Knowledge & Insights and ah-hah moments with regularity.
Self-awareness & personal consciousness, the most important step in making wiser and more effective decisions, so you have more control over your mind, emotions and behaviour.
Clarity about what is and what is not working in your life and support in changing them.
Insight & focus on your greatest goals and desires in life.
Strategies & tools to help you achieve these goals and better live your life.
Momentum & support to really make the changes you desire.
Doing the Ignite Your Inner Greatness Coaching Program requires time, commitment and effort from you. Its intense, it’s awesome and it’s potentially life changing. Your time commitment will be less than 60 minutes a day for 30 days, as well as the weekly coaching sessions (90 minutes each). The question you need to ask yourself is whether you’re ready to do the work on the most important person you know, so you can be an even better friend, partner, peer, boss, mother, father, sibling, son or daughter? So you get the most out of life, and out of yourself?
The Ignite Your Inner Greatness Coaching Program has been designed so that at the end of it, you will feel great. You are clear about who you are, what you want out of life, and how you will get there. You’re living a life that is on purpose.
This is what you will get out of it:
(Re)Discover your passion, purpose and goals
Raise your level of happiness and success
Create high-quality relationships
Increase your energy for every day living
he more energy you put into the Ignite Your Inner Greatness program, the greater the result you will get. I will work with you, side-by-side, to support you all the way. So are you ready to change the course of your life? This is probably one of the most important investments that you can make in yourself.
“Work hard at your job and you can make a living. Work hard on yourself and you can make a fortune.” Jim Rohn

The 30-Day Challenge can be delivered in three different ways:
As a deep-dive and highly tailored Coaching program 1-on-1.
As part of a Group with weekly Group Coaching sessions.
As a Self-Paced program.
Regardless of the program format you choose, every day (Monday to Friday) during the challenge, you will be tasked to listen to a DAILY TIP followed by doing a DAILY ACTIVITY from your Ignite Your Inner Greatness Personal Journal. Every day of the week, you will be also be guided through a transformative (and high ROI) MORNING ROUTINE, which is one of the most impactful elements of the Ignite Your Inner Greatness Coaching Program. The specific activities in the Morning Routine have been found (by scientific research) to have the biggest impact on people physically, mentally, emotionally and psychologically.