Nutrition Optimum Health

How to Optimize Your Health and Overcome Illness: Part 1

TGTOH Ok. So here is what I have learned over the last 20 or so years, when it comes to health. Whether it is about taking your level higher (to experience more energy and vitality) or to move out of illness or disease.

There are two main things to focus on, and the more ‘radically’ you approach them, the greater results you will get.

So this week I will be talking about Part 1: (Radically) Change Your Lifestyle

And then next week we will talk about the part that almost all people (including many health care professionals) don’t get, don’t apply, and therefore don’t get the results that are possible.

Acceptance Goal Setting Tips Growth Pain

How to Reduce Inevitable Pain in 2015

rainThis one has come up a lot of late with clients, but applies to us all.

Regardless of how much money you have in the bank, the quality of your relationships, the size of your (add your own word here ;-)), etc. this is applicable to us all.


The Myth

Have you ever thought, that someone ‘over there’ has it all figured out. Or has the perfect life. Or is free of PAIN, struggles and challenges. Or is SO different to you. Or has no money issues.This is a myth.

Stress Success Time

The Myth and Solution to ‘Time Management’

time managementMost of the clients I work with come in with issues or problems with balance in their life and their frustration with this thing called ‘time management’

How did you go with ‘managing’ time through 2014? I know I did poorly on numerous occasions.

The Myth

I cannot remember who I first heard this from. Maybe Bob Proctor, or some other personal development teacher. But this is what they said:

Money Success

How to Increase Your Income in 2015

increase incomeAre you ok if we talk about money? It is a funny subject and lots of us have lots of whacky beliefs when it comes to money. But what I am going to share with you today is the key to increasing your income in 2015.

Now if you want to learn how best to use money and grow it once you have that increased income, then I suggest you check out Tony Robbins new book called: MONEY: Master The Game. It is his first book in 20 years, and pretty impressive and practical. So add that to your wealth creation education.

So how do you increase your income?

The concept is simple

Do you notice what is common between people who generate a high income? Whether they are on the corporate ladder, an entrepreneur, a marketer, an author or a massage therapist.

This is the secret they figured out…

Growth Success

The Path to Mastery

growthToday I am going to talk about what you need to reach mastery in any field.

The right mindset

This is where you need to start.

Carol Dweck wrote a great book called ‘Mindset‘. In it she talks about two predominate types of mindset. A growth mindset and a fixed mindset.

A person with a fixed mindset thinks you are smart or not smart. Good or not good. Talented or not talented. You either have it or you don’t.

On the other hand a person with a GROWTH mindset realises the truth. They realise that you can get better at anything if you put your mind, focus, attention and effort into it. They realise the brain is like putty in their hands to be shaped and grown in accordance with how they use it.

Growth Success

Getting to The Next Level Demands THIS

comfort zoneI am trying to think how to sugar-coat this idea, but I am having a bit of challenge.Essentially it works like this. If you want to have more, You need to be more. If you want to have more success, more money, more depth in your relationship, more travels, more adventures, then you need to show up as the next best version of yourself.It turns out, the inner work comes first.


The comfort zone

When you are working out in the gym, with the intention of creating bigger muscles, or burning more calories, or transforming your body, it is a given that there is going to be some ‘discomfort’. In this setting the discomfort is pushing or pulling against a resistance.

So the fact is, there needs to be RESISTANCE to achieve GROWTH. The greater the resistance (discomfort) the greater the growth.

Belief EFT

I Love This Technique!

acceptanceI spoke the other week in the Tips about a technique called Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or ‘Tapping’.

It is an amazing tool for winding down the stress response (that fight or flight thing) and recalibrating our brains by letting it know that the thing we think is a threat does not need a full on physical response. That is, we do not actually need the body to get physically ready for fisticuffs with the boss (dilated pupils, blood thickening, turning off the immune system, blood to the major muscles, etc.), just because they changed the deadline on our project.

Acceptance Stress

Big Gap = Big Stress

stressRoll the sleeves up and let’s get started on addressing your stress management tools.


What gap?

On one side there is: the observed reality
On the other side there is: what you think the reality ‘should’ be or you ‘want’ it to be

Here is a personal example:

My WANTS: I want to ride on my motorbike from home to my morning yoga class. I want it to be peaceful and free of any stress or near death experiences (perhaps a little melodramatic).

Optimum Health Physical Activity

Low Energy? What to Do About It…

energyHere’s the scenario:

I met with a client of mine who had just finished a month long yoga training course. It is pretty full on. Lots of physical stuff, lots of emotional stuff, lots of stuff to learn. Long days and only one day off a week. Pretty grueling by anyone’s standards.

When I met them them were slumped in their chair, and telling me they were so exhausted and could hardly function. Let alone, pay attention or get excited about the coaching I was about to do with them.

But then it changed…

Belief Self Love Stress Success

Change Your Story. Change Your Life.

story girlThis is a need to know. It is what I mostly work on with clients. It is what shapes the results we get in life. It determines where we are, and where we are going. Whether we are winning or whether we are losing. Whether we are in pain or full of energy. Whether we uncover the best of us or whether we take it to the grave.

I am talking about our ‘stories’.

Also known as: beliefs, statements of ‘fact’, the ‘reality’, home truths, sayings, etc.

What they all have in common is this: they are not 100% true, 100% of the time (or anywhere near it). They are ‘true’ because we make them ‘true’. But they are not universal laws like gravity for instance. Which works in 100% of cases, 100% of the time, if you are heavier than air.

Our stories become our self-fulfilling prophecies.