Balance Decision Making Leadership Life

Creating Stability of Mind Using a Simple Yogic Practice


I have been interested in looking deeper into Stability, as it ended up being one of the 5 common virtues, among a Leader, Warrior and Sage (who are part of your SuperHuman gifts).

This simple breathing technique is designed to create higher levels of stability in the mind, which I teach is essential for making informed, intelligent and high quality DECISIONS in life. So learning practical ways to stabilise the mind is a great thing to learn – especially if they are simple, nil cost and you don’t need any props. A trifecta of goodness!! 

Remember that you can still get access to the 5-week resilience training bootcamp (Become a Natural SuperHuman) until 17 December, for $4 and for 6-months access. Check it out at the link.

Have a super fabulous day and take care.

Balance Breakthrough Intuition Leadership Possibility

Virtues of Your Inner Sage: Lightness of Being


Since I have been immersed in the study of the archetypes of Leader, Warrior and Sage for the last 6-months, and because we have talked a lot about the virtues of a Leader, I thought I would switch it up a bit and look at your INNER SAGE.

Especially how this part of you allows you better navigate uncertain and turbulent times. 

We talk about curiosity, judgement, playfulness, lightness and even a sense of humour – ESPECIALLY when things are somewhat bonkers around you.

If you want to go deeper into understanding how to bring out your Inner Leader. Warrior and Sage, join me and a bunch of other superhumans for a 5-week Resilience Training Bootcamp.

It is called Become a Natural SuperHuman.
And it is my special gift for you for Xmas. I have worked for over 200hrs on the workshop, but I want to offer it for you with out limitations.

All I am asking is for $4 of which 100% goes to a charity called Bali Street Mums.

I would love to serve you in Powering up for 2022, with even more practical tips, tools and strategies.

Take care


Belief Choice Decision Making Leadership

Right Timing and Who are Your Advisors?


Firstly, I have to admit that I started to record this podcast with one idea in mind, and then I went sideways, to what I think is a really great message.

I started with talking about when it is RIGHT it is RIGHT.
It was about right action at the right time, and getting guidance on how to determine that.

Which took me to the main valuable takeaway.

As a LEADER, and when it comes to great Decision Making, it is important to have access to great advisors. And a broad range of advisors. In this podcast I was specifically talking about advisors that actually are intuitive or channel or read ‘energy’.

In order to make the bets decisions, we want to tap into all of the available and relevant information. Like Kings and Queens of old, who has their spiritual advisors on the council.

I mentioned specifically Lee Harris and his monthly Energy Updates. They are pretty spot on (from my perspective).
Here is a link to his ‘reading’ for November 2021.

If you haven’t already, do sign up for the Become a Natural SuperHuman workshop (I am also calling it a Holistic Resilience Bootcamp.

It is ONLY $4 and all money goes to charity. Click here.

Power up for 2022, with practical tips, tools and strategies. 🙂

Take care

Behaviour Choice Leadership Success

When Leadership Meets EGO: Think Oil and Water


I hope you are well. 🙂

Today’s podcast is inspired by all my work with the Become Natural SuperHuman workshop (starting on 15 Nov 2021 & priced at $4!! (normally $300)) which is digging deeply into bringing forth our inner LEADER, WARRIOR and SAGE. Just one outcome will be increased RESILIENCE

So one of the key things about great and TRUE Leadership, is that there is no real place for the ego. This is part of why there have been such poor decision-making over the last 2 years. There has been too much ego, and ego DOES NOT LIKE TO BE CHALLENGED.

I talk about what true leadership looks like. And not just for leaders of people, but for each of us as leaders of ourselves and our choices and actions.

I hope you get some insights from this.

Do join me for the 5-week workshop starting on 15 Nov 2021. It is around building resilience, stability, groundedness, and goes a lot deeper and broader than my Podcasts alone. And at a price of $4 (with a money back guarantee) there is ZERO risk, but HUGE opportunity. 

If you know anyone who is struggling, is a bit of centre, is feeling a bit lost or isolated, do tell them to sign up for the workshop. I would love to see what 1000 global superhumans can do, in making the world a better place. 

Have a super day.
Take care

Behaviour Choice Decision Making Goal Setting Tips Success

The (Real) Difference Between Motivation and Inspiration


Let’s talk about motivation versus inspiration.
Which do you think is the better fuel and the most likely to get you through the inevitable obstacles?

Let me share with you what I have come to learn about these two, and why I cringe when people get caught up on ‘getting motivated’.

I would love for you to join me for my 5-week workshop called BECOMING A NATURAL SUPERHUMAN.

It is packed with great teachings, plus practical activities to help you integrate the teachings, and we dive deep into the archetypes of Leader, Warrior and Sage, which are the perfect players for uncertain, turbulent and challenging times (i.e. 2021 and beyond).

Check out the details here:
I have decided to reduce the ticket price from $297 to $4!!

I just want to serve the most people possible, so please pass the word.
We could all use a helping hand about now, and it makes a lot of sense to prepare in advance in case 2022 is more of the same.

See you on 15 Nov 2021. 
Take care

Behaviour Belief Breakthrough Choice Life

What To Do When You Feel You Don’t Have a Choice (Advice I Give My Private Clients)


So, I have been coaching now for over 14 years and worked with lots and lots of different people over that time. And in those 14 years, I have helped many people through major crisis in their lives – whether they are financial, relationship, professional, health, etc..

One thing I catch my clients my saying is “I don’t have a choice.

This does not serve them. This does not help them find creative solutions. This does not help them to become empowered. This does not connect them with the source of life that flows to and through us all.

In this Podcast, I have included a 30-min training video I recently recorded, which is filled with the advice and strategies I offer my clients when they start to feel they don’t have a choice.

In the training video I talk about how to show up differently (as a Leader, warrior and Sage) to overcome even the biggest challenges and obstacles. I also talk about my very practical program called ‘Become a Natural SuperHuman‘, which helps you bring forth your inner Leader, Warrior and Sage in very real and practical ways.

I created this workshop as a service for my clients and people in general (plus humanity) to be able to become more anti-fragile, bulletproof and superhuman, when they step into 2022. I suspect 2022 will continue to be rocky, so best we prepare in advance, so we can not only survive, but THRIVE

To find out more details go here.

I strongly encourage you to check it out, to join me, and to bring the friends of yours that you know need a helping hand too. Join a bunch of fellow superhumans from across the globe.

Have a super day and take care

PS: The book I mentioned was by Viktor Frankl and called ‘Man’s Search for Meaning‘. 

Balance Confidence Meditation Possibility Thoughts

Guided Meditation – Creating Stillness, Calmness, Vitality and Vibrancy


It is Guided Meditation time.
I am a big fan of doing the inner work (like creating stillness, calmness, vitality and vibrancy), though guided meditations, that make the inner landscape more real than the outer landscape.

It helps up to connect to something much greater than us, plus to a part of us that is more powerful and more aware, than when our eyes are open and judging what we see.

I am a fan of unleashing the power, awareness, vitality, vibrancy, connection, love and intelligence that already exists within you. So that is what we do in this meditation, by having you connect with and experience your favourite place in mother nature.

I also mention my up-coming Online Workshop to round out 2021 and prepare for 2022. It is called “Become a Natural Superhuman” and is about helping you to hone the skills of, and draw out your inner Leader, Warrior and Sage, so you can better navigate these uncertain and somewhat tumultuous times.

Sign up to my Newsletter to stay posted on the details.

The start date is 15 Nov 2021. It will be for 5-weeks. You get to choose the price you pay. It includes weekly Q&A Sessions and a whole lot more. I would love to serve you there and help you thrive in the weeks, months and years ahead. 

Take care

Be more awesome. Do more awesome. Make the world a more awesome place.

Behaviour Choice Health Nutrition

Understanding the Difference between Hunger (real) and Cravings (illusion)


I had a very remarkable experience recently. I have been interesting in understanding more about fasting, intermittent fasting, metabolic flexibility and suchlike subjects, so last week I committed to a 5-day water only fast.

Now before I go any further, I don’t recommend you do this without supervision, so no racing off and turning off the food tap, and turning on the water tap, before you have done adequate preparation.

What i want to share in this podcast episode is one of the most profound insights from doing the fast. It was truly understanding the difference between HUNGER (a physiological ‘need’) and CRAVINGS, which it turns out are more of a psychological thing as opposed to a real or useful signal to stop us from starving to death.

Listen to my take on the difference between the two, and listen all the way to the end, so you can get your homework assignment too. It could be a game-changer for you.

Also if you need a hand making any tough decisions, now or in the near future, and want some support, ideas, and strategies, then don’t hesitate to get in touch. That truly is my specialty, and I would love to help out.

Have an great day.
Take care

Be more awesome. Do more awesome. Make the world a more awesome place.

Balance Choice Habit Health Nutrition

FAT: The Facts and The Fiction


I just watched a great documentary the other night – which was free on YouTube – and called ‘Fat Fiction‘. Over the years (the last 20) I have read lots of book on health and for nutrition. This was a great presentation and collection of some of the things I have learned over the years.

It talked about the role of fat, the role of cholesterol, the obesity epidemic and some of the causal factors, and a  lot more. So do check it out. Here is the link.

The book I have read that also addressed the very important subject of our understanding of cholesterol is ‘The Great Cholesterol Myth‘ by Bowden and Sinatra (not the singer).

The other book I mentioned is by Kelly brogan MD, called ‘A Mind of Your Own‘, which I highly recommend. The book is aimed towards women with any sort of mental health issues (anxiety, depression, etc.), but it is equally insightful for the dudes. 🙂

I said you could access a FREE copy of my Audiobook version of ‘Decision Making Mastery‘ by going to this link:
(I just want more people making great decisions.

And that is all from me. 
Reach out via my contact page if you have some important decisions to make or transitions to make, as I would be happy to help out.

Have a great day.
Take care

Belief Breakthrough Confidence Leadership Life Possibility

All That You Need Is Within You Now


In Neuro Linguistics Programming (NLP) there are statement offered that are called ‘presuppositions’. Essentially statements that are ‘true’ and if they are pre-supposed of being true, and you incorporate them, they have significantly positive outcomes. 

One of my favourite presuppositions is: 
‘All you need is within you now.’

This is the message of this Podcast and I tell you why it is not only true, but true for you. And how knowing this you can move beyond ‘surviving’ and step into ‘thriving’. 

Many of us have been hood-winked into thinking we are less powerful than we actually are. So my mission in life is to remind you of your TRUE capabilities, possibilities and ultimate potential. 

All you need is within you now. 
And listen to this podcast to see what this is TRUE for YOU (and always has been). 

Have a super day.