all of the following Tips.


Tip 1: Take a helicopter ride

I don’t mean literally, however they can be a lot of fun. But if you have doubts about flying… 😉

All of our doubts are a psychological thing. Doubt precedes the end result. Doubt is a best guess based on our PAST experience. And does the PAST have to equal the FUTURE? Does a past result give 100% certainty of a future outcome? Not in the majority of cases.

Happiness Tips Relationship Success

How to Increase Your Happiness & Success Through Quality Relationships

relationshipTony Robbins talks about the quality of our lives being directly proportional to the quality of the relationships in our life; which is supported by Positive Psychology research which lists quality relationships as one of the five measurable pillars to well-being (and our ability to ‘flourish’).

I don’t think either you or me will deny the impact of our relationships on our happiness. So I want to share with you one simple relationship strategy I use in my life.


A basic concept

When we help someone to like them selves more, they will like us more. And well we feel liked (or loved) by someone else then we feel better about ourselves.

So if we reverse engineer this concept, for us to feel better about ourselves, all we need to do is to make other people feel good about themselves.

How ground-breaking is that? 😉

Belief Self Love

What Are You Attaching to Yourself?

attachment baloonIf you did not read last weeks newsletter, then Click Here as it will support your understanding of what follows.

A couple of reminders from last week for starters:

1. 98% of all the atoms in your body are replaced in a year.

2. Your thinking influences your biochemistry and the expression of genes.


A new you every year

We are made up of atoms. Millions are dying off in our bodies every day. Millions are being recreated every day. We are constantly renewing our bodies.

Optimum Health Personality

What Most of Us Don’t Know (or Realise) is Heavily Influencing Our Health

personality bwWe talked about LIFESTYLE changes last week as being Part 1 of the optimizing health initiatives, but now we come to something that will unhinge even the best lifestyle habits.Welcome to Part 2:

(Radically) Change Your Personality

And now to answer the big question that most people have for me. What the (bleep) are you talking about Massy?