One of the primary things I do when working with new clients is have them record when they get TRIGGERED.
This information is gold dust.
Outstanding feedback.
BUT…only if you do something with it.
We all get triggered.
But IT is the wisest among us who learn from it, in order to grow and evolve and to not get triggered (as much or not at all) next time.
Firstly let me define what I mean by ‘Getting Triggered‘.
It is essentially any time where we are reactively taken out of an elevated emotional state, neutral state or homeostasis, and dropped into a survival emotional state. Essentially the amygdala has determined there is some sort of physical threat, so it activates the sympathetic nervous system, and we have a physiological fight, flight or freeze response. This does not include automatic responses to real physical threats.
Sometimes we are ‘positively’ triggered and that is awesome and another great thing to learn from.
Thumbs up and now do more of that.
However, for this article (and your ongoing well-being) I am more interested in the ‘negative‘ triggers, and the bigger the trigger, the more (loving) attention we need to give them.
Examples include: getting triggered by an email, getting triggered while driving on the road, getting triggered by your partner or friends, getting triggered by people wearing face masks while alone on a beach, getting triggered by being told ‘no’, getting triggered by people riding motorbikes through intersections while texting on their phones, etc..