Goal Setting Tips

ELITE Goal Setting Tip 4: Its best to step up to the plate

Blog-8This Goal Setting Tip by Carl Massy is: Don’t be scared to set goals, for fear that you might not achieve them. Or might not achieve them by a set date or to a desired standard. Don’t let any fears, real or imagined hold you back from getting more out of life.

My Goal Setting tip for this month is to actually set some Goals. Don’t blow it off because of the bad wrap that New Years Resolutions get. The chances of you achieving something that you write down are about 400% more likely to happen than if you don’t write it down, according to research gathered by Heidi Halvorson, in her informative book “Succeed

I remember sitting on a hill near the ocean on Christmas Day 2001 and writing out a goal to work overseas for 5 years and save at least $20,000 each year. Well 2002-2006 saw me living and Consulting in the USA, Greece, Italy and Qatar; whilst travelling all over the world and getting to the end of 2006 with $300,000 in the bank. I not only achieved my goal I exceeded it. I believe that getting clear on what I wanted and then writing it down was key to that result.

Happiness Tips

WorldsBIGGESTGym Happiness Tips for Xmas: how to actually improve your relationships over the festive season

XMAS2Here are the WorldsBIGGESTGym 10 Tips to vastly improved relationships over Christmas Festive Season. Apply some or all of these Tips and you will not only totally enjoy the Christmas period but you will be setting up 2012 to be even more successful than your best year ever! So here goes…


  1. Don’t make assumptions unless you like being stressed out. First of all I am not going to assume that you don’t like being totally stressed out. But just in case you (like me) prefer a little less stress in your life, than I strongly encourage you to avoid making any assumptions this festive season. The opposite of assumptionopolis (the home of assumptions) is a little place most commonly called ‘Reality’. As Byron Katie says: “When I argue with reality, I lose. But only 100% of the time.” So if you get a really bad present off a person you assume does not like you, consider this. Maybe they are just crap at selecting the presents you like. A great question to ask in most situations is: “What else could this mean?”
Happiness Tips Nutrition

‘The China Study’ by Colin T. Campbell: A Real Eye Opener

Blog 15

by Mark Donovan

Read The China Study or don’t at your own peril, seriously. The evidence presented in this book appears as solid as any I have ever seen. Why hasn’t it led to more wide spread action? Why isn’t President Obama declaring a National State of Nutritional Emergency?

The damage being done by the nutritional crisis facing the U.S. right now is an order of magnitude greater than any other threat the country has ever faced. Cancer, heart disease, autoimmune diseases, depression, just to name a few, can all be rendered significantly less threatening by simply making dietary and fitness changes. Simple changes. Inexpensive changes. Meanwhile we are wasting hundreds of millions trying to repair a broken medical system, half or more of which wouldn’t be needed if people consumed an optimal diet. Please read the China Study with an open mind and then try to refute it honestly if you have doubts. But remember, one drop of doubt can be more powerful than an ocean full of evidence.

Based upon research and personal experience I know that the key to optimizing my health is a combination of good nutrition and regular fitness activity. Everyone knows this to be true. So many of us don’t take it seriously. Why? Why did it take me 43 years before I realized that a plant based diet is better for my body, reduces the risk of disease (see The China Study) and is good for the environment. Why did I not exercise regularly between my 20’s and my 40’s?

Happiness Tips

Do we see what we see or think we think what we see?

eyeI am often reading about and teaching that we ‘become what we think’. That the external world is often a reflection of what is happening in the internal world. Do you know how our eyes actually work? I am going to be super simplistic here.

A light source shines on an object. The light bounces off that object and since your eyes are facing that direction the eye (a collection of cornea’s, lenses, irus’s and pupils) lets in the light. The signal is then taken to the mind via an optic nerve, where it is ‘interpreted’. And here is the funky bit. The ‘interpretation’ is based on our core beliefs, what we have experienced and what we believe we ‘should’ be seeing. It is not based on everything that is in front of your gaze.

That is why different people see different things. Like three witnesses to an accident can give three very different descriptions of what happened.

It is also why hypnotists and some illicit drugs (that I have obviously not had personal experience with) are able to create incredible external pictures or images for the individual. The visions start in the mind, and then the ‘eyes’ see what the mind tells them to see.

Goal Setting Tips

ELITE Goal Setting Tip 3 – Reasons, Reasons, Reasons

Blog-8This month’s Goal Setting Tip is: The more powerful the REASON you have for achieving your goal, the easier it is to keep going, when the going gets tough. When you have just had a fall, or a setback or a rejection it is the power and size of your reasons that will have you straight back up on your feet, dusting yourself off and planning your next move.

It works like this: emotion drives behaviour. So the more emotion you have the more ‘drive’ you will have to achieve your Goals. Emotion is created by having a really compelling reason why you want to achieve something.

Here’s two scenarios to explain it further. The goal in this case is to learn to speak conversational Italian. Which of these individuals are most likely to achieve the goal the quickest?

Happiness Tips

Are you thinking or thoughting??

thikingWould you like to understand how knowing the difference between thoughts and thinking can make a HUGE impact on your life. I am also going to show you how – regardless of the craziness of your thoughts – you can get more of the stuff that you want in life. Because it is not about your weird and crazy thoughts, it is more about your thinking.


Let me explain how I describe thoughts and thinking:


The stuff that comes and goes. Generally they come unbidden and quite often they are completely unwanted! Like the thought that ‘I am going to lose all my investments any moment now’ or ‘I bet I will fail at this’ or any number of other pictures that would be best in someone else’s head. 😉


This is the stuff that you guide. The stuff that requires the expenditure of energy. The stuff where you have the remote control and laser pointer to make it real clear what you want to watch and then focus on.

Happiness Tips

An incredible method on how to overcome ‘fear’

fearThe Kaizen Way: “When you improve a little each day, eventually big things occur. When you improve conditioning a little each day, eventually you have a big improvement in conditioning. Not tomorrow, not the next day, but eventually a big gain is made. Don’t look for the big, quick improvement.  Seek the small improvement one day at a time.  That’s the only way it happens-and when it happens, it lasts. ” -John Wooden (American Basketball Hall of Fame as a player and as a Coach)

I just finished reading a fantastically practical book by Robert Maurer Ph.D. (a psychologist and clinical professor at the UCLA School of Medicine) where he talks about how to apply the ‘Kaizen Way’ to people’s lives. How to use the principles to overcome fear, achieve results and find more success in your life. Like me, you have probably heard the term ‘kaizen’ before, but not sure of what context it operates in. So let me first explain it, and then show you how you can use it to change or achieve some amazing results in your own life.

Goal Setting Tips

ELITE Goal Setting: Tip 2 – Are you growing

Blog-8This Goal Setting Tip by Carl Massy is: It is very important to have a goal in your life that is difficult for you to achieve and will challenge you. If you don’t have a difficult or challenging goal in your life it is possible that you will feel like you are not moving forward.

Here is why: Have you ever thought what happens to a plant that is not growing? You guessed it. It is busy dying. We, like the plants, have an inherent need to grow. If we ever feel that we are not growing, it actually gives us a sense that we are stuck or moving backwards.

The other thing about growth is that we do not grow without resistance. It is like training muscles in the gym. If you use a weight that is too small (i.e. there is little or no resistance) your muscles will not grow. Muscles – like our emotions – need resistance to grow.

So…if you don’t have a goal in your life that is stretching you, or challenging you, or making you feel uncomfortable; then it is time to start thinking about (and getting clear on) what it is that you really want, which will cause you to grow.

Physical Activity

The easiest, smallest and most flexible exercise prop

activityI do a fair amount of travelling and depending on where I am staying the access to fitness training facilities can be a little limited. My bicycle hardly packs up nicely into my travel bag. Especially these days as you try to get all of your travel kit into a carry-on bag so you can save a few bucks on the flight and get out of the airport asap. So recently I made a more concerted effort to find the best travel prop.

And I think I have found one of the best exercise props around! It is essentially a large rubber band. Who was the genius who came up with that? I want to give them a big hug because it just made my staying in shape when I travel or am short of time, so much easier. And because they are so simple, you can come up with numerous different exercise combinations, which you will see in this very informal video that I recorded between the serious stuff (sort of) in the studio the other day.

Goal Setting Tips

ELITE Goal Setting: Tip 1 – Being Crystal Clear

Blog-8This month’s Goal Setting Tip is: I am doing a lot of research on Goal Setting these days and so I wanted to share with you some of the best stuff that I have found. So from now on I will include a regular Goal Setting Tip. 


The September Goal Setting Tip is:

When you write out your Goal (and YES you do need to write your Goal out), write it as if you were going to hand your Goal statement to a subcontractor and they are going to fulfil your request.

Here is the key: Is this subcontractor going to understand exactly what you want or is it too vague for them to know where to start? Will they get the order wrong? Your Goal needs to be 100% clear so that the subcontractor (your subconscious mind and life itself) can deliver you or bring you to exactly what you want.