Choice Feelings Life Meditation

Guided Meditation – Practicing Letting Go

It is that time of the month, where I serve you up a GUIDED MEDITATION.
Feel free to download it so you can listen to it ‘offline’.

This months Guided Meditation is all about practicing LETTING GO.
Letting go of the things that no longer serve you.

See where it takes you.
And see if it helps you to let go of some excess baggage you have been carrying around for too long.

Have a super day.
Take care

Energy Healing Feelings Love Meditation

Guided Meditation – Taking in Light, Love, Abundance and Healing Energy (and letting go)


Welcome to this months Guided Meditation, where we get to prime your subconscious mind to draw in the good/empowering/uplifting and letting go of the bad/disempowering/clutter.

In this meditation we connect to the intention (and priming of the subconscious mind) to be open to receiving LIGHT, LOVE, ABUNDANCE and HEALING ENERGY, on the in breath. 

Then we add to the meditation the ‘letting go‘ of anything that no longer serves us on the out breath – both physical and non-physical, also what is known and not known.

In a nutshell: You will be breathing in goodness, breathing out stuff we no longer need.

What a great message to embed in the subconscious mind!
I hope you enjoy and please feel free to download (to listen to offline) and to share.

And if you need a helping hand at any time don’t hesitate to reach out.

All the very best.

Balance Breakthrough Feelings Health Life Possibility

Getting Sick Can Be a Growth Opportunity


In this podcast I play with a bit of a controversial topic – the idea that getting sick (like EVERYTHING in life) can be a growth opportunity. 

I talk about my own experiences with pneumonia and pleurisy and other ailments over my 51 years and how each of them – while a bit crappy to experience at the time – have lead to personal growth, and in some cases MAJOR personal growth.

I encourage you to tune in and see what it brings up for you. 

If you have not picked up a copy of Decision Making Mastery, make sure you check out the link below. I have also completed the Audiobook version and am selling it for the same price as the paperback. Enjoy!

Have a super day.
Take care

Balance Choice Decision Making Feelings Happiness Tips

It is Time (in 2021) for Radical Self Care


So…one size does not fit all. Never did. Never will. And that applies equally to what worked for you 18 months ago. It may very well not work for you now.

It is very clear to all of us (regardless of our specific world view beliefs) that 2020 and 2021 are radically different than life in 2019.

What this means – specifically when it comes to ‘self care’ – is what might have worked for you very well 18-months ago may not be right, or enough, or the right combination now; in order for you to maintain a high level of well-being (mentally, emotionally, psychologically, physically and even spiritually).

In this podcast I share with you lots of ideas of how you could incorporate into your own life a new level of ‘radical’ self care.

This is a very common theme I am teaching my coaching clients, and also I am closely reviewing and revising in my own life.

If you need a hand in the self-care department do not hesitate to reach out to me via my website.

Enjoy the podcast and enjoy increasing your level of self care.

All the very best.

Balance Energy Healing Feelings Health Love Meditation

Guided Meditation – Thank You Body


This Guided Meditation is a tribute to your amazing, magnificent, magical and mystical body of yours.

Too often we are judging our bodies, or being frustrated at our bodies, or being annoyed at our aches, pains and other messages our bodies are sending us.

So I thought it was time to say a big THANK YOU to our awesome bodies.

You body will be very grateful for you taking the time to listen to this meditation and share in the celebration of our amazing bodies.

Take care.

Choice Decision Making Feelings Life

Decision Making Mastery – Part 3 – Your Internal Guidance System


Welcome to Part 3 of this mini series specifically looking at Decision Making and based on my latest book ‘Decision Making Mastery’.

In Part 1 I looked at the bIggest mistakes. Part 2 I introduced you to the 3C’s. And in this final part I talk about your innate, highly intelligent, and deeply wise – internal guidance system.

Firstly I introduce the idea and what I have recognized in myself and my clients over the years, and then I talk about how to practically ‘bring it on’.

Make sure you pick up a copy of ‘Decision Making Mastery‘ and be a true co-creator in your destiny. It is available at Amazon as a Kindle or Paperback version.

If you would like to work with me to navigate your way through some major decisions or transitions, please get in touch via my website:

Have a fabulous day and take care.


Choice Energy Healing Feelings Intuition

Why You Need to Power Up Your Intuitive Intelligence and How


In this week’s podcast I talk about a subject that came to my attention while reading a book recently. It was talking about the difference between ‘Intellectual Intelligence’ and ‘INTUITIVE Intelligence’.

I share my perspectives on each, but then share my hypothesis on not only how important intuitive intelligence is for successfully navigating your way through life, but how I think it is at an all time low due to schooling, technology and lifestyle.

I also shared some of my travel stories, like the time there was this group in an alley in South America and one of them had a sawn-off shotgun. Eeeek!! PS: I survived. 😉

Enjoy the episode.

Make sure you join up to my Newsletter, and also check out my latest book: Decision Making Mastery. Available at Amazon as a Kindle or Paperback.

Have a fantastic day.
Take care


Feelings Habit Happiness Tips Physical Activity Thoughts

Be a Goodly Godly Gazer Rather Than a Navel Gazer

looking upHiya,

I wanted to share a great strategy today to change your emotional state, especially in troubling times. 😉

I have heard the term ‘Goodly Godly’ a few times and I like the resonance of it. It has a playfulness to it, and therefore a lighter vibrational frequency to it.

All great for accessing elevated emotional states.

So in this Podcast I talk about what the heck I mean by Goodly Godly gazing and Navel Gazing, and how they have a significant effect on your happiness and well-being.

I hope you enjoy (and apply in your own life).

I also mentioned that Decision Making Mastery has hit the Amazon store. If you are quick you can get a VERY special deal with the Kindle Version (from $8.99 down to 99c!!!)

Enjoy leveling up your Decision Making Skills and I will see you next week.

All the very best.




Behaviour Belief Feelings Goal Setting Tips Possibility Success

What Might Be Holding You Back From Your Next Level of Success

holding backHiya,

Today’s podcast is looking at the idea of what might be holding you back from your next level of success (the 10X version)…and the ‘Authentic Success’ version. 🙂

Quite often what has got us to the level of success we have experienced in the past, might be the very thing holding us back from going to our next level.

Let me know what comes up for you.

Also if you would like to join me for 6-months of Coaching, with a cool group of international people, I have a couple of spots left, but we start soon, so chop-chop reaching out. 😉

The details are here.

Have a super day and please share this episode to pass on the insights and wisdom.

take care




Breakthrough Feelings Life Meditation Possibility Success

When One Door Closes Many Others Open


Today’s inspiration for this podcast is as a result of a great meditation I was doing this morning (created by Sacred Acoustics).

I was guided in this meditation to journey through time, forwards or backwards, to a time that feels right for you to explore.

Without any set intention in mind, I ended up journeying back to a time when I was 18 years old, at the Australian Defence Force Academy, and I thought my whole world was crashing down around me.

I thought the door to my very awesome future was being closed before my very eyes.

Little did I know, that numerous other totally awesome doors were being opened up before the original door had barely closed.

I think you will relate to this podcast and I hope you enjoy it, but more so take something from it to make a positive impact in your own life.

Remember to join me for the LIFE MASTERCLASS Online Event happening 27-29 Nov 2020. There are 10x Live Q&A Coaching Sessions with me, access to the content for 12-months, and a money back guarantee.

And if you want a further $50 off the already awesome price, then use the Coupon Code – BEAUTY – at the checkout.

I look forward to seeing you there. Buy tickets and get more details here.

Have an awesome day.
Take care