Balance Decision Making Leadership Life

Creating Stability of Mind Using a Simple Yogic Practice


I have been interested in looking deeper into Stability, as it ended up being one of the 5 common virtues, among a Leader, Warrior and Sage (who are part of your SuperHuman gifts).

This simple breathing technique is designed to create higher levels of stability in the mind, which I teach is essential for making informed, intelligent and high quality DECISIONS in life. So learning practical ways to stabilise the mind is a great thing to learn – especially if they are simple, nil cost and you don’t need any props. A trifecta of goodness!! 

Remember that you can still get access to the 5-week resilience training bootcamp (Become a Natural SuperHuman) until 17 December, for $4 and for 6-months access. Check it out at the link.

Have a super fabulous day and take care.

Balance Breakthrough Intuition Leadership Possibility

Virtues of Your Inner Sage: Lightness of Being


Since I have been immersed in the study of the archetypes of Leader, Warrior and Sage for the last 6-months, and because we have talked a lot about the virtues of a Leader, I thought I would switch it up a bit and look at your INNER SAGE.

Especially how this part of you allows you better navigate uncertain and turbulent times. 

We talk about curiosity, judgement, playfulness, lightness and even a sense of humour – ESPECIALLY when things are somewhat bonkers around you.

If you want to go deeper into understanding how to bring out your Inner Leader. Warrior and Sage, join me and a bunch of other superhumans for a 5-week Resilience Training Bootcamp.

It is called Become a Natural SuperHuman.
And it is my special gift for you for Xmas. I have worked for over 200hrs on the workshop, but I want to offer it for you with out limitations.

All I am asking is for $4 of which 100% goes to a charity called Bali Street Mums.

I would love to serve you in Powering up for 2022, with even more practical tips, tools and strategies.

Take care


Balance Confidence Meditation Possibility Thoughts

Guided Meditation – Creating Stillness, Calmness, Vitality and Vibrancy


It is Guided Meditation time.
I am a big fan of doing the inner work (like creating stillness, calmness, vitality and vibrancy), though guided meditations, that make the inner landscape more real than the outer landscape.

It helps up to connect to something much greater than us, plus to a part of us that is more powerful and more aware, than when our eyes are open and judging what we see.

I am a fan of unleashing the power, awareness, vitality, vibrancy, connection, love and intelligence that already exists within you. So that is what we do in this meditation, by having you connect with and experience your favourite place in mother nature.

I also mention my up-coming Online Workshop to round out 2021 and prepare for 2022. It is called “Become a Natural Superhuman” and is about helping you to hone the skills of, and draw out your inner Leader, Warrior and Sage, so you can better navigate these uncertain and somewhat tumultuous times.

Sign up to my Newsletter to stay posted on the details.

The start date is 15 Nov 2021. It will be for 5-weeks. You get to choose the price you pay. It includes weekly Q&A Sessions and a whole lot more. I would love to serve you there and help you thrive in the weeks, months and years ahead. 

Take care

Be more awesome. Do more awesome. Make the world a more awesome place.

Balance Choice Habit Health Nutrition

FAT: The Facts and The Fiction


I just watched a great documentary the other night – which was free on YouTube – and called ‘Fat Fiction‘. Over the years (the last 20) I have read lots of book on health and for nutrition. This was a great presentation and collection of some of the things I have learned over the years.

It talked about the role of fat, the role of cholesterol, the obesity epidemic and some of the causal factors, and a  lot more. So do check it out. Here is the link.

The book I have read that also addressed the very important subject of our understanding of cholesterol is ‘The Great Cholesterol Myth‘ by Bowden and Sinatra (not the singer).

The other book I mentioned is by Kelly brogan MD, called ‘A Mind of Your Own‘, which I highly recommend. The book is aimed towards women with any sort of mental health issues (anxiety, depression, etc.), but it is equally insightful for the dudes. 🙂

I said you could access a FREE copy of my Audiobook version of ‘Decision Making Mastery‘ by going to this link:
(I just want more people making great decisions.

And that is all from me. 
Reach out via my contact page if you have some important decisions to make or transitions to make, as I would be happy to help out.

Have a great day.
Take care

Balance Breakthrough Choice Confidence Leadership Success

Let’s Talk About How to Bullet Proof Your Life


This weeks topic is inspired by a conversation with an Balinese employee working in a restaurant I recently visited. We were talking about doing stuff that we don’t to do. 

It got me to thinking about the bigger topic of how we can ‘bullet proof’ our life so that we are less dependent on external providers. This is all part of the process to self actualisation. To standing strong in our own power and have less possibility for someone to pull the rug out from under you. 

How bullet proof is your life? 
Who ‘controls’ aspects of your life, and how can you take back more control? 

Psychologists tell us it is very healthy for us mentally to have a feeling of autonomy (control) over our lives. So what ways can we take back the control and power in our lives. 

It is a worthy discussion and I hope it gives you food for thought and some ideas to work with. 

Have a super day.

Balance Belief Choice Health Life Money

Guided Meditation – Thank You Body


In y humble opinion, doing the inner work is even more beneficial than doing the outer work in many cases. That is why my book ‘The Guidebook to Optimum Health‘ has as the subtitle ‘Why Exercise and Nutrition Alone are Not Enough‘. The inner work is essential. 

And meditation is one of those tools of inner work. 

This meditation is designed to create a positive and healing biochemistry inside the body by practicing gratitude and specifically directing that gratitude at different parts of the body. When you create the right internal environment the self-healing process happens more effectively and efficiently.  

I hope you enjoy it. 
Have a super day and take care.

Balance Energy Healing Health Life

Epigenetics 101 – You Have the Power


So I was talking with a new colleague the other day and they were telling me a story about how they might actually ‘have’ ADHD, on account of a friend telling them they had some of the symptoms. And what came to mind to me as I was having the conversation, was that he might benefit from hearing a little bit more about the subject of…EPIGENETICS. 

It was time to learn who was really in control of our genetic destiny. 
It was time to learn just how powerful we really are. 

Find out how you can change your genetic destiny and what the field of epigenetics has taught us about the expression of our genes. 

Let me know if you have any questions, by dropping me a email, which you can do via contact page.

Please pass this episode to a friend that you think might need to be reminded about how much control of their body they actually have. 

Take care

Balance Breakthrough Feelings Health Life Possibility

Getting Sick Can Be a Growth Opportunity


In this podcast I play with a bit of a controversial topic – the idea that getting sick (like EVERYTHING in life) can be a growth opportunity. 

I talk about my own experiences with pneumonia and pleurisy and other ailments over my 51 years and how each of them – while a bit crappy to experience at the time – have lead to personal growth, and in some cases MAJOR personal growth.

I encourage you to tune in and see what it brings up for you. 

If you have not picked up a copy of Decision Making Mastery, make sure you check out the link below. I have also completed the Audiobook version and am selling it for the same price as the paperback. Enjoy!

Have a super day.
Take care

Balance Choice Decision Making Feelings Happiness Tips

It is Time (in 2021) for Radical Self Care


So…one size does not fit all. Never did. Never will. And that applies equally to what worked for you 18 months ago. It may very well not work for you now.

It is very clear to all of us (regardless of our specific world view beliefs) that 2020 and 2021 are radically different than life in 2019.

What this means – specifically when it comes to ‘self care’ – is what might have worked for you very well 18-months ago may not be right, or enough, or the right combination now; in order for you to maintain a high level of well-being (mentally, emotionally, psychologically, physically and even spiritually).

In this podcast I share with you lots of ideas of how you could incorporate into your own life a new level of ‘radical’ self care.

This is a very common theme I am teaching my coaching clients, and also I am closely reviewing and revising in my own life.

If you need a hand in the self-care department do not hesitate to reach out to me via my website.

Enjoy the podcast and enjoy increasing your level of self care.

All the very best.

Balance Energy Healing Feelings Health Love Meditation

Guided Meditation – Thank You Body


This Guided Meditation is a tribute to your amazing, magnificent, magical and mystical body of yours.

Too often we are judging our bodies, or being frustrated at our bodies, or being annoyed at our aches, pains and other messages our bodies are sending us.

So I thought it was time to say a big THANK YOU to our awesome bodies.

You body will be very grateful for you taking the time to listen to this meditation and share in the celebration of our amazing bodies.

Take care.